Okay, KyoxSaki was KILLING ME trying to make me finish this and my friend on Skype was going fan-girl all of it :'D Haha you know who you are! Anyway, this, believe it or not, is from the Pandora Hearts Kink MEME. The user wanted Break 'ranting' about how handsome Gilbert has gotten and 'extra points' for making Break..... release himself O///O

Yeah, just kill me now XD Since I was effing bored with I did this and Break killed me when he invaded my dream and decided to show me in SO MANY DETAILS of how much he wanted Gilbert. Wow Break... I never knew you where like that 3:

So yeah, I hope you like it :D

A hand traces gently over his chin. Its too bad he has a disgusted scowl on his face. Raven slaps his hand away and Break looks back with stunned expression, like he really is stunned.

"Back off idiot!" Raven glares back.

Break raises his arms up high, like he's been caught in the act.

"How cruel of you~ I just wanted to say hi!" Break pouts.

Raven narrows his brows at him. Even at the age of eighteen, he knew that this idiot was too complex to come here for that simple of a reason. And of course, if Miss Sharon wasn't near or in this room, he would've shot him a long time ago. That red eye is gleaming and Raven knows that's not a good sign. It never was in the first place.

Break grins creepily before standing up from the chair he was sitting in. Raven hasn't noticed Sharon leaving the room because a maid told her that someone needed her presence. No, he was too busy watching Break walk towards him, his eye shining. He walks around Raven, and almost instantly Raven clutches the chair's armrest.

Break gingerly slinks his hands around his neck, softly touching his chin to point upward. Raven, not knowing how to deal with a situation like this, looks up, staring intently at that creepy smirk plastered on his face. He could feel the cold, long fingers lightly tracing his jaw line.

"My, our Raven has become quite the handsome fellow over the years," His eye is fixed on the golden eyes of Raven.

Raven blushes, his face slightly red. So suddenly, his throat feels dry and swollen, like he swallowed some giant caterpillar and it simply won't leave. The cold, long fingers start to trace along his neck, pushing bit by bit the cravat he has on.

That is, until Raven snaps his dirty hands away form his neck with his face still pink. Break looks back with an unreadable expression. Break retracts his hands back, placing both hands above his heart.

"Back off."

"I am hurt Raven! I truly meant it! You are getting quite handsome…,"

He makes a bow in front of the man, who is staring at him with suspicious. Break still has that smile on his face.

"Perhaps… too handsome?" His eye wanders up to see Raven staring back

Raven has a slightly pink tint to his face before swirling him half-heartedly.

"He doesn't understand! Such an incompetent fool!" Emily shirks.

"What did you say, you stupid doll?"

"Manners, Mister Raven. You too Emily," He wags a finger at Emily.

And somehow, one way or another, its already two o'clock and Gilbert and wandering in the hallways. It turns out that Break, being the idiot that Raven knows all too well, was skipping his duties at Pandora. Of course it doesn't surprise Raven out of all people especially since he does almost all of Break's paper works and what not.

And now, he's roaming around the manor, trying to find the stupid man. If given the choice, he would've flat out declined but Sharon had to leave with Liam to address Break's situation. And the maids and servants most certainly did not want to entertain their thoughts of trying to find Break in the first place. So that left Raven, with all his unneeded glory.

His eye catches a door left unopened. Somehow, he knew that Break just had to be in there. Silently, he walked over there, trying to scare the crap out of his for making him roam around the entire manor (and man was it big) and for pushing his work on top of Raven's own Pandora work (somehow, Raven knew he would do that anyway). But he stops right in front of the door. Knowing Break, whether he'll admit it or not, Break wasn't the type to leave his door open, or any door.

And if he was planning to scare him, then he would've done it already. Especially now, since Raven is walking quietly into the room (where he notices that it is, in fact, Break's room). Its bare and plain and totally unlike Break but its decent at least. Raven then takes notice that Break also had a bathroom in his room. So Raven walks near the room, preferably because he hears running water before its shut off again.

He leans in and peeks through the door that is somehow left slightly open (at first, it didn't seem like it was open). He sees Break bare naked in a porcelain tub, almost as big as him. Raven blushes at the sight because he's never seen Break so… open like this. He glances at his face. His red eye seemed to be staring down under him and his mouth is partially open, like its difficult to breathe.

Break reaches for the knob and twists it, watching the warm water flow over him as steam is created. Raven takes notice that he seems to be zoned off, disconnected from the world and Raven wonders what he is thinking about.

"What are you thinking about, Xerxes?" Raven notices Emily sitting on top of the toilet, near the tub. He didn't see her before.

Break huffs a ball of hot air into the steamy room. His pink lips are parted open even more and his red eye seems inattentive of Raven's presence just behind the door.

"Raven…" His voice comes out hoarse.

Raven, on the other hand, was about to dash out of the room, running away from the crazy freak, who will probably be smirking while he's in there, but he doesn't. Unfortunately, he didn't take note of the almost lustful tone the way that Break said his name. No, Raven is still standing behind that door, watching him. He hears a stifled groan and sees Break's entire pale body jerk forward. And his red eye is empty.

