A/N: Welcome readers to my newest story. I want to thank Woundedhearts for her input with the story and for betaing the first chapter.

Chapter 1: Overcast skies.

I am here, yet not here. I can see, yet it is dark. I can hear, but there is silence. This isn't my life, and yet, I am a part of it. No matter how much I want it to change, all I can do is stand here watching.

Bailey is on her bed and I can see the pain as she buries her head in her pillow. Tears cascade like a river, slowly soaking the pillow beneath her. I fall from hovering above, to standing over her, wanting to put a comforting arm around her neck, just to tell her that everything will be all right.

All I can do is stand here, wanting to reach out and help her, but I couldn't. I want nothing more than to help my friend, but that is an impossibility.

There is a knock on the door. Bailey looks up, but stays there anyway. Slowly she gets up, hesitating whether or not she should answer it. It's probably just London forgetting her key again.

After a few seconds though, she caves in goes to open the door.

It's not London though. Instead, it's one of my best friends with a surprisingly serious look on his face.

This doesn't make any sense. Woody wouldn't be the type of person to just show up like that. Yea, he could be a good friend sometimes, but he'd be the one to tell a joke to lighten the mood, not show up when someone was crying.

I stand there as silence fills the room. Every part of me wants to reach out to hold her, to tell her it's going to be all right, but I can't

"Woody, what are you doing here?" she says with her best attempt to hide the despair.

"I saw you crying and after all that's happened, you shouldn't just be in your room alone."

Bailey didn't care anymore. The tears she tried to hold back while around others started falling. Instinctively she embraced the teen who was standing in her doorway.

"Let it out," he says as he gently places his arms around her, "I'm here for you. I won't leave you." He plants a soft kiss on her cheek, which is mading her cry even more.

None of this makes any sense. I wish I knew what I could do. Do I wish that was me she was hugging instead of Woody? Am I actually jealous that my friend is the one getting all this attention? After all they had been through together, how could I not be the one she'd come running to? It just doesn't make any sense to me.


Cody shot up from his dream, glancing around the room to brush off the illusions of his mind. He saw his roommate sleeping soundly, but the anger from his dream hadn't subsided yet. "How could you?" he shouted, abruptly startling the Ohioan awake.

"What did I do?" the confused boy asked before running the possibilities through his mind. "Oh sorry, did I fart again in my sleep?"

Cody was angered that his friend was playing innocent; after all, he had seen him kissing her. He hadn't even gotten through with his 6-month plan yet.

Woody's words finally struck the twin, so he sniffed the air, glad that he didn't smell anything bad enough to make him gag.

"No, I saw you kissing Bailey," he said, just now realizing how absurd his statement was.

"Wow, when did this happen?" Woody said excitingly, glad that he had finally gotten his first kiss.

"In my dreams," the younger twin said softly. It was just a dream getting to him, nothing more. Bailey would be his; he knew his roommate wouldn't do anything to get in the way of that.

"Well in that case, I'm going back to sleep, maybe I can have that dream this time." Cody shook his head in response, but in the dark, he knew no one could see it. His friend had a point though; he should just go to sleep and try to forget about the dream.


Zack slowly traveled from the realm of his dreams back into reality, much to his disappointment. He enjoyed sleep, especially when it was 5:30 in the morning. The older twin's thoughts wouldn't slow enough for him to return to the gentle slumber, instead he just thought about the images his mind created.

Woody and Bailey were two people he never thought he'd see together, especially with Cody's plan to go out with her. He shrugged it off, dismissing it as just him eating those three slices of pepperoni pizza before bed. Although, he had done that every night since he was 13 and he hadn't had any dreams like that in the three years since.

He had heard Woody rejected several times before, many said that it wouldn't even happen in his dreams, but they never said anything about someone else's dreams. "Well at least you got to kiss someone," Zack said chuckling as he rolled over and decided he needed to be well rested to sleep in class.


Just like every morning, the students gathered for the breakfast buffet before school started. Cody tried acting as if nothing had happened the night before, but the thought of seeing Bailey in the arms of another man horrified him.

Logically, it was probably just his subconscious illustrating his insecurity, so he should just forget about it. Logic couldn't quell his unstable emotions though. His mind continued to wrestle with these thoughts as he made his way through the line for food, putting the supposedly edible food on his tray.

"You okay buddy?" Zack asked worriedly.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because you normally don't pour syrup on cereal," he replied, knowing there was something wrong.

"Well you do it all the time," Cody said, brushing off the comment as he grabbed a biscuit.

Zack glared at his brother as the strange actions continued. "True, but even I don't put applesauce on pancakes. Although now I might have to try it."

"Okay, you caught me," the younger twin said walking over to the table and setting his strange breakfast down. "I just had a really strange dream last night that's been bothering me."

"Well it couldn't have been stranger than the one I had," Zack said.

"You're probably right; this didn't involve aliens coming down to fight an army of zombies. It was just me seeing what looked like Bailey and Woody getting together."

"Was she crying and Woody came in to comfort her and he ended up kissing her?" Zack asked, noticing the strangeness of the situation.

The younger twin's eyes widened. How could Zack have perfectly guessed the dream he had? The only other person that knew anything about it was his roommate, and even he didn't know that. "Did you talk to Woody?"

"No, I haven't seen him yet today"

"Do you have my room bugged?"

"Not anymore," Zack replied, "I think we somehow had the same dream."

Both of the twins thought that something like that was impossible, but perhaps their twin telepathy was more than just a superstition.

"Maybe it means something then," Cody thought aloud.

"What could it be though?"

"It might be a premonition," the younger twin said unconfidently.

"A what?"

"A glance of the future. If so, then we were looking into the future and seeing them getting together," Cody explained, "Which means I don't end up with Bailey…"

"Hold on a second," Zack said, placing his hand on Cody's should trying to snap him out of his despair. "It hasn't happened yet so we can still change it."

"Do you really plan on going against fate?" Cody asked his brother, "That is if this is in fact a look into the future, which maybe highly doubtful."

"I never listen to Mom, Moseby, Tutwiler or you, why should fate be any different?" Zack said as he stood up and put his fist in the air. "It's time for operation get Cody and Bailey together!"

Cody glanced around the room, his face turning a bright red, hoping that she wasn't there. Luckily for him, she wasn't. Everyone else began clapping along with exclamations of: "At last," "Took you long enough," and "Zack you're hot" The younger twin knew the next few days would be interesting.