Ok, so I've been mulling around the idea of this story for awhile now and I decided to post this as like a trial run. So yeah uh, I'll post an actual chapter if I get at least…. Let's say 3 maybe 4 reviews. Also throughout the story, if I continue it, it will hop back and forth between past and present. It will be a bunch of flashbacks from Sakura basically. Um anyway please review and I'll hopefully be updating soon!

Bach's cello suite no. 1 rang throughout a middle class suburban home. The house was average, for an average life, for an average couple, in an average neighborhood. It wasn't smaller than the others and it was larger either. The only thing that made this particular average house, in this particular average neighborhood, owned by this particular average couple, was the music played by their daughter on her cello. Their daughter was definitely the unique, NOT average, genius the couple prided themselves on.

She was different in every way, like her looks. Who else has naturally soft pink hair, and sharp tea green eyes, and the lovely ivory complexion of her porcelain skin? The way she spent her time was different from the other suburban children, instead of hanging out at the mall with friends and socializing, she spent her time of homework, studying, cello practice, and reading. The way she dressed herself was different, nothing revealing, or tight, always sweaters and cardigans, and pants like slacks, dress pants, jeans, and tennis shoes, or flats; she wore anything to look as plain as possible as not to draw attention. And as for her hair? It fell just past her shoulders an inch or so and she usually had in pulled back from her face in a tight neat half pony tail, bun, French braid, regular braid, or back in a headband. She liked to keep her hair from her face when she studied, or practiced her cello.

Her name was Sakura Haruno and her parents couldn't be more proud of her, but one thing did worry them. The fact that ever since she entered high school she shut herself off from the rest of the students. Abandoning her social life, parties, and friends. And now, with her going off to college, her parents became worried of how she would function with a room mate, and all the new people at college.

"I'm worried Katsu, what if she doesn't make any friends and she's miserable?" Sakura's mother said shaking her head worriedly, her husband smiled. (AN: Katsu mean "victory")

"Suzu, relax it's not like she was making friends before." Katsu, Sakura's father said jokingly, trying to lift his wife's spirit. She was not amused. (AN: Suzu means "bell")

"That's not funny, don't joke like that. She's you daughter too!" Suzu fumed, causing her husband to chuckle.

"It's just a joke sweetheart! And you shouldn't worry too much about Sakura. She's a smart girl." He said.

"I know. It's just…. Doesn't the fact that she has no friends or social life bother you?" Suzu asked, Katsu shrugged.

"What her friend, um, Hinata? They're friends, right?" Katsu said, Suzu shook her head.

"No, they used to in middle school, but after they entered high school Hinata, and all of her other friends drifted away from her." She explained Katsu sighed and took his wife's hand.

As her parents spoke, upstairs in her room Sakura continued to play the same song flawlessly. As she played the song her soft, small hands traveled the neck of the instrument gracefully, while her nimble fingers spryly hopped to different positions on the strings to play the chords. She moved her arms faster and faster picking up the tempo running her bow along the cello producing heavenly notes till she hit her last chord slowly, letting the sound linger in the air.

She then slowly set the bow down on the desk and placed the cell on its stand. After she gently placed her hands at the end of her half pony tail pulling it tighter and pushing her hair behind her ears. The hair not in the pony tail, she let cascade around her shoulders.

Walking out of her room she quietly shut her door and made her way downstairs, where she heard the hushed murmurs of her parents talking.

"… she used to be so popular in middle school, then she enters high school and after a few weeks she suddenly decides to shut herself off from everything." She heard her mom say, Sakura looked down at her feet, thinking back to her freshman year.

Four years ago

Sakura and her friend Hinata were walking up to the high school for the very first time. Their hair was lightly curled, they were wearing their cutest blouses, and their favorite pairs of skinny jeans.

"Oh my God! Hinata can you believe it? We're finally going to be high scholars!" Sakura said excitedly with a little hop. Hinata giggled.

"I know!! Finally we can go to a dance that doesn't end at 7:30! We can eat lunch outside! OOH! And our lockers will be taller than four feet! It's going to be awesome!" Hinata said linking her arm with Sakura's.

"I hope you two aren't forgetting THE most exciting thing about high school…. Boys!" Sakura and Hinata turned to see their friend Ino who was in the grade before them and was extremely popular.

"INO!" They said in unison, running over to hug her.

"I can't believe that after your first year of high school, you still only think about boys!" Hinata said giggling with Sakura, Ino rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on, what did you expect?" Ino asked.

"Not much I guess, now that I think about it." Sakura said, making Hinata laugh and Ino playfully glare at her.

"Whatever forehead. Just be prepared because this year I'm dating a senior, THE senior and I'm going to use y popularity connections to snag you two a man!" Ino said confidently. Hinata and Sakura just looked at each other and laughed.

End flashback

Sakura sighed and continued to listen to her parents talk.

"…. Just think of it as a blessing. At least we know she's not out having sex, or doing drugs, or drinking at all these parties. And at least we know that she's not with any boyfriends taking advantage of her or beating her. Right? At least we know she's safe." Her dad said trying brighten the mood.

'Yeah… safe.' Sakura thought sullenly.

Four years ago

The music boomed and Sakura could barely hear anything, suddenly she felt another presence.

"Let's play." Said a deep voice Sakura didn't recognize, she turned around and shut her eyes.

End flashback

"I'm just glad she got into Konoha University, it's one of, if not, the best schools in the country and only an hours drive away." Suzu said, Sakura was still listening.

"And it's a lot closer to Kakashi, so she can still continue her weekly sessions with him" Her father said.

Three and a half years ago

"Sakura, your parents tell me that since you've entered high school your social life has decreased rapidly…. Would you like to elaborate on that?" A man in his thirties with silver hair, an eye patch, and a turtle neck covering his mouth and nose said sitting in a nice leather chair. Sakura was sitting on a matching leather couch. She stayed silent for a while before mumbling a soft…

"No…" The man, Kakashi, didn't let that deter or falter him. He kept an in control and calm persona.

"That's ok, it's only the first session, why don't we stick to light subjects. Get to know each other a little so you're more comfortable around me and can talk more easily. That's the point of these sessions, talking. Would you like that Sakura?" He said Sakura hesitantly nodded.

"Ok then good! So, let's ask some basic questions. What's your…. Favorite color?" He asked.

"I don't know… it used to be yellow… but I guess I'd say gray now." She said quietly.

"Why is that Sakura?" Kakashi asked, Sakura shrugged.

"You know, yellow symbolizes joy, happiness, and wisdom. While gray symbolizes sorrow, security, and maturity. Your parents told me you used to be bright, popular, and happy… and now you seem sad, distant, and reserved. Do you think you changed your favorite color when you changed your personality?" Sakura stayed silent and thought about what he said.

"Maybe, I guess."

End flashback

"You know a change in scene might benefit her Suzu." Katsu said.

"Yeah, but I hate that she'll have no one to look after her." Suzu said, once again worry was evident in her tone.

"You know, my friend Fugaku's sons attend KU. The younger one will be a freshman as well. I can call and ask him to ask his son if he could watch out for Sakura." Katsu said, even though Sakura couldn't see her parents she could sense her mother was relieved.

"Yes that would make me feel better, to know that someone was keeping an eye on her." Suzu said, Katsu chuckled.

"Ok, I'll call him tonight."

Sakura stopped listening to her parents talk after that and changed her route from the kitchen to the living room.

'I have a bad feeling about this.'

Ok, so remember at least 3 reviews and I'll know to continue it. So review!!! Please!