Finally THE WAITS OVER lmao

Thanks tons for everyone who has helped with my story :)

extra thanks to cowgirl137 and dark-angel-of-the-past

your ideas were actual similar to what I was thinking lol (I guess great minds think alike and I just jumped on the bandwagon)

but anyway enjoy

Sasori :She doesn't own Naruto, the story, the show, the characters....................AND SHE SURE AS HELL DOESN'T OWN Me!

(someones in a bad mood.............)

~*Sakura's POV*~

Turning around I saw Deidara walking towards us, I didn't know him that well but did know he was a close friend of Sasori's, and lets not get started about him. He saw me as his property and if this man told him he saw me with another guy………….trust me, I would hear about it for the rest of my life.

Deidara suddenly turned toward me and smiled. "You must be the beautiful Sakura my man Sasori told me about, hm." I see him glance at Sasuke then back toward me. "Thank you for helping Weasel's little brother to the restaurant, hm." He quickly grabbed both of our hands and dragging us into the building causing Sasuke to quickly grab his key out of the bike and pocket it.

"Its good to see you again Dei-kun but where are you dragging us off to?" Sasuke says as he looks down embarrassed when he sees everyone watching us, most pointing while snickering to themselves but I soon give them all death glares and they suddenly found something else to grab their interest. Sasuke smiled at me and I felt a weird sensation in my stomach.

"There is so much we have to catch up on, yeah." He says as he continues dragging us forward. "My man Sasori has become an actor since you've last seen him, yeah. He is performing here tonight, hm." He says this to Sasuke as I continue to look where I was walking after nearly running into someone else.

"What? I knew he was into puppets and putting on 'shows' but wow, he has gotten pretty far." Sasuke chats with the blond as we finally stop at a table where a man with long, faded black hair talking to someone else with blue skin and looks like a shark who then looks up at me and smiles with razor sharp teeth. Even though he is sitting down he is about as tall as me and the other one looks at me with a emotionless look.

I feel uncomfortable as I look into his dark orbs and a look of amusement flashes across his face and I soon realize how much he looks like Sasuke and that must 'Weasel,' as Deidara called him.

"Who's your pretty friend Sasuke?" The man says and I still feel his steely glaze on me and feel as if he is looking into my soul and I absent mindedly let out a nervous laugh.

"This is Sakura, Sakura this is Itachi…." Sasuke say to me as I continue to watch his brother who nods a greeting. "And that is Kisame………..Sakura? You okay?" Itachi gives me a questioning look and I advert my eyes to Sasuke.

"Um yeah, Im fine. Do you know where Sasori is Dei-"

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE ISN"T HERE!" I hear Sasori's distinct voice over everyone else as he cries in anguish.

"I don't think you need me to answer that for you, hm." Deidara looks in the direction his voice had come and I quickly rush in the direction seeking the source of his distress. I follow a hall till a get to a big wooden door. I take a deep breath and prepare to knock but hear something crash on the floor on the other side of it.

"THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE! YOU FIND A REPACMENT BEFORE WE HAVE TO START OR I'LL TURN YOU INTO A COATRACK!" I stand there puzzled and suddenly someone erupts out of the dressing room and crashes right into me.

I am knock to the floor and rub my head where it starts to hurt. Looking up I don't see who I was looking for.

"Ouchy! That really hurt….. Im so sorry……" The girl who is sprawled out in front of me, face on the floor says as I glance up and see Sasori with his leg on her back.

"You got it slave!" He says as he continues to glare at her with those steely eyes before they glance up at me. Suddenly they fill with joy and the look he gives me starts to freak me out.

"Um hi Sasori………………." I say as I quickly pick myself off the floor.

"Perfect timing, I was just looking for a female to fill in a role of someone who couldn't make it." He quickly grabs my hand before pulling me into his office. I hear the girl on the floor groan as I accidentally step on her hand. You wouldn't believe it but there is this girl who thinks Im 'Pushing her too hard' and '2 shows a day, 7 days a week' is to hard.' You know what I think an-"

"SASORI!" I yell finally as my past attempts of getting his attention fails as he pulls me into the closet and starts rummaging around for something.

"Huh?" He gives me a puzzled look as he stops pulling down random clothing, a shiny leotard in one hand.

"Why didn't you ask your assistant?" I say as I think of the young woman he was yelling at only a couple minutes ago.

He breaks out into laughter and now Im the one with the question glare. "Hahaha- You mean THAT thing? HAHAHAHA!" He continues as I glare at him. "She has no talent to be an actress, not to mention she isn't pretty enough." He stops laughing and continues to look though the closet and I punch his arm. "What was that-"


"Your so cute when your sticking up for others." He says before pulling me into a kiss. I quickly push away and he chuckles. He finally pulls something of a hanger and throws it at me. "Put that on and I'll go over the script with you."

~*Meanwhile at Sasuke's end *~

"So, is she your new girlfriend?" Itachi nudges my arm and I give him a glare.

"Im not like you, hooking up to the first hot girl you see." He chuckles at me.

"So I take that as a no…." I start drinking the sweat tea he had ordered for. "Good, cuz I was thinking of asking her out-" I spit out all the liquid in my moth, soaking an unhappy Kisame who just got turned down by the girl he was trying to flirt with.

~*Back at Sakura*~

"Do I have to wear this?" I ask as I come out of the bathroom in my costume which was revealing and left not to much for the imagination. Sasori nods his head while he looks at me like 'duh!' "I don't know, I feel like Im missing bunny ears and a cotton tail." I say jokingly as I glance at my reflection. It looks like a bikini top but there are two little strips of cloth that outline my belly and finally reach the bottom part. The bottom part looks like short shorts with fringes at the ends of the sleeves and I look it over again as Sasori sneaks up from behind and taps my shoulder.

I turn around and see him holding a pair of fake wings. "All you need are these and you'll be perfect." He tells me with an evil smirk on his face.

T:Well what you guys think? Tell me and I'll be updating soon, (especial since summers starting soon lmao)

Sasori: Why do I seem like such an ass! and more importantly who the hell is that other girl!

T:In time my litttle red


T:btw people who probably don't care next year in my school I'll be taking a creative writing class and also I'VE BEEN SUGGEST TO TAKE AN AP CLASS BY THE MOST AWESOME TEACHER :D (I'm still exited cuz most likely I'll prob have him as a teacher again next year and just in case you don't know ap class is like a collage class) Well see you guys later, lots a luv! :P