Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or it's characters, but Kyo is mine heck he's me XD

Okay Just to mention I've had so many disappointed reviewers because Kyo was not going to be in a love triangle with Itachi and Sakura so just for you who asked and were sad because of it, I guess I'll have a little Sakura Kyo moments or two in here just for fun lol.

You guys have to tell me who you want Sasuke with weather it be a random OC or Tenten or someone. Ino is with Kiba. Temari is with Shika and Hinata is with Naruto so those girls won't work with him. Should he just stay single or what?

Who wants to guess who makes an appearance finally this chapter? Hurry and guess! Now read on and find out if your right! XD

Chapter seven:

As expected Sakura had no major wounds when she woke, only little cuts or bruises left. Her lip was tender from last night but the wound itself was gone. She had healed up nicely regardless of letting Sasuke beat her from heaven to hell.

He might sleep a lot longer then her however. She woke as she would the next morning regardless of the beating she let Sasuke give her yesterday. She recovered fast thanks to not only her chakra control or the levels she conserved it but also because she was a trained medic nin.

She remembered Itachi lifting her when she swayed coming from Sasuke's room after cleaning him up and putting him to bed. He had exhausted himself as well as she had. Taking on the full rage of someone who wanted to actually hurt you was hard work and it hurt like a SOB.

Itachi was only as nice as to take her to her room and clean the blood and dirt off her because she had taken Itachi's place when Sasuke needed to vent. If she had let Itachi fight with Sasuke one of them would have died. She could let herself get beaten, Itachi could not. Be it something in pride, or be it a survival instinct that would not allow him to let someone beat him to almost if not death. What ever it was she had taken his place and Itachi owed her for that thus would listen to her when she gave the advice to stay in this house and let Sasuke simmer for a while and cool before approaching or getting close again.

If Itachi had stayed in his old room with Sasuke not even yards away in his room, Sasuke would have gotten worse and maybe even tried to kill Itachi. Allowing Sasuke room to cool and think was best. Plus some of his built up anger had been taken out wisely on her and not anyone else who could not survive his anger like she could.

Regardless of being a little sore she looked and felt rather well for getting her insides beaten out of her. Waking up next to Uchiha Itachi was something she never though she could ever claim in her life or let alone here from anyone ever. He of course woke when she woke because heaven forbid she see him sleeping. So when she looked over at him his eyes were open as if he had been awake for hours before she had been. She knew he had not been.

She sat up not wanting things to turn uncomfortable by just laying there next to him, he didn't seem to care at all. Figures.

She stood completely naked, and regardless of what your thinking about, she wasn't the same as when she was younger. She wasn't a slut or anything like that, but she was a kunoichi she had no reason to have to hide her body, she was a nin and she could not be shy about those things. Sometimes she would have missions to sleep with someone or seduce someone for info. She rather just kill them as an easy way, but sometimes the best way is while they let their guards down, not when you torture and force it out.

So she walked to her bathroom feeling his eyes on her weather it could be sexual or just curious she did not know. Uchiha Itachi was as much a mystery as Kyo was. You never could tell what either was thinking. Being so much alike you wonder why they disliked each other so much.

She showered quickly washing away dirt and blood in places she wondered how they even got their let alone that Itachi missed them while washing her off. Of course he wasn't so much through as quick.

The day started out weird by waking up beside Itachi, but it turned weirder as she walked out of her shower to fine not Itachi but Kyo. When they traded places and why she didn't know. She did like the fact Kyo was not wearing that jutsu anymore so she could see the full force of his beauty anytime she wanted. It was breath taking and she had to pause and catch her breath before stepping through the door way.

It wasn't one thing about him that drew the eye it was everything as one. Everything caught you, mesmerized you, from the dark blue eyes that seemed cold one moment, lifeless, another then amused the next. Or be it the pale beauty of his flawless skin, or the long black hair that looked like it would be so very soft. Or be it that body that she wanted nothing more then to see unclothed. It seemed the man always wore clothes.

