Title: Envoy of God.

Time set: Post-future arc with Tsuna and friends returning to the present time.

Intro: Haru's fate changed on the day when she saved a mysterious boy. The plots and ideas were originated from Kamisama Hajimashita and Sailor Fuku ni Onegai. Oh, there's also an adapt catchphrase from Nana.

Pairing: HaruxHibari

Genre: Romance/Humor

Rating: K+ (Subjected to change as the story progresses)

Standard Disclaimer: Applied to disclaim for using KHR characters, manga plots & ideas. Please don't sue me. *Bow*

AN: This is my first KHR story. I'm so excited!!!! I'm so in love with 1886 (HibaHaru) pairing and it eventually motivates me to start writing a story for this pairing. Please bear with my shortcomings, the minimal usage of vocabularies, and tons of grammatical errors. I'm still not very proficient in English.

Prologue – Kamikakushi.

It was supposed to be a sunny Sunday. It was supposed to be fun and enlightening with all the plans she had thought of weeks ago to spend with her best friends, Sasagawa Kyoko and Chrome Dokuro.

They were supposed to enjoy shopping, eating cakes and chitchatting about their favorite topics.

Everything has gone wry when a wicked summer storm attacked Namimori town.

They were unable to do anything but to call off their plans before the storms stranded them from going back home.

It seem like the storm has arrive sooner than the predicted forecast. In minutes, the sunny sky vanished as the wind enthuse dark clouds and covers the sky of Namimori City that stretches towards the end of its horizon.

Haru felt that she wouldn't be able to return home before rain pours. She had decided to take a short cut route that would help her to get home faster than the usual route.

"This path is very dangerous desu but Haru must quickly get home before storm arrives!!"

The short cut is a narrow path that leads through a dark forest next to Namimori Park. There are rumors and stories of strange encounters in the forest.

Haru immediately shoved off those thoughts in her mind and she made a point of reminding herself that, the short cut route will get her back home sooner than the usual routine.

As far as she remembered, she had not been doing any hectic running since they got back from the future.

The path is rather short however the thrills are endless. It scared the hell out of her whenever there were rustling sound in the bushes or the noises made by unknown animals or insects.

"Hahi!!! Tsuna-san, God, the Great Demon!! Please protect Haru from the evil!!" The frantic girl chanted out abruptly when she heard barking of dogs and cries???

The faint sounds become clearer as she continues her path.

To her surprised, she found a child on top of a tree next to the path. The child was clinging tightly on its upper trunk. There were numbers of dogs surrounding that tree. The dogs were barking nonstop.

The teary kid was calling for help.

Haru immediately went over and chase the dogs away. It took her quite sometimes to ward them off the tree.

Seeing that the dogs were all gone, Haru drew her attention towards the poor little child.

"Are you okay? It's alright desu. All the dogs are gone now."

The child gave a nod and slowly got down from the tree.

"T…Thank you…o…one-san" the child whispered softly but it was good enough for Haru to hear that.

"You're welcome desu!!" She replied him with a wide toothy grin.

As she looked closer, she came to realize that the child is very beautiful. The child possess a lock of long and shiny black hair that bundled up into a pony tail; a pair of dolly round eyes and golden orbs that go well with the milky colored skin. She guessed that this child is around five to six years of age.

She had never seen such beautiful child before. Not to mention the set of yukata that child is wearing. The patterns of the fabric and the embroideries are very unique. Not that she knows that people would spend so much on yukata.

She immediately shook her head to shove off her admiration towards this child.

"Why are you here, little girl? Where are your parents?" She asked.

"Li…Little girl?! I…I'm a boy" the boy blushed feverishly when he replied.

"HAHI!!! Haru is very sorry!!" And she had even concluded the child's gender.

"And why are you here alone?" she asked again.

"I…I ran away from home" the boy replied honestly.

"HAHI!! Haru is shocked!! You shouldn't do that!! You have made your parents worried."

"I don't have any parents…"


"But I do have some family members."

"Then, they must be very worried now!"

"I guess you are right. They must have hated me now because I abandoned them." The boy started to weep again.

For a moment, Haru doesn't know what to do anymore. It saddens her to see him cry. She realized that the way he speaks sounds like he's someone in much older age. There's only a tint of childishness in him especially when he cries.

