Author's note: I do not own Bleach or its characters. This is for the 30 Kisses challenge using list gamma. This story contains some citrus. Please don't read if that offends you. Theme 20: Life Cycle of a Fire. Thank you to everyone who has reviewed this story. I really appreciate it.

His Flame

It always puzzled Shunsui that people inevitably associated Nanao with ice. Nanao was clearly a child of fire. You could find the entire life cycle of a fire in Nanao. She could burn just as easily as she could warm. She just hid it well. Nanao was fierce and passionate even if she didn't always share that with others. She had always been a rather private person, and Shunsui considered himself lucky that she shared the full breadth of her emotions with him.

With a sigh, he set down the pen he was using. It was a late night in the office for Shunsui. He had sent Nanao home hours ago. She had clearly been tired, and he could manage the rest of the paperwork on his own. Setting the finished paperwork where it could be delivered to the First Division in the morning, Shunsui rose to his feet and stretched. He was done for the night.

He was not surprised to find a light on inside his quarters. Nanao tended to leave one for him when she arrived home before he did. Shunsui had barely made it in the door before Nanao appeared in the doorway that led to their bedroom. She stood there, wrapped only in his pink haori.

"Welcome home."

He crossed the room to her and ran his fingers through her dark hair. Shunsui loved how it looked down. He kissed her gently. She kissed him back warmly. Quite honestly, she warmed his heart in a way no other could. Nanao pulled away and sighed softly, pressing her nose into the hollow of his neck.


She tilted her head up, and his lips met hers again, and fire sprang up between them.

"Come to bed, Captain."

"Captain?" He caught her wrists, pressing kisses to her palms. "Shunsui, Nanao-chan. I want to hear my name."

She giggled and slipped away from him, dropping his haori to the floor as she made her way to their futon. Shunsui shed his own clothes and followed her to their bed. He drew her into his arms and kissed her fiercely. Nanao tangled her hands in his hair, whimpers escaping her. Shunsui dusted kisses across her collar bones, and Nanao retaliated by raking her fingers down his back and arching up against him. She knew just how to tease him.

Shunsui rolled so Nanao was now astride him. With her deft little hands she guided him into her as even he brought his hands up to play with her breasts. Nanao gave him a saucy smile before leaning in to steal a kiss. The rhythm between them quickly turned frenzied, and Nanao came barely moments before Shunsui did.

Afterwards, she curled up against him with a soft sigh and closed her eyes, using his shoulder as her pillow. Shunsui pulled the blankets over them both. They lay together in the warmth of their shared bed, and Shunsui pressed a sleepy kiss to Nanao's shoulder. The passion between them had smoldered down to embers once again, but it would be there waiting, and besides, the embers provided warmth and comfort. But whether embers or a blazing fire, Nanao's love really was all he needed to keep warm.