She had never even seen him with his skirt off, or wounded, heck she had rarely seen a smile, if ever. A smirk maybe but that was all and that was just starting since he came to Konoha and saw Neji. She still found it so hard to believe that regardless of being older then her great grandfather who had died years ago he looked her age and it wasn't a jutsu of any kind like Tsunade's. He was immortal, well at least he couldn't age. Well he was more powerful then she could imagine as well so perhaps he couldn't die, or more or less never be beaten thus never could die unless someone killed him which was highly unlikely.

There was so much about Kyo she did not know, so much no one knew, so much she wanted to know yet may never know. It was so trilling to want to find out. He was so aloof however it seemed like he was one of the people who observed more so then interfered with life. As if he were so sort of guardian over humans but only guided them on their way not...joined in and did it for them.

Witch is why she knew this crush she had on him would never go anywhere. He didn't even seem to realize she was female let alone care. Or...OMG maybe being hundreds of years old gender had no real meaning or restrictions to him and female and male was just something to take pleasure in when needed? Good kami she so hoped that wasn't true, he was too beautiful to be interested in men as well.

For some reason while thinking all this to herself he smirked deviously as if he heard everything she thought and found it rather amusing or maybe he could just read her face and eyes extremely well. She always had trouble being expressionless she was to emotional or other wise she could, she could be almost emotionless seemingly but it showed to those who knew her, who really looked.

Some where between walking into the bedroom and getting closer his amusement turned serious in a blink. It always weirded her out how someone could go from one mood to the next with out even showing effort, though being as old as he was it would be automatic not hard at all.

She let the serious in his eyes focus her mind however to listen to what he no doubt had to say soon. He always had a reason behind his actions every move he made resulted in some future action, nothing he did was pointless.

" You should not have let Sasuke let his anger out on you. I could very well have let him hit me and for future reference I would rather you remember that. If he wants a fight then I will give him one." She enjoyed hearing that accent she couldn't place but it was smooth like running water and she enjoyed hearing it the few rare occasions she did.

The words he had spoke registered in her mind and she found it a little nice that he was worried about her a little at least.

" Okay, but I know Sasuke and he trusts me at least a little considering I was his partner he would be less likely to kill me for that reason then he would you or Itachi. Actually I know for a fact he would kill you and Itachi given the chance. It makes me wonder who he hates more you or his brother." For some reason this made him smirk.

Perhaps Itachi would be mad that this was true, that Sasuke may hate Kyo more then even him, perhaps he would be jealous, why to be jealous over who someone hated more she didn't know but for some reason when speaking about Sasuke, Itachi, and Kyo she didn't doubt it at all.

" I would not let him kill me. It would be very unlikely he ever could." Well Kyo had a point of course he would, but still. As she thought maybe it would be better for Sasuke to have taken it out on Kyo, regardless of it not being his problem at all, Sasuke would have not held back his rage with Kyo where as she saw how he withheld life threatening blows as much as possible.

" I know but still. I brought Itachi here he's my responsibility and through his so is how Sasuke reacts to him. Thus It's my problem." The cold look he gave her chilled her down to the bone marrow. How anyone cloud freeze someone with a look alone she did not know but he was the master.

And then it was as if he melted and the coldness just vanished as quick as the look came, and it was back to amusement. She got whiplash from his mood swings.

" On another note your Hokage can consume a great deal of alcohol for a human." He said human as if he were not, though being called blood elf, being immortal and powerful as he was, he more then likely could very well be classified as not human.

" That she can. She's also a horrible gambler. Never won anything on good days, but on a day trouble was coming she won every thing she played." Sakura said brushing out her hair and tying it back as she spoke.

" She is like Konoha's personal trouble detector." Kyo said with a slight chuckle. That chuckle that made her shutter from a sudden pleasure, it shot down her spine, shooting down, and curling her toes. It fluttered her eyes shut as if she had really great sex and just couldn't keep them open. When she did opened them he seemed to know exactly the effect he had on her.

