THANK YOU SO MUCH KyoxSakiFan! I swear she is the best! I mean, really!

Okay, here's the thing, I couldn't finish the lemon because of a -insertallblockshere- block and it pissed me off to no end! I tried looking at yummy BreakGilbert pictures but I still couldn't find what I wanted. So she offered me it and I felt bad but I gave her what I had and she made it into a smexy pill of Gilbert-misuse :DD I just gave her the basic ideas and stuff and told her to write whatever she liked -coughs and whatever Break liked -coughs- and well~ tada! lol She had fun writing this, by the way!

Seriously, thank you so much! You've made me as happy as... well Break in this fic (excluding the lustful feelings and crap XD). Oh crap! And for all that work, I'm writing a 10-50 word prompt/sentence featuring the two adorable peeps: Gilbert and Break.

Oh and don't worry, no one was harm during the making of this chapter. And no Gilbert, you don't count since you liked it soo much~

Before he knows it, he's being pushed into the tub. He hits the water with a splash, which undoubtfully makes a mess, but Break either doesn't notice or just doesn't care. The water splashes on Raven's face and he stutters once he realizes just what position he's in. His shirt is open and exposed…and Break is eyeing him like a three course meal.

"Hey! What are you—!" He chokes out, only to be interrupted by Break as he once again dips down to capture his lips. It tastes different this time…more sensual, enticing…erotic even…and Raven can't even put his thoughts together long enough to resist.

Break slips Raven's shirt off with the slightest movements, tossing it into the air to land outside the tub. He then pulls the drain on the tub and turns the shower spray on, causing hot water to pound on his back as the water drains.

"Hehehe…who knew Raven was such a naughty boy, Break!" Emily giggles, her high-pitched voice echoing in the small space of the bathroom.

Break smirks, tracing Raven's jaw line as he contemplates Emily's words. In the meantime, Raven is too preoccupied to notice the position he's in. He continues staring…because Break was just breathtaking when he was leaning over him like that: a sexy smirk on his face and water dripping almost tauntingly down his chest, arms, and legs…

He then notices that despite having seen it already, Break was deliberately keeping his empty eye socket closed. This annoys Raven a bit, but he doesn't have time to voice his opinion on the matter because Break's smirk suddenly fades, confusion displayed on his face.

"I think I broke him, Emily," Break pouts, glancing toward Emily. "What should I do~?"

"You broke him? But you haven't even screwed him yet! My my, what are we going to do with you, Xerxes?" Emily laughs.

Raven glares up at Break for a moment before his gaze suddenly drops back to the offending seal. A chill racks through his exposed body, and an ominous feeling spreads through his chest. Break notices the stare and leaned forward, his lips brushing his ear slightly. Raven swallows nervously, closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to see Break this close…and he doesn't want to see the look on his face as he makes a remark about their scars.

But to his surprise, the taunting doesn't come. A gentle phrase is whispered in his ear instead.

"I prefer to keep this between us, if you don't mind Raven," Break's voice is softer than Raven has ever heard it. It's so different, that for a moment, he forgets that it's Break doing this to him. Then, he realizes the direction his thoughts are heading and stops himself, scoffing at the idea.

Suddenly, Break leans forward, an unreadable expression on his face. Raven expects a comment about his long scar as Break leans into his chest, but is instead startled when Break begins leaving small wet kisses along the entire expanse of his scar. Raven moans, startled by the almost tickling sensation clawing at him from the inside out.

Break then pulls back and leans down, placing a soft kiss on his ankle and slowly moving upward, growing ever closer to his throbbing length. Raven grips the side of the tub, feeling his stomach flutter at the sight, imagining what was to come.

Watching Break's hand get ever closer, Raven shakes his head to dispel the water from his face so he can breathe and shake the haziness from his mind due to the overwhelming arousal. He doesn't want to admit it, but he likes what Break is doing and doesn't want him to stop. But that doesn't mean he can't try to put up a fight.

"S-Stop…A-Ah, B-Break…" He chokes around a moan, unable to hold it back as Break's hand travels too close to home. Break pulls back for a moment, stopping to shut the water spray down to a more minimal level. Raven takes a deep breath, happy that he can breathe properly again, although it's hard to ignore the sudden cool air hitting his overheated body.

Suddenly, Break leans forward, his chest brushing the tip of Raven's erection as he stops an inch from Raven's face. Raven makes a sound caught between a gasp and a moan, unintentionally bucking his hips upward a little. His face turns a bright red, unable to look away from Break's face as he smirks.

"Are you sure that you want me to stop…Raven…?" Break's smirk widens as he feels Raven twitch beneath him.

Raven doesn't know what to say. Does he really want Break to stop? But wasn't he someone that didn't approve of this kind of sex?

He's so caught up in his thoughts that he doesn't notice Break leaning in. Their lips brush once, then twice, and then Break leans forward to slip his tongue past Raven's defenses. Raven moans, kissing back with as much pent up passion as he can muster. There is a meaning behind the kiss, one that was soft and full of expression. After a moment of ponder (or as much as he can ponder, with Break's tongue sending shivers of arousal straight to his length), Raven decides that soft and meaningful is Break's style.

The feelings that come from this realization overwhelm him, making him feel almost sleepy as he drinks in everything about Break and becomes even more lost in the kiss. Break then pulls back, a trail of saliva still connecting them for a second.

"I'll take that as a no," Break smiles softly at him, which stuns Raven spectacularly. But his surprise is short lived, for the smile suddenly transforms into an evil grin. Then, Raven feels Break's hand close around his length.

Raven arches his back, a moan leaking from his lips. Feeling a bit, sadistic, Break bends Raven's length backward, enticing a groan from Raven, which could either be from pain or pleasure, he can't tell.

