I hate you.

Shiki, Rhyme and Beat, They were exceptions. But… He was not…

NekuxJoshua. The World Ends with You. (TWEWY)

!Yaoi Warning!

The World Ends With You © Square Enix


I never liked people.

They got in my way. Them and their useless drama, always making life more difficult than it already was. Sure, some people weren't like them. Shiki, Rhyme, and Beat? Well, they weren't the same as the others. They gave my life meaning and didn't clutter the air with chatter and hopeless bickering. No. They were my friends. Friends I could trust. Friends I could rely on. But… He was not.

I hated him.

His dark violet eyes, messy gray hair, and prissy boy attitude. I hated it. He teased me, made fun of me. Worst of all, he was smart. Too smart to be 15 years old. He could defend every sentence, every word I threw at him. He could reply with a smart remark and throw me off, making me sound like the loser. He was unbeatable when it came to word play. I hated him- No. Hate isn't a strong enough word. I despised him. I loathed him. I couldn't stand him.

I wanted him out of my life for eternity. I hated him and he hated me. End of story with no sugarcoating to it.

Chapter One:

Call me Joshua.


"Dammit Yoshiya! C'mon! Give me my damn headphones back!"

"Why would I do that sunshine? Whenever you wear these silly things, I feel like you're ignoring me." Joshua smirked and raised the purple headphones higher into the air.

"That's the point, dumbass." Neku sighed deeply, turning away from the other teen.

"What's wrong, Neku? Can't you jump?" Neku frowned and turned around again. He reached higher this time, but his phones were still out of his grasp. Neku clamped his jaw shut in frustration.

"This is pathetic... I know you can do better than this, Neku." Joshua frowned. "Hm... Oh, Neku dear, I've got an idea. Maybe if you got down on your hands and knees and begged for them, I'd change my mind." He giggled.

"I don't beg. Especially not for a bastard like you." Neku hatefully glared into Joshua's purple eyes.

"Aw Neku, I'm hurt." Joshua smirked. "You're making this way too difficult for yourself. I will never truly understand you."

"Good." Neku responded bitterly while reaching higher for his accessory.

Joshua reacted quickly by lifting the headphones out of the ginger's range. "Nice try."

"It's all just a game to you!" Neku snapped, his face hot with anger and annoyance.

"Joshua, please. Just let Neku have them." Shiki sighed while watching the struggle which was now becoming a daily routine.

"Yea man. It's uncool and I'm gettin' tired of watching it everyday." The taller blond standing next to Shiki shook his head.

"Oh fine. It's no fun if he doesn't fight for them anyways." Joshua rolled his eyes and let the purple headphones fall to the ground with a thud.

"Fuck you Yoshiya." Neku huffed while swiping his precious headphones off the sidewalk before Joshua could change his mind.

"Hehehe. My arm was getting tired anyways."

"Is it nessasary for you to steal my headphones on a daily basis?" Neku exhaled, letting his annoyance drown deep inside him again.

"Necessary? Absolutely not. However, it's fun." Joshua giggled his eyes narrowing.

Neku put his headphones back over his ears and turned away from the gray-haired teen and towards his friends who were slowly making their way over.

"And Neku dear, do I have to tell you this everyday? Call me Joshua. Everybody except you does." Joshua shook his head and sighed.

"Do you have to steal something of mine everyday, Yoshiya?" Neku smiled.

"I suppose not." Joshua thought for a moment and then giggled again.

"What are you laughing at?" Neku's smiled turned into a frown.

"Call me Joshua and I promise I won't lay a single finger on your headphones anymore. Work for you?" Joshua smirked, his voice sounded as sly as ever.

"Neku… He's smart remember…" Shiki said while joining her friend's side.

"He's smart... But... What more could he do?" Neku thought to himself for a brief moment before he spoke to the gray-haired teen again.

"… Okay, Joshua. You got yourself a deal. If you lay a single finger on my headphones, I'll call you Yoshiya again." Neku said while turning to look at the two purple eyes which stared back into his own.

"Grand. This doesn't mean I'll stop picking on you, however." Joshua smirked.

"Whatever." Neku rolled his eyes and turned towards his friends again.

"I'll see you soon, Neku." The white-haired teen spoke for the last time before turning towards the school.

"Dude, that kid is a creep." Beat frowned.

"You're telling me…" Neku crossed his arms over his chest.

"Neku, why does he pick on you like that?" Beat's younger sister Rhyme questioned.

"I really have no idea… The bastards got something coming to him if he keeps it up though." Neku's hands rolled into tight fists.

"Watch your language around her!" Beat gasped. Rhyme only rolled her eyes and smiled at her brother's protectiveness.

Neku shrugged.

"Oh shoot!" Beat exclaimed while reaching into his pocket and pulling out folded pieces of paper, joined together by a small staple.

"What's that?" Shiki asked peering over the blond's shoulder.

"I forgot to do the homework for Mr. Minamimoto's class!" Beat panicked.

"Well you're screwed." Neku chuckled.

"C'mon man. Can I copy it please?!"

"... Fine." Neku frowned as he opened his dark blue satchel and felt around for the assigned packet.

"Thanks dude. You're a lifesaver!" Beat sighed in relief.

"Beat, that's the second time this week you forgot to do your homework…" Rhyme looked up into her brothers eyes with a concerned look.

"I'm sorry Rhyme. I've been caught up that's all! I promise I'll do whatever homework that's assigned for tonight!" Beat smiled reassuringly

"Don't apologize to Rhyme. Neku's the one that has to keep letting you borrow the homework." Shiki lectured.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry Neku." Beat rolled his eyes.