" You don't shoot for the other team right?" The question popped out of her mouth before she really thought it over, and she blushed covering her mouth with a hand and a horrified look as if she hadn't wanted to say it but had and now regretted it. He of course was not expecting it either, and yet the sudden laugh had her almost faint.

" You know Haruno Sakura I think your one in a kind. I expect to know what your going to say next but it's never what I think it is." He smiled at her and her breath caught in her throat forming a lump the size of a football.

He didn't stick around obviously having said all he wanted to, never wasting a minute on pointless things, everything had reason, everything.


Having Lunch with a man who you had the biggest crush on and who could most likely make you faint by a look alone, and a man you had slept naked beside was a little awkward, plus throw in one Neji Hyuuga and one ex-Akatsuki best friend and you got a awkward situation that just borderlines on weird.

Lunch was so silent you could more the likely cut the tension in the air with a knife, heck Deidara tried and it made her laugh thus easing the tension a little. Of course the glare Itachi was giving Kyo for some reason was as always hostel. Kyo didn't seem to let it even phase him today, rather was just eating and reading something in a language she did not know. More then likely something from a different time period.

Why Itachi hated Kyo so much she might never know, she just wondered if he even had a reason at all.


Of course it was quiet when dinner was over as Deidara helped her clean up their dinner plates, and the silence was suddenly interrupted as the door slammed open. Of course Sakura and Deidara had not bothered to check for Chakra while cleaning up, besides if their was a problem, Neji and Itachi, and Kyo were right behind them able to defend them if someone where to suddenly attack.

Of course since they had not expected someone to just come into the house at all, let alone slam the door open both her and Deidara jumped. Kyo didn't seem to even acknowledge the existence of the world around him or care, Itachi and Neji were on guard insistently and then the yell came.

" SAKURA-CHAN!" She flinched at the volume, but was sort of relived to hear the familiar and deeper voice getting closer. Then the loud blood with whiskered cheeks stood in the door way. He didn't even glance at the others in the room before rushing and picking her off the floor and twirling her as if they were dancing.

A certain silver haired sensei also made an appearance but Sakura hardly noticed him while being swung around so fast and so much. She felt slightly nauseated as he finally stopped and squeezed her so hard he cracked her back and maybe cracked a rib she had healed over night again.

He kissed her cheek and then the other then hugged her tight mumbling how much he missed her and to never leave him again. She felt happy that he for one did not act like the rest of the people in the village and act as if she had betrayed the village in some way. She really hadn't.

" Well, well, I never thought to see you again." Kakashi's voice made Sakura glance over at her never changing sensei who looked exactly the same as he had when they'd been young. He still held an Icha Icha book in one hand this one wasn't orange thankfully, ( How many years can you read the same book over and over again seriously?) it was purple this time.

The book was closed however as if he had been reading it but deemed what ever was going on know as important enough to have his full attention. Sakura knew he wasn't speaking to her, but she figured it was Itachi.

It was Kyo. Who after hearing the male's voice closed the book he was reading from and stood turning around and facing the male who did not seem affected other then a slight widen of eyes as if he too was affected by the beauty. She didn't doubt it.

" Hatake Kakashi it has been many years since I saw you. I believe it was when you were no older then sixteen." It was really weird having Kyo know Kakashi back then and still being older regardless of not looking it. It still weirded her out, but regardless his beauty made up for his weirdness.

Kakashi smirked under the mask. If Kyo knew him back then did he know what he looked like under that mask? She thought about it, and Naruto was just confused after actually looking around the room to find two Akatsuki including one of which was Sasuke brother, and then Neji Hyuuga, and a long haired guy who he hadn't really seen very well, but had a weird accent, and sounded as cool as his back looked.

He remained usually quiet however as the two older men spoke. So did everyone else. If Kyo had not been in Kohona since it was first built how did he know Kakashi?

" You still look exactly the same." Kakashi said not really surprised at all. Kyo chuckled slightly causing her to shiver and Naruto to squeeze her as if he to felt that pleasure and was confused by it.

