Welcome to the Big Time

Summary: Being a pop star isn't easy, especially when you're constantly being compared to other bands. But, the boys of Big Time Rush are determined to be the best pop group around. New to LA, they meet a young band that's more than meets the eye. What did they ever do to deserve such misery? Can they survive secrets, and the pressures of being famous?

By: Rhuben

1: Welcome to the Big Time

"LA! Can you believe it? We're actually here!" 16-year-old James Diamond started dancing in his seat as the limo pulled away from the airport. He jammed his finger into the sun roof button. As soon as the window rolled out he jumped up onto the seat and stuck his head out of the top of the car. "HELLOOOOOOOO, CALIFORNIAAAAAA!"

"I can't believe this is really happening," 17-year old Carlos Garcia said happily as James slumped down in his seat, his hair windswept. He immediately took out his lucky comb and started combing his hair back to its rightful spot.

"There is no way I'm doing this without my buds," 16-year-old Kendall Knight said with a grin offering his hands for high fives. "This was too much of an opportunity to miss. And I decided to take it big time!"

"It's going to be an amazing three months though," 16-year-old Logan said with a grin. "And no school for three months too!" His grin faded slightly.

"Aw yeah!" Carlos said slapping his helmet before putting up his hand for a round of high fives.

"I don't know, I mean, Katie seemed pretty upset to just drop everything and come out here with us," Kendall said sliding down in his seat. Katie is Kendall's 12-year-old little sister.

"Your sister could be in a commercial or something, Kendall," Logan said rolling his eyes. "I predict a 90% chance of stardom for her."

Kendall scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Fat chance."

"Sorry, Logan, what'd you say?" James asked. "I was too busy daydreaming about how famous I'm going to be." Logan made a face at him, shoving his shoulder.

"Well, Katie has the cuteness factor, one that many film and tv directors go for," Logan recited. He threw his hands into the air and rolled his eyes when he saw that his friends were lying on top of each other, pretending to sleep, snoring.

"Very funny guys," Logan said in a monotone.

"Would you just stop being all genius like for five seconds and be excited?" Kendall asked with a laugh as he sat up. "We're in LA! The beach! The girls! The sun! The-"

"FAME!" James swooned, pointing at the building parking lot they were pulling up to.

James leapt across his friends' laps (causing them to groan in pain) and pretty much dove out the limo door. Kendall, Carlos, and Logan followed him, smiles erupting across their faces as soon as they felt the California sun shining down on them.

"This place is amazing," Katie gasped as she and her mom, and Gustavo Rocque, and his assistant, Kelly Wainright got out of the second limo. She shouldered her bag and gave Kendall a wide smile. "Kendall, you would've been really dumb to pass this up."

"Thanks for your vote of confidence Katie," Kendall said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Since I took the job, can I have that twenty back?"

"No," Katie replied sliding sunglasses over her face.

"You spent the money on the sunglasses didn't you?" Kendall asked, setting his jaw.

"Duh," Katie replied shaking her head.

"And she's acting like a diva already," James said with a small laugh. Katie just smiled in reply.

"Ok, I have a few meetings to go to," Gustavo announced as he pushed his way to the front of the group. "To your right is Rocque Records. To your left is the Palm Woods. Kelly will show you everything else." With that, he spun on his heels and hurried into the Rocque Records building.

"Okay then," Kelly cleared her throat and smiled at the group. "First off, welcome to Los Angeles." She got a chorus of "thank you" in reply. "Like Gustavo said, to your right is Rocque Records and to your left is the Palm Woods."

"What's the Palm Woods?" Carlos asked.

"It's the home of the future famous," Kelly replied. "Actresses, actors, musicians, dancers, they all live in the Palm Woods. Just wait until you see the pool."

"Pool?" James asked, snapping to attention. Kendall, Logan, and Carlos grabbed onto his shirt as he tried to break away from the group.

"You shouldn't have mentioned pool," Logan groaned as they tried to hold James still.

"Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time to relax by the pool," Kelly replied making her way towards the Palm Woods. She pulled open the front door and they all stepped into the lobby.

"Wow," Mrs. Knight gazed in awe around the lobby.

"Let me just get the key to your apartment and we can all go upstairs," Kelly said heading up to the front desk.

"I can't believe this," James said shaking with excitement. "I wonder what's the first thing we'll do as a group?"

"Photo shoot?" Logan asked, looking around. He grinned. "By the pool maybe?"

"Photo shoot with hot girls?" Carlos asked receiving high fives from his friends.

"Boys," Katie muttered rolling her eyes. The sound of an elevator 'ding' reached her ears and she turned and saw the elevator doors slide open.

A small boy with black hair, the ends with blue streaks in them, and blue eyes ran out of the elevators. He slowed to a walk and looked around the lobby lounge. At one point he got on his hands and knees and started crawling around, looking for something. He let out an "aha" of triumph and pulled a white thing out from under a couch.

The small boy smiled and hugged it tightly. Hearing the 'ding' of the elevator a second time, Katie turned towards the elevators again and saw twin black haired, blue eyed boys, walk out and look around. Katie looked back towards the small boy and saw him crouched down behind a couch. He caught Katie's eye, smiled, and put a finger to his lips. Katie gave a short nod back.

