Their relationship was




It was a lie on both sides.

She was a b.r.o.k.e.n woman.

He was a b.r.o.k.e.n man.

They were using each other.

But that was ok.

I love you…

(I need you…)

((I hate this…))

Lifeless Passion

Sakura Haruno gazed out at the empty streets of Konohagakure. He would be here soon. The tea was made, the window open, and the bedroom ready. This was routine; he came every night now.

She hated this. She was using him. She knew what they were doing to each other was wrong but she couldn't stop, because even as they were falling apart, they needed one another.

"Sakura," he said calmly. He had let himself in the window, as per usual, and was helping himself to the freshly brewed green tea.

She turned around to face him. Emeralds met rubies and she offered a slight smile, "Itachi."

She walked over to get her own tea and they sat down on her couch.

"How was work today?" he questioned.

"More and more people seem to be getting hurt lately. Today, a Jounin came in with his arm barely attached. I don't know how he survived long enough to make it back to the village."

"You'd be surprised what a man can survive when he's desperate to live," he calmly replied.

"I guess you'd know, wouldn't you?" she mused, with a sardonic smile on her face, "Did you do anything interesting today?"

Their small talk only lasted until the tea was gone. Sakura washed the cups and they headed into the bedroom.

She walked over to her wardrobe to take off her headband and noticed that he had already removed his. Tonight they wouldn't be kunoichi and criminal, medic-nin and traitor. They would be Sakura Haruno and Itachi Uchiha, two shinobi in love.

Or so she told herself.

Itachi wrapped his arms around her from behind. She leaned into his touch as he began to nibble along her collar. His hands began lifting her shirt and before long they were on her bed, caught up in their lifeless passion.

And under Lust's Power she would scream "Sasuke" and he would let her because he needed her touch, needed these moments they shared.

And as the moon grew brighter and the hunger faded she would whisper 'I love you' and he would reply the same. Then in the morning, as the sun is rising, he would sneak back out the window, she would open her eyes, and they would think about last night and the words they spoke; she would be ashamed and he would be empty.

They would both think about their deceptive love but they would come together the next night and the next because it was still love and they still needed each other.

She needed to pretend and he needed to forget. They were perfect for each other.

Maybe someday she would scream his name and maybe someday he would be with her because he wanted to be but until then this was enough.

I hate this…

(I need you…)

((I love you…))

I needed some angsty stories.

I do not own Naruto.

And I'm sorry Samantha, if I scarred you for life. Lol

Everyone let me know what you think, reviews inspire more stories. ^^