" Of course, and you seem to have grown into a very well off shinobi. I refuse to believe you have kept reading those books even to this day." Kyo said no doubt referring to the Icha Icha books. Kakashi laughed slightly.

" You complained back then too. I remember you beating up that sanin for giving me my first book too. You were so mad that he corrupted me." It sounded as if Kyo was like a father figure to their old sensei which just proved how creepy it was for him to be immortal and so much older yet seemingly the same age as her.

" I was furious." Kyo admitted nodding, remembering that time. He had sent that pervert to the hospital for half a year, he would have killed him but a girl with pigtails who looked oddly enough like the current Hokage stopped him.

" I know what your thinking, you should know that Tsunade-sama the current Hokage is the one who stopped you." He nodded. He had felt the jutsu she had put on herself to appear younger then she was. He just never thought twice of it. He knew she looked familiar when he met her.

" Of course, of course." Kyo said nodding as he realized the little girl and the Hokage where the same.

" I hate to interrupt but who the heck are you and why is teme's brother here and that blond haired guy?" Naruto said pointing to Itachi the blond haired guy the Kyo's back. Kyo turned around slightly and Naruto's eyes popped, his jaw went down.

The thoughts that flashed across his face was wonder, embarrassment, curiously, suspicious and then curiously again as if wondering now if this guy was a girl or not.

" My name is Kyo you must be the nine tailed fox, I've heard so much about. It's hard to believe Kyuubi is inside you a child." He spoke as if he had met Kyuubi, of course being as old as he was and all he very well could have.

" Hey you look the same age as me and you sound like an old man! Are you really a guy at all? Why are you here for and where is teme?" Sakura sighed but Neji spoke for her.

" Sasuke is next door more then likely sulking, Sakura brought these men home, and Kyo is a distant relative. He is one of the original ones from which the Byakugan and Sharingan originated, also he is immortal and can not age, and he is my great, great, very great grandfather." Neji said. Naruto gaped not believing it, while Kakashi already knowing Kyo's history, made a face.

" You never told me the Hyuuga's here where related to you that way. I guessed a uncle not an Grandfather. You don't seem the type, considering you never told me you had children." Sakura started at that. She had never thought about it regardless of knowing that fact.

Of course to be a grandfather you have to have had children to begin with thus...She blushed.

Kyo didn't look at all like he was happy everyone realized this fact because he scowled. Obviously it was not a happy time then.

" It was too long ago and besides there being so very few woman in our village, they were not immortal in the age wise, only in the not being able to die of anything, except old age." It was the opposite obviously of the men then. So he could die if he fought someone as powerful who could kill him.

" Our woman were insanely beautiful of course but they lived short lives, mating having children then dying. Leaving son's I was forced to raise alone, and two daughters I was forced to watch grow old die before me. I will never grow old." She sensed sorrow in his voice when she had never before heard it.

Neji suddenly seemed to realize something.

" That's why you killed the clan for. You knew the pain of living forever with out aging, you knew the painful process and you had to end it." At least he didn't kill them all just because so random elder made him mad or something. He had good reason.

" Besides I did not kill them all." Kyo admitted. She wondered who he kept alive, why, and if any of those were his children. His son's. Would they be like their dead mother in looks or did they look like their father? She couldn't even imagine going to a place where beautiful people like Kyo were all around.

Kyo alone was over whelming. She couldn't even think of dozens more would be like. Enough to knock her old cold more then likely.


Okay end chapter for now. It's 5am and the coffee wore off XD Well night people. Hope you liked this chapter I did not reread. If anyone has a complaint about the grammar or sentences or spelling so help me...

Let me say it again...I do not care at this point. When I finish the story, I will go back and reread, edit whatever to make it better, until then just enjoy the story line. If you want to wait until the story is finished and I reedit it then go ahead I don't mind, but it might be a while, and why wait when you can just deal with a little typo's?
