The blonde strolled through the empty house lazily, cleaning here and there.

Emi had forced Kankuro to follow her to the park for a private conversation. Her used pregnancy test was in a wastebasket upstairs.

Miyako and Gaara had left hours ago, leaving Temari to think. But thinking was a dangerous thing for her. Periodically she pulled her locket out to gaze at the small photo of a half asleep man.

Temari sighed into the silence. She was all alone. Again. Shikamaru would be out on a mission and out of her reach all week.

"At least his mission will bring him through Suna." she said to the emptiness.

To distract herself she vacuumed the living room and the stairs. Then she moved to the bed room farthest down the hall: Gaara's room. Temari smiled to herself and shook her head unable to believe that her cynical brother had found love almost three years ago. She opened the door and started at the surprisingly clean room.

Last time she'd been in there the floor had been invisible, covered up by clothes- Gaara's and Miyako's. Now no clothes could be seen, the bed was made, and the shelves were bare. "What the hell?!" she thought. The computer monitor was blinking.


Sorry to have to tell you this way. I have to hurry though, their only holding our spot 'till ten. Gaara and I have decided to say aeternum vale to out single lives.

Well I hear the golden bells ringing so I have to go. Tell Emi congratulations. There are some pre-made dinners in the freezer.

See you in a few weeks

-Love Miyako and Gaara

Whoa I finished it. YAY! *Throws stuff in the air in victory* Oh by the way 'aeternum vale' is Latin for 'farewell forever' and the golden bells are a reference to Poe's poem the bells in which the golden bells are wedding bells. Well review and let me know how much it sucked and how your glad it's over. Until next time, this is ilovegerardway4ever signing off.