Break smirks, leaning down to nip at Raven's inner thigh. Raven jerks, another moan racking his body. Break can't help but admire Raven's body and facial expressions: he is just so enticing! How can anyone resist?

Raven thrashes around, startled at the wet heat that suddenly swallows his erection. It was so hot…and damn it, Raven hadn't expected it to feel this good! He chokes, feeling Break's tongue lap at the tip. Unable to control himself anymore, Raven reaches for Break's hair and bucks into Break's mouth.

Break chokes for a second, but then regains his composure and complies with Raven's silent request, sucking harder and deeper. Break feels Raven writhing in pleasure and it takes everything he has to ignore his own throbbing erection, begging to be pleased. Of course, it doesn't help that Raven has such an amazingly fuckable expression on his face: it's scrunched up a bit, a bright pink ghosting over his cheeks and nose.

"B-Break…A-Ah…I…I think…I'm..!" Raven suddenly gasps, scrunching his eyes shut. He can feel the heat growing even hotter, devouring him. Break ignores his warning and continues sucking on his length, chuckling at Raven's distress.

The vibrations send Raven over the edge. He arches his back, hands still entangled in Break's hair, and moans Break's name. Break pulls back after a moment, catching a few more droplets of cum on the side of his face. Raven moans his name a few more times and Break fights back the urge to give into the need clawing at him from the inside. He needs to be inside Raven—!

"God, Break—!" Raven finally chokes, noticing the white substance glistening on Break's face. Break chuckles and leans forward, pressing Raven into the bottom of the tub.

"Care to clean me, Raven~?" He suddenly asks, licking his lips suggestively. Raven feels his heart skip a beat at the sight. How come he was just noticing how incredibly sexy this man was?

He doesn't really want to comply, but he doesn't want Break to stop either, so he reluctantly leans upward and licks the cum off of Break's face. Break smiles, pleased.

"Good boy, Raven~." Break whispers, his voice hoarse from lust. Finally finishing, Raven leans back, a hesitant look on his face.

"Break, can…will you call me…my real name?" Raven inquired after a moment, not meeting Break's gaze. He can feel Break's stare burning into his skin, even without looking.

"Ah, so it does bother you…I see. Fine, I guess I can oblige this once~!" Break chuckles, reaching his hand down to probe Gilbert's backside. "Does this feel good, Gilbert~?"

Gilbert arches his back once more, eyes wide in shock. Break chuckles, following up with a second finger. After a moment, he begins to scissor his opening, preparing him for what was to come. Gilbert chokes on the pain that comes with the third finger, but is silenced with a kiss.

Once done, Break reaches for a container of hand lotion on the sink. Gilbert watches, breathless, as Break massages his own length with the lotion, lubricating himself for the next step. Gilbert shivers in anticipation.

Break leans forward, deliberately staring Gilbert in the eyes as he positioned himself. Gilbert blushed, his heart pounding so fast he was surprised Break couldn't hear it.

But then he can feel Break and he scrunches his eyes shut, a few gasping moans escaping his throat. Break groans, leaning down to whisper in Gilbert's ear as he pushes as deep as he can get.

"You…really have…become so…handsome, Gilbert," Break gasps in his ear, his usual teasing tone in place. "Just as I…always imagined…"

He really doesn't want to know how long Break has been imagining doing this to him, so he decides to just keep silent…not that he can think properly once Break starts moving of course. Break chuckles at his breathless expression and promptly throws Gilbert's legs over his shoulders to make it easier to move.

"Now then, let's get started, shall we, hm?"

"B-Break!" He shouts, confused by the sudden fierce pace that Break starts. With each frenzied thrust, he can feel a shock of feeling rush through him and Gilbert isn't quite sure whether it's pleasure or pain he's feeling, but when Break hits his pleasure spot, Gilbert decides that he doesn't care.

"Break…" He moans, arching into the other man's touch. Break smirks once more, slowing down just a little bit.

"You're really…tight, Gilbert," Break reaches upward to pump Gilbert's gloriously hard erection, earning another strangled gasp from the younger man. "This should loosen you up a bit, hm?"

By this point, Gilbert's body is so consumed by the fiery passion rushing through his veins that he can't even remember why he didn't want this in the first place.

He hears Break try to hold back a few frantic moans and he nears his ultimate high, not slowing down the pace at all. But he knows he can't hold back any longer…his stomach clenches, his heart skips a beat…

"Gah, damn it, Break!!!!" He arches, feeling the white hot fire run through him like a train wreck. Break thrusts a few more times before he too, lowly gasps out Gilbert's name. Gilbert shivers because despite the pain, Break just feels so good inside him like that…

And then, just like that, the magic dissolves, and it hits Gilbert just what he's just done…

Break pulls out of him slowly and Gilbert blushes, watching the water wash away the excess ** from his body.

"Now, since you interrupted my bath and are now in dire need of one, let's shower together~!" Break happily suggests, awkwardly standing in the small space. He offers his hand to Gilbert, his broad smile back in place.

Despite the situation, despite the hell that he's sure to go through later, and despite his conscious telling him that he's going to hell for this, Gilbert hesitantly takes the offered hand and stands, sighing in irritation.

"You know, the reason I was looking for you in the first place is because you're skipping your duties with Pandora!" Gilbert scolds, jumping when Break reaches up to start lathering his hair. "H-Hey, I can do that myself!"

Of course, he doesn't realize that Break is just trying to distract him, nor does he realize that it worked.

"Aw, but Gilbert is so handsome~!"

"Will you quit saying that?!"

"Aw, but Gilbert is so sexy, right Emily?"

"Hehehe, sexy…"

And then it registers in Gilbert's mind that the demented doll…thing had just watched them have sex.