"Over there," the twin on the left said, pointing towards the couch. They exchanged triumphant grins and ran over. They skidded to a stop when the smallest boy jumped out, waving the pillow over his head. "Ah, he's got a pillow!"

"Run, run," the twin on the right shouted, turning around and racing towards the stairwell, his twin right behind him. The smallest boy ran after them laughing and yelling, "I'm gonna get you!"


"Hm?" Katie blinked and saw that her mom, her brother, and her brother's friends were all following Kelly out of the lobby. "Coming!" She rushed after the group and fell in step with her mom.

"We'll just take the stairs because we really don't need to take an elevator up to the second floor," Kelly said pushing the door open to the stairwell. The walls of the stairwell had pictures of actors, actresses, and musicians from various TV networks and movies on it.

"One day that'll be us," James said with a smile as he followed Kelly up the stairs.

"We have to wait three months before we find out if Rocque Records are actually going to take you on," Kelly reminded them as she lead the way to their apartment. She stopped in front of a door with a giant letter 'J' on the front. She put the key in the lock, turned the door knob and opened the door. Flipping on the lights she said, "Welcome to your new home."

The group of six made their way into the gray apartment, making a face at the look and smell of the place. Katie pushed her sunglasses down her nose and made a face of horror.

"More like welcome to our new dump," she commented.

"Katie," Mrs. Knight said in a stern tone as she put down her bags. Logan and Carlos were already sitting on the couch. "It's not so bad. It's just different than what we're used to." They all looked up at the ceiling when the sound of footsteps started. The couch Carlos and Logan were sitting on shifted to its side, slamming into the ground.

"Yeah," Logan said with a fake smile. "It's great."

"It's different all right," Carlos added before giving a thumbs up.

"Just make yourself at home and enjoy your stay," Kelly said as she slowly backed out of the room. "Go check out the pool and the lounge. Your experience here will be great, I promise." They all watched as Kelly left the room.

"So who wants to hit the pool?" Kendall asked after a moment of silence. Before getting an answer, he ran out of the apartment.

"Oh, me!" Carlos shouted, jumping to his feet.

"Me too," James added.

"Wait up," Logan raced after his friends.

"Wait for me! I'm coming too," Katie jumped over all the abandoned bags and ran out. Mrs. Knight let out a small laugh, shaking her head.


"Whoa," Kedall, James, Carlos, Logan, and Katie all exclaimed in unison as they got down to the pool deck.

"Oh, smoothie stand," Katie cheered and headed over to the cart.

"Hey, check out the girls," James nudged Carlos in the side, grinning like a maniac. Goofy smiles slid across Kendall, James, Carlos, and Logan's faces as three girls, two brunettes, one blond, walked past them sipping on smoothies.

"Those are the Jennifers, three actresses with the same name," a voice from behind them commented. "They won't give you the time of day unless you're an actor."

Kendall turned around, doing a double take when he didn't see someone there. He then looked down into the trashcan sitting near him and saw a red-head kid standing in it.

"I'm Tyler," he introduced himself.

"Oh, the kid from the juice box commercial," Kendall nodded.

"Why are you standing in a trashcan?" Logan asked.

"Hiding from my mom," Tyler replied with a heavy sigh. "She's pushing the whole fame thing on me. I just want to be a normal kid."

"And give up the fame?" James asked as if he was crazy. "The girls? The sun? The beach?"

"You've had a chance to live a normal life before you decided to give fame a shot, I didn't," Tyler replied with a sigh. He noticed the uneasy looks on their faces. "But, I'm sure you guys will be really successful. So what are you? Actors? Dancers? Singers?"

"Singers," Kendall replied. "We're working with Gustavo Rocque."

"Oh so you're the new pop group," Tyler said with a smile. "Best of luck."


"Uh oh, that's my mom!" Tyler gasped, dropping down in the trashcan. Seconds later a woman with glasses and wild hair ran up to the four boys and grabbed onto Logan, shaking him.

"Have you seen my son?" she demanded. "He's the cute little red head boy who's in the juice box commercials."

"Uhhh," Logan stammered, staring at the woman in shock.

"He went that way," Kendall jumped in jerking his thumb in a random direction over his shoulder.

"Thank you," the woman breathlessly replied before rushing off. Logan exchanged wide eyed glances with each other.

"Well, that was weird," James commented.

"Thanks for that," Tyler said popping up again.

"No problem," Kendall said with a small smile.

Suddenly, a small boy with black hair and blue eyes ran by, laughing. A girl with black hair and blue eyes chased after him, a pillow in her hands. She threw it at the boy's back, missed, and the pillow hit Logan in the chest. He caught it, stumbling back a few steps.

"Logan! Look out," James shouted as he, Kendall, and Carlos reached for him.

But, it was too late.


"Oh no," the girl groaned. She bit her thumbnail before racing over. "I'm sorry, I didn't see him. I was trying to get my brother."

Logan broke the surface of the water, coughing and gasping for air. He brushed his hair out of his eyes and swam over to the edge of the pool. The girl knelt down by the side of the pool and offered Logan her hand.

"I'm sorry," she repeated.

"It's ok," Logan replied taking her hand, looking up into her blue eyes. She squinted at him before a shocked look crossed her features.

"Logan? Logan Mitchell?"

A/N: I used the same OCs that are in our other BTR fic, Big Time Rivalry. Riley is writing that story though, just so you guys know.