"No problem. Some of the answers might be wrong… I just scribbled something down to make it look finished..." Neku meantioned while handing the packet to Beat who savagely snatched the papers while scribbling answers on his own identical packet.

"I owe you." Beat spoke behind a pencil which he gripped with his teeth.

"You can buy me some Ramen for lunch tomorrow. How's that?" Neku nodded while closing his satchel.

"Whatever!" Beat's handwriting looking more like first grader chicken scratch then anything else.

"Oh! Guys I'll meet up with you later! Eri's here!" Shiki called out while taking off leaving the three by themselves.

"Bye Shiki?" Neku shrugged as he watched the two girls exchange fashion papers and designs.

"Hey guys, we should start heading for the school... I think I heard the first bell." Rhyme said taking the lead. Beat and Neku nodded and followed the younger blond.

"Almost… Done with page one…" Beat proclaimed as he was slowly running out of paper on the first page.

"Why does Mr. Minamimoto insist on giving us packets every night?" Neku exhaled as he reached into his pocket for his cell phone.

"The world is made up of numbers." Beat quoted with a roll of his eyes.

"I think he's a bit too obsessed with Math..." Neku frowned.

"Obsessed? No. Pi-face's whole life is math. He probably sits in his house all day reciting the three billion decimal places of Pi." Beat said behind his teeth, obviously hurrying to write down something in the empty spaces on the packet's multiple pages.

Neku chuckled a bit while reading his unread text messages.

"You two probably don't give Mr. Minamimoto enough credit. Math is his passion that's why he decided to be a math teacher. When you think about it, it's not really a crime." Rhyme spoke with a smile, her voice soft.

"You have no idea Rhyme." Beat laughed.

The wind started to pick up, making the green leaves on the trees shake and dance in the welcoming breeze. Neku looked up to the sky, letting his orange locks be carried by the rush of cool air. The sky above him and his friends was a clear blue without the trace of clouds. Neku hid a smile as the wind slowly died down, letting his hair fall back into place. Neku sighed and focused his gaze back down at his cellphone screen. His moment of peace was interrupted as soon as he noticed the time, flashing in the corner.

"Shit..." Neku whispered to himself. He turned to face his friends.

"It's 8:29. The bell is going to ring. We gotta get to class, right now." Neku said in a shaken voice.

"BWAAAAH! I can't be late for his class again! He'll kill me!" The blond gasped.

"Hurry up or I'm leaving you behind." Neku said, his pace becoming faster.

Beat scribbled a few more answers in the blank spots on the paper. "Okay! Done! Let's bounce Phones." Beat folded his packet and shoved it into his pocket while handing over Neku's homework. Neku grabbed the stack of papers and ran up the stairs leading into the building with Beat and Rhyme at his side.

The three ran through the double doors leading to the main lobby of the school. Up ahead, were the two familiar four-way intersections that would split Rhyme from the two older teens. The school was divided into six main parts. Each part was dependent on the grade of the student or the importance of the section. Freshmen classes were held on the second right, Sophomores in the second left and Juniors and Seniors straight. The other two hallways were important. The first right was the library and elective classes. The first left however, was the lunch room and offices. In total, the school was pretty easy to navigate through making their break for their classes simple.

"Bye guys!" Rhyme smiled sweetly as she took off for the second hallway jeering to the right.

"See 'ya Rhyme." Beat waved as him and Neku rounded the corner of the second left hallway.

"Let's hope we make it in time…" Neku clenched his jaw shut.

"We got this!" Beat gave Neku a thumb up as they rounded another corner. Neku could see the classroom. He could hear his teachers' voice as clear as a whistle; he could see the brightly lit room… Just a few more strides and he'd be safe… Just then, the unspeakable happened. The bell rang out, piercing the two teen's ears and they skidded into the classroom, a millisecond late.

"Why the factor are you two late?" Neku and Beat were greeted with two narrow eyes.

"Shit." Neku sighed before facing his teacher.

"We're sorry Mr. Minamimoto... We had to-…" Neku was cutoff rudely by his teachers exhale.

"I don't give a digit, Mr. Sakuraba. You and Mr. Bitō are late. Now sit down and get out your homework. Oh and, I've told you this one, too many times, Take off the headphones before class starts! Don't make me give you a detention, Mr. Sakuraba."

"Yes sir." Neku and Beat spoke in unison before finding two empty desks each one far away from the other. Neku sat down in the uncomfortable chair. He gently raised his headphones off and away from his ears before stowing them into his satchel.

In a few seat over, the blond turned his head and mouthed what Neku believed was "Pi-face." and then turned his attention back to the already pissed off teacher.

"We were barely late. He could cut us some slack..."

"Now, if there are no further interruptions," Mr. Minamimoto glared back at the two irritated teens, "We can finally begin class." Neku sighed and stared at the blank chalkboard. It's going to be a long class…

Neku placed his elbows on the desk and let his head rest on his palms.

"The area of a circle is Pitimes radius squared. All you yoctograms know that Pi equals 3.1415926535ect. Or 3.14 for short._"

A very long class for sure. Neku frowned.

I'm sorry this may have been pretty boring... This is my first TWEWY fanfiction! Give me a break! DON'T BE LIKE MR. MINAMIMOTO! I'm certain the next chapter will be better. We'll be seeing Joshua again... Very soon. Until then, I hope you enjoyed.