"He's become quite… handsome, don't you think?" Emily snickers from the toilet.

Break nods numbly before Raven sees him jerk forward. His pink lips are parted even more as escaped groans fill the room. Raven stares in awe as heat from his face travels downward in his body. Raven also takes notice that his red eye, of which he thought that he was just zoning off into space, had lust embedded deep into it. His moans are short and quick, like he's trying to hide it despite him being in privacy.

Well, almost in privacy.

"A-Ahh… Raven…" Break barely moans.

Raven looks at him, gulping so suddenly. His face, he guessed, was probably as red as fire and all of that feeling is going straight to his stomach, making him feel uncomfortable. His hand is in a tight ball of fist, both of them actually. His feet refuse to move despite his brain telling them to run away right this instance. Raven looks at his lips, parted open and sometimes he's biting them to keep from moaning. Subconsciously, he's licking his own lips in return.

"What do you want, Xerxes? What do you want with Raven, Break?" Emily teases him again.

Raven keeps a mental note to never be alone with Emily. And to check under his bed and his closet every single night.

Upon hearing Break moan so loudly, Raven snaps his attention back at the pale man. This time, his mouth is open wide, his red eye suddenly closed from the pleasure and his back is slightly arched. Raven instantly feels the heat that was gathering in his stomach suddenly go to… other places.

When Break opens his eye, Raven notices a complete change on it. Instead of being it lustful from before, he saw passion in his eye. It was red with fury, lust, and a burning desire to do something. And Raven thinks he knows exactly what it is. There, he sees a creepy smile appear on his face but to him, it looked more lustful than creepy.

"I want.." He sees Break jerk again, "to hear Raven scream…"

Break's eye is wide open and he's moaning more openly now, especially with his grin still on his face as he does it. Raven feels his inner thighs heat up seeing Break pleasure himself in the bathtub. He's never seen something so horribly distracting yet surprisingly… exciting. He chokes on his breath as Break moans his name, his fake name, in the room. It sounds harder… faster even and more dripped in lust than ever before.

"A-Ahh R-Raven…" Break still has that smirk on his face as Emily laughs at him.

Surprisingly, Break doesn't care.

"He's so handsome! Handsome! Handsome!" Emily pushes.

"A-Ahh… right… so handsome Raven…" Break moans, agreeing whole-heartedly.

As he pumped himself, he felt his climax reaching. Before he knew it (before Raven knew it), Break was arching his back, touching the porcelain tub with his back. His free hand grips tightly at the edge of the bathtub. His head is shot up, eyes closed, looking directly at the ceiling. He is smiling with saliva traveling down his lips to his jaw line as he moans out his name.

"Mmm… Gilbert…"

His red eye opens up, shining, and he looks pleased, content, and at the same time, he looks like he wants something more. No, strike that, he knows that he wants more. Raven makes a sound as he chokes on his tongue, feeling the heat go straight to his groin. He covers his mouth, hoping that Break didn't hear him.

But Break does hear him. His smile falls to a thin line and his eyes narrow. Raven wants to move back, to run, to escape the fury of Break but all he does is stare at Breakas he stares at the water under him. His red eye drifts towards the door and Break stares at him with an unreadable expression as Raven stares back with his gold eyes scared to death.

Because he much prefer Break being angry at him than to look at him with such a scary, unreadable expression. Raven wishes his legs weren't numb right now.

"Raven..?" His voice is like a knife that cuts through Raven right now.

"Raven. Raven? RAVEN!" Emily cracks up laughing. "It's Raven? It's Raven!"

Raven is going to kill Emily once his legs start working again. He's going to make sure that she is dead and buried. In fact, he would've sent her to the Abyss right now. But, he sees an evil smirk coming from Break. And he stops dead in his thought, vaguely remembering what he was about to do to Emily, because right now, he sees Break standing up. The water from the tub traces his body as he stands up. The water races over his legs and arms. It slides across every little muscle that he has and Raven notices something on his chest. It's a seal and Raven gasps.

"That's--" A pair of lips cover his own as the invading tongue slips in.

Shocked, gold eyes look back at a calm, expressionless red eye, before his closes it. Break links one arm around Raven's waist and pulls him closer to his exposed manhood. Raven involuntarily groans, forgetting that he was hard from watching Break release himself. Break's arm pulls Raven in the bathroom, while his other hand shuts the door and locks it.

Now, Raven forgets about the seal on his chest because right now, he's trying to fight off Break's roaming hand that have somehow latched on to his pants and his other hand, that's tracing his chest. He wants to get away from him because inside his mouth, the tongue that's pushing against him, it tastes sad, shamed.

Somehow, his jacket has fallen on the floor and his pants are next to go as Break roughly drags him to the bathtub. Raven knits his brows together, trying to pry the man off of him with now avail. In fact, for a scrawny person that he was, he was relatively strong, much to Raven's surprise. And he know that there was no freaking way that he was going into a bathtub with anyone, especially a man, especially BREAK of all people!