Based somewhat off of the Vocaloid video Joker. None of the characters in this story belong to me but to the Yamaha Corporation, etc. Contains yaoi.


It was a bitterly cold day in December. The day after Christmas had been the perfect day to go shopping for some good sales, and the Kagamine twins were not of those to waste such an opportunity, at least one of them was. Rin was eager to buy a new outfit. Tomorrow was going to be a special day, shared with her brother, Len. It wasn't as though her current choice of clothing was bad or anything. Rin just felt that it wasn't glamorous enough for such an occasion.

"Len! What about this one?" she called to the blond boy slouched on a nearby bench. The short-haired girl held up an orange, sleeveless dress with glittered flower designs.

Len simply stared back at her with a blank expression, looking up from his handheld video game. Shopping wasn't exactly something he enjoyed, and he didn't exactly understand what the big deal was with his twin and clothes. She looked fine enough in a black parka and white skinny jeans. It was his mother's idea for Len to wear the exact opposite of his sister, a white parka and black skinny jeans.

Rin bit her lip, internally fuming. Did he not care at all? When he went back to looking at his game, the sister snatched it from him and pressed the power button till the screen went black.

"Hey! I hadn't saved!"

"There are more important things than a stupid game, Len. Now, I'll ask again. What do you think of this outfit?" she responded. Rin held a glare and pout as she held up the dress again, making sure her brother got a good look of it.

"It's okay… Can I play my game now?"

"No," Rin stated, sticking her tongue out spitefully. Then she stuffed the handheld device into her purse before zipping it up. When Len reached for it, the girl turned away and began walking towards the cashier, clutching the dress. All the while, her brother glared at her, focusing on everything from the large white bow in her blond hair to the white converse sneakers, and in all honesty, Rin didn't care, satisfied with her victory for now.

While on the road, Rin furiously texted to her friend, Miku. Len would occasionally look over at the orange cell phone screen and roll his eyes. Rin was incredibly jealous of Miku and would sometimes express her hatred of the green-haired girl to her brother. She was always asking her twin what he thought of the other girl. Whenever he said, "She's okay," you could see the anger in Rin's eyes. He knew she was lying when she texted, "I can't wait to see you at the party tomorrow. We're going to have such a good time." Rin just wanted the presents and to talk a little about Miku behind her back.

It had been decided that the party was going to take place at the local fairground. Len had been against this, stating that there would be way too many people and way too cold, but Rin had dismissed his plea. She was determined to have the birthday party of her dreams, and nothing would stop her from accomplishing that. Money wouldn't be a problem. The twins' singing gig had brought in tons of cash. Guests weren't a problem. She already had made a list. Her girlfriends, Luka, Meiko, and Miku, would be coming. Even that cute guy, Gakupo, from school would attend. Len hadn't invited anyone, knowing that Rin would have certainly taken care of that part.

That night, Rin had asked an odd question while they were brushing their teeth. They stood, side by side, in front of the large bathroom mirror. While Len was busily scrubbing away the remnants of that night's meal, his sister suddenly let something slip from her lips, "Do you love me?" The question hung in the air like a weight, pressing down on the brother's shoulders. He stopped at that moment with the yellow toothbrush pressed inside his mouth. When he tried to respond, only gibberish came out. Rin sighed and said, "It's okay. It doesn't matter much anyways." Then she walked away into their shared bedroom, closing the door with a soundly shut. Len stood there for a moment before spitting out the bits of toothpaste and saliva into the sink. After washing the utensil, he followed his sister into the room. "I love you, Rin," he said quietly. But Rin never heard for she was already fast asleep.

The next morning was just like the usual routine, only with more ecstasy from Rin. While Len took his time getting ready, Rin practically ran through the halls with a giant grin on her face. Her sweet laughter could be heard throughout the entire household. Len had tried to hide from her underneath his pillow but to no avail. His sister had pounced upon the bed, shrieking, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Then she began dragging him out from underneath the covers while he complained about the time. Apparently, the girl really didn't care that it was five 'o clock. It was her special day, and she wanted to make sure that everyone knew it, even if she had to share it with her brother.

