*Warner Siblings are currently tearing the T-Tower apart*
Sokka: Okay, I am now losing my mind.
Toph: You lost your mind a long time ago, Sokka.
Sokka: *Glares*
Dot: Hey, what's this? *Is holding Raven's mirror*
Raven: Don't touch that! *Uses her powers to get it from Dot* Alright, if any of you little twerps go in my room, I will kill you.
Me: Wait, I just remembered their weakness.
Warners: Oh no! Not him!
Me: Oh, yes. *Big glass box appears around the Warners and Baloney the Dinosaur appears inside the box with them*
Baloney: Hi, kids! Ready for some fun?!
Warners: Noooooooo!
Raven: What does he do?
Me: Just watch.
Baloney: Let sing the Imagine Song! *Starts singing it*
Warners: NOOOOOO!! HELP!
Beast Boy: Imagine Song?
Raven: A is for the letter A?
Everyone: Wow.
Me: See? Torture. Now all you have to do is get rid of the box, and they won't bother you again. Until I release them again...
Yakko: Wait! What about the Anvil Song?
Me: It doesn't work in there.
Warners: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Robin: Speaking of the box, what do we do with it? Put it in Beast Boy's room?
Beast Boy: *Glares at Robin*
Me: Put it somewhere nobody will find it.
Robin: So, put it in Beast Boy's room.
Me: No, put it in the basement.

That's all for now!!