Title changed ^^. The plot's all ready in my head. Suggestions are very welcome. Pre-Hueco Mundo. (Except, Ishida has his powers =D )

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters. Or their original powers. What I do own is three characters. You'll meet them as they pop up somewhere along the story =D


"Ask whom to the dance?" asked Orihime, with her mug frozen mid-way in the air.

Tatsuki settled back more comfortably against the wall. "Ichigo…? Kurosaki-ku~n?" she asked, teasingly.

Orihime turned a bright shade of red, and flapped her hand in front of her face, as if warding away imaginary flies. "N-No…I…Why…-"

Tatsuki grinned, and sipped her hot chocolate. There was something about Orihime's company that put her at ease. A Saturday night spent lazing away at Orihime's, coupled with the best chocolate drink made it into Tatsuki's favourite moments.

"-But Kurosaki-kun doesn't even know what flavor tea I like-". Tatsuki had long given up trying to figure out the derailed train of Orihime's thoughts.

"Did you even buy the tickets?" asked Tatasuki, over Orihime's mumblings. She looked surprised and shook her head, her hair whipping across her cheeks. "I'll get them soon, tomorrow, maybe…Tatsuki-chan, who are you going with?"

"I don't think I'm going." said Tatsuki, putting down her empty mug. She wasn't really into dances …

"You HAVE to come, Tatsuki-chan!" cried out Orihime, "I know! We'll go together, that way neither of us will be alone. Please, Please, Please, come-"

A shrill melody cut into her pleadings, and Orihime grabbed her mobile. "Hello?"

Someone was shouting at the other end. Loudly. Tatsuki could just make out some words.

Ishi….. Blood…. Hurry.

She frowned and stared at Orihime, who looked slightly petrified. She snapped the phone shut, and got up. Tatsuki followed suit.

"Is everything okay?" Tatsuki asked worriedly, as Orihime opened the front door.

"Sorry, Tatsuki-chan. That was…I…Kurosaki-kun-"

That idiot! What did he tell Orihime to get her this panicked, thought Tatsuki.

"-he…just wants…some help. I'm sorry, I…have to go", stammered Orihime, averting her eyes. She hated not being able to tell Tatsuki everything that happened. But the last thing she wanted was to get Tatsuki into more trouble…

Tatsuki wordlessly left the house and walked with Orihime until the gate. She didn't ask Orihime what Ichigo wanted, and she knew Orihime appreciated her silence. She waved and took off the opposite way, wondering how she would spend the rest of the evening. She heard Orihime take off, till her hurried footsteps faded into the distance. Tatsuki wandered aimlessly, occasionally kicking a pebble around, her shoes crunching on the stray leaves and twigs littering the ground. Twilight was setting in, the last rays of the setting sun casting long shadows. She hummed a little, trying to keep her mind from thinking about whatever Orihime was hiding from her. It didn't matter, it didn't matter, not at all…

She didn't notice the tall shadow crossing into her path until she bumped into its caster.

Her eyes travelled upwards and looked into a pair of the deepest blue eyes. Short, black bangs fell casually above them. Tatsuki's breath caught and she stumbled as she tried to back off. The very good-looking stranger made no move to get out of her way. After a whole minute of more staring, Tatsuki blinked and took a few more steps back.

"Scared already, Tatsuki-chan?" he said, softly, taking his hands out of his jeans pocket.

Tatsuki immediately went on alert-mode. Handsome stranger who knew her name? Not a good sign.

"What do you want?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

He walked over to a tree and leaned back against it. "Me? Nothing. There's something I want to show you though." he said, still in that soft tone, as if he was being gentle with a very ill person.

When Tatsuki didn't answer, he beckoned her to follow him and took off down the street.

Tatsuki's first instinct was to turn around and take off in the other direction, to put as much distance as possible between herself and him. She didn't quite get to carry out her plan though, because he said something that immediately caught her attention.

"Don't you wonder what Orihime-chan is upto now?"

Tatsuki froze. "Why…do you know Orhime…?" she asked. He didn't reply, and Tatsuki found herself following him, wondering who he was. She knew it was against her better judgment to do whatever she was doing right now, but her curiosity got the better of her. She followed him up a street, turn around a corner, go down another street…She wasn't really expecting to see anything when he ushered her around the next corner.

Which was why she froze for the second time that evening.

Ichigo and Rukia were up in the clearing ahead, clad in black robes, both wielding swords. Ishida lay beside them, coughing up blood. And in the center of it all, Orihime knelt, giving off an orange glow. Tatsuki would have thought they were practicing a strange play, if she hadn't chanced to look up and see a howling monster race their way.

And even as Ichigo raised his sword, Tatsuki's frightened scream erupted from her throat.



Tatsuki: How long do I have to keep screaming?-_-

Ichigo: How long do I have to keep my sword raised? -_-

Orihime: Kurosaki-kun, there's bird droppings on your robe!

Ichigo: Aaaargh!!!!

Ishida: I'm still bleeding, you know?

Next chapter: Tatsuki deals with the sudden explanation of Orihime's disappearances, while Ichigo slashes down the hollow. xD