That Sunday morning was spent with the sound of the phone ringing. While Len tried to read a book, Rin had dialed all of the numbers on her guest list and began chatting away. Miku, Meiko, and Luka were all attending. Rin had pressed desperately at all three about what her presents could possibly be. Miku and Luka would just say that telling would ruin the surprise. Meiko, on the other hand, would tease Rin, saying how special hers would be. All the while Len sat there in irritation.

Eventually, the irritation had to release itself. Rin had finished calling all of the attendants by three in the afternoon. Without anyone to talk to, she had become increasingly more and more bored. Len hadn't yet looked up from his book since breakfast time. Rin slowly leaned over his shoulder, positioning herself on the couch to get a better peak at the book. The long sentences and words that she read confused her. As a solution to both predicaments, the sister had snatched the book away from her unsuspecting brother like she had done the day before with the video game.

"Lennnnn. What about this book is so good?" she said, dangling it in front of him while trying to decipher its secret message. When Len reached for the book, the girl had dodged the attempt before rolling off the couch and running. She stopped for only a few moments to stick her tongue out and yell, "Can't catch me!"

Len had originally played along with her game, but every time he reached for it, it always slipped his grasp as quickly as it had come into it. After chasing her throughout the house to no avail, the boy decided that the little kid needed to be taught a lesson. He stood straight and rigid in place.

"Len?" she asked, looking back at him questionably. "Don't you want to play?"

"Shut up," he replied rudely. "I'm sick of your stupid little games. If you're going to brag about today being your birthday, at least act your age."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You're such a little baby, Rin. You're so selfish and immature; it's unbelievable and unbearable. I wish that you would just get out of my life already."

Len never got angry, and he never, ever yelled at Rin. Tears had begun to swell up in her eyes. She had begun to sniffle, clearly hurt. The girl tossed the book onto the ground before burying her face in her hands.

"I hate you!" she yelled before running off to her parents' room, followed by a loud slam.

The brother had plucked the fallen book by the spine, stunned at what he had said. He had never meant to hurt her. He would have never hurt his sister purposely. He was just angry and irritable. Biting his lower lip, the teenager turned to the nearest wall and swung his fist into it. The banging noise and the sting that went up his arm hadn't satisfied him in the least. He couldn't be satisfied with knowing that she hated him.

They hadn't said a word to each other for the rest of the day. Tension was rising throughout the household. Even their parents couldn't help but notice the inner distress of their children, especially within Rin. She had been so happy this morning, but now, all of the happiness had disintegrated.

She seemed empty as she got ready for the party. She padded her face with powder and applied her eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. Her hair had been neatly combed with yellow hair clips being placed throughout to match the sequins on her dress. Instead of the large white ribbon she wore, Rin decorated her head with a smaller, yellow bow. For some reason, her ears had never been pierced like the people at school had. Instead, she had to put little flower clip-ons on her ears. To complete her look, the sister wore simple sandals on her feet even if it was December. Winter wouldn't stop her from dressing nicely and being fashionable on her special day, but Rin reminded herself to slip a jacket in the car in case it got too cold.

Her brother, on the hand, had not even tried to dress fashionably or 'nice' like his sister had. He wore a thin jacket over his graphic t-shirt with dark skinny jeans and a pair of black and white converse. His hair was ruffled up and tied back only with a hair tie to make a spiky ponytail. He much preferred to be comfortable than look nice.

It had been silent on the way to the fairgrounds. Their parents only needed to drop them off. The twins were trusted to look after each other until eleven. Rin had scheduled everything exactly, not letting her mother interfere in any way. She spent the time on her cellphone, texting Miku and her other friends hurriedly. Most of what she typed was questioning over her presents. Len focused on his electronic game. He had almost a few levels to go before achieving victory. It was the only game he hadn't beaten already of his collection, and his determination was obvious as he bit his lip in concentration. Rin had to elbow him in the chest to get him to realize that they had arrived. Len sighed irritably, having lost all of his lives at that moment. She simply glared back, showing her own irritation.