She stoop down to level herself to the boy's height and embraced him gently.

"Haru doesn't know what had happened and the reason why you abandon them but Haru can assure you that that there's no way your family would hate you desu. You're too adorable to be hated."

It seems like Haru had totally forgotten about the summer storm. Due to her meeting with this boy, she was not able to get home before the arrival of storm.

Strong wind blew across the field and totter every trees in the forest.

She felt tiny raindrops dripped on her skin.

"HAHI!!! The storm has arrived!! We need to find a place to shelter ourselves now!!"

With that said Haru scooped the boy and carried him to leave with her.

"Oh, by the way!! What's your name? I'm Haru, Miura Haru desu!!"

"I am Misato. Just Misato."

"Okay!! Misato-kun!! You have to hold onto Haru! Haru is going to run out of this forest to the nearest shelter!!"

"Ano…Haru-san, if you don't mind you can shelter in my place. I live here."

"What are you talking about? There's nothing but trees…"

"HAHI!!! Haru sees staircase!!"

"Haru never heard that someone is living here!" It'd shocked her when a staircase suddenly appeared in front of her.

"That's because people no longer visit me. That's why I'm so depressed that I had decided to leave this place." He muttered sadly.

"What did you say, Misato-kun? Haru can't hear you!"


"Alright!! Let's go to your house then!"

"Wait!! I…I'm not going back. Haru-san, please go there without me."

"What are you talking about?! The storm is coming and you want Haru to abandon you here!! Haru will not do this!! How do you expect Haru to explain to your family if you're not coming with Haru?"

"I'll be fine, Haru-san." After saying that, Misato moved closer and gave Haru a peck on her forehead.

"HAHI!!!" despite of blushing furiously, Haru was so shocked by Misato's action. She accidentally let go of him. He'd landed safely on his feet though.

"H…Haru is sorry!! Haru is shocked!"

"It's alright, Haru-san." Misato smiled.

"Haru-san, I'm sure you'll get along with my family. If it is you, it should be fine."

"What…what do you mean, Misato-kun?!"

"Hurry up and go up now. The storm will arrive in a minute."

Haru felt that she was enchanted by Misato's words. Her body seems to move on her own.

'W….What is this?!! H…Haru is moving on her own!!' she thought fearfully. It reminds here again of the rumored mysteries and other horror stories about this forest.

At times Haru might be a little timid but she's not to the limit of not knowing anything or being unobservant. As soon as her feet set on the first step of the stairs, the rain and the wind stop.

Rather than saying that the storm had stopped, it would be more convincing to say that she had entered a barricaded territory.

As soon as she reached to the end of the stairs, she regained control of her body.

"H…HAHI!!!!!! What happened?!!!!! Where am I now?!!" At this moment, Haru almost wanted to break down and cry. She couldn't stop anxiety from haunting her.

"Papa…mama…Haru…Haru won't make it back home."

"Tsuna-san. Haru couldn't fulfill her promise to become your wife. Kyoko-chan, Chrome-chan…we can't continue our date next week. Gokudera-san, Haru is sorry that she always makes fun of you when you were talking about aliens!!"

"Nana-san, Bianchi-san, thank you for guiding Haru to become a perfect bride."


Just when Haru was drowning in sea of despair, two voices called out and had starlet her.

"Misato-sama!! Misato-sama!! You're finally back!!"

Not long after that, an old shrine materialized in front of Haru. In front of the shrine there were two large balls of flames floating in the midair.

When the flames died out, two children appeared before Haru's eyes. Both kids were wearing very strange masks that usually can be seen in Noh Performance.

"Wait Kotetsu! This person is not Misato-sama." said one of them with the smiley face mask.

"But there's the Seal of God on her forehead!!" the other child with a hideous mask pondered.

"Father, mother. Haru is experiencing Kamikakushi." she muttered faintly before losing her consciousness.



Kamikakushi – Hidden by God or Spirited Away. In Japanese folklore, when a person enraged God, God will take that person away from the human world and forbid them to return.

AN: I thought that I wasn't able to complete since I haven't been touching this for days!! I hope that it is still okay. The prologue might turn out to be a little bit dull. I hope to do this slowly. Please read and review. Tell me your thoughts and guidance.

Chapter 1: Haru no Tsukaima – Familiar of Haru