This was inspired by the website letterstocrushes . com. Just meant to be a little fun :)

This involves the usual characters from BOF... and a few extra additions!



Whenever you're around, your smile lights up the room, and my heart.

- Casanova


Have you ever considered leaving your end of the world, to come visit mine? It's much better than being stuck in a zoo all day long. We can sing as much karaoke as you want. Yes, I'll even join in when you sing 'Nobody'. That's how much I mean it.

- Don Juan

Parma Hair,

On the phone with you the other day, you were trying to remind me how the early bird catches the worm. Instead, you said 'the early bird smashes the worm' – and of course, you insisted that you're correct. (Despite me proving it to you on the Internet)

Sigh. As much as I like you, I'm not sure how I'm gonna live with this. But, I suppose it makes life interesting.

- Grass Lawn


You're my favourite season. Indeed, how can I 'compare thee to a Summer's day'? For 'thou art more lovely and more temperate' – since you are Autumn, after all. You have stilled my heart with your radiance, both in beauty, and in heart. I could never ask for more.

(Maybe, just one more kiss?)

- Casanova


Don't try to sweeten your words with me, mister. Must you still call yourself… that? Aren't you already taken? Be careful what you say. The seasons just might change before your very eyes.

- Winter

Grass Lawn,

I'm just happy that you are happy, even if your happiness isn't with me.

- Firefighter


We've known each other for so long, but yet you still don't look at me the way I want you to. Even though we're so far away, I yearn for you a little bit more every day.

(And if you're still wondering about the missing picture in your wallet… well, when are you coming back to Macau to get it? *wink*)

- Ming


I would like nothing more than for you to notice me. I think we could be better together, than apart.

- Secret Admirer

Don Juan,

I'm quite happy here, actually. But truthfully, I'd be much happier if I had visitors. Maybe, you could come visit me sometime? I promise karaoke this time won't be as torturous as the first. In fact, I think we'd make good partners. In every sense of the word.

- Monkey

Secret Admirer,

If you know what's good for you, back off. I will not hesitate to crush you for real.

- Autumn's boyfriend


There are days when I pass by your office, and I see you sitting at your desk, thoughtfully, quietly. It makes me ever so curious to know the thoughts hidden behind your distant, soulful eyes. It is terribly presumptuous of me to think that I may be in your thoughts somewhere, but I can only hope.

I would like to sit with you one day, just the two of us. And maybe, we could both relish the silence together.

- Nurse

Grass Lawn,

As stupid as you make me out to be sometimes, you know and I know that it's not the case. Because I was smart enough to choose you. You were just stupid enough to go along with me.

(Ouch! Let go of my ear!)

- Parma Hair


I'm a one-woman ex-Casanova. How does that sound?

- Sunbae


I think I like that very much. (And you too.)

- Autumn


I love you more.

- Sunbae