As soon as Len stepped out of the car, he could see his sister rushing towards a girl with long turquoise-tinted pigtails, Miku. They grinned with delight at the sight of each other, giving a friendly hug. The boy rolled his eyes again. Rin was such a faker. Pretty soon, two other girls had arrived. One was considerably older than the rest with cropped brown hair and dressed in red, Meiko. A calm and collective girl with pink hair was dressed in turquoise, matching Miku who was dressed in pink. Luka and Miku seemed to be pretty close, and even though Rin hated Miku, the blond girl was a little jealous of their relationship.

"Hey, shrimp," Meiko called teasingly, ruffling Len's hair. Len sighed. She was only a few inches taller, not that much.

Luka and Miku approached gingerly, commenting Len about how handsome he had become. Miku had suggested it, and Luka had agreed with a giggle. This made the boy turn a light shade of pink, and for the first time since their argument, Rin laughed. This made Len smile. He loved it whenever Rin laughed or smiled. It was so sweet and innocent, just like she was..

"Come on, Len!" Rin called with a grin, running off towards the gates.

Each member of the party had their own special ticket to get inside. Meiko had to search herself before finally pulling it out between her cleavage. She had snickered at Len's horrified expression, saying, "If you have'em, use'em." The boy thought that that was probably where she had hidden his present as well and couldn't help but feel a little sick to his stomach. The party members were first directed to a group of picnic tables where balloons and other party favors had been set around. The Kagamine brother was more interested in the bright lights of the Ferris Wheel and roller coaster. He couldn't wait to ride them. Len wanted to feel the rush of it all, but when he tried to sneak away, he felt a tug on his arm.

"Leeeennnnn. We've got to open our presents first," Rin called plaintively, dragging her brother back to the tables.

Each girl placed two wrapped gifts on the table, except for Meiko. She had only placed one present down, removing it from her purse to Len's delight.

Meiko winked at Rin and said, "Don't worry. Yours will show up eventually."

Rin grabbed the pink box with a blue bow from Luka first. From inside, she pulled out a shining crystal hanging from a delicate gold chain. "Luka! This isn't your necklace is it?"

"You deserve it more than me... Len, open yours."

When Len opened a matching box to Rin's, he discovered a pair of new headphones inside. Grinning at Luka was all it took to get her to blush.

"Mine next, please!" Miku shouted happily. She produced two green boxes with white bows. When Len opened his, he discovered a new book, one that he had happened to mention about to Rin one day. Looking over at his sister, he smiled as she pulled out a frilled pink dress.

"Alright, banana boy. Open mine?" Meiko said with a grin and handed Len a red bag. When he looked inside, the first thing he saw was a box of some sort.

"Rubber, medium, for her plea-" He stopped immediately, realizing what it was and hid it behind his back from the rest of the girls.

Meiko just chuckled loudly and whispered into his ear, "There's a twenty underneath the condoms."

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard as all eyes at the tables looked up to see a stranger approaching. A tall man with long purple hair made his appearance calmly and coolly dressed professionally. A white collared dress shirt had been unbuttoned a little bit to reveal his collar bone and some skin underneath. He wore rings upon his thin fingers, and black slacks covered his long legs. Black dress shoes complimented his outfit. For added effect, he had worn a pair of black glasses. "I was supposed to be meeting a birthday girl.. Would you happen to know who she is?"

"T-today's my birthday," Rin said quickly, blushing profusely as her girl friends giggled.

"I told you it was a special gift," Meiko whispered to Rin as she passed by her, carrying the twins' presents. "I'm going to go put these in my car for right now. You kids have fun.~ As for me, I'm getting sake!"

Then they were left alone by the only adult of the group in a carnival full of people. Pretty soon, no one was around but Len. Miku and Luka had wandered off in one direction, and his sister had left with that prissy purple boy in the other.

This was going to be a birthday to remember.