Author's Note: I got this idea after watching 6.12. I know I already have another story started, but I just felt I had to write this.

Lexie Voice Over: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words will never hurt me. As kids that is what adults taught us. Too bad it is just not true. Words hurt, and they sometimes leave even bigger scars then actual physical injuries.

"I can't even look at you right now..."

Mark Sloan shook his head, turned, and then simply walked away.

Lexie just stood there for a moment, not being to breathe. Not being able to move. She blinked, struggling not to cry right there in front of the hospital. She clutched her keys in her hand. She needed to go home, well to Meredith's. She needed alcohol.

Mark Voice Over: As doctors we learn rather quickly that life is short. Life is fragile. Life can be over with a blink of an eye.

"I can't even look at you right now..." His words repeated over and over in her head. She knew she had screwed up when she slept with Alex. She wasn't denying what she did wasn't stupid, because it was. But he couldn't even look at her?

Was her mistake really that much worse then his?

She brought her car to a halt a few feet behind another car at a red light.

Of course, it was her fault, she concluded. She was the one who broke up with him. It had killed her to end things. She was in love with him. She was really in love with him. Mark had told her many times he had never really had a serious girlfriend, that she was his first real love.

What he didn't know he was hers as well. Yes, she had a few serious relationships. But not a one where she would have comprised her career plan. Ever since she graduated high school she knew exactly what she wanted to do. First was med school. Then her internship, her residency would follow. After her residency she dreamed of owning her own practice. Then, after that she would think of marriage and kids.

Mark changed that when he asked her to move in with him. At first she was reluctant, but, of course she gave in. Before Sloan they would half-joke about getting married and having kids. They would talk about building a house and having pets.

On nights, where she could not sleep she would imagine what their children might look like. She would picture a son with her brown eyes, and his blonde hair. Their daughter would have his blue eyes and her brown hair. She knew, no matter what she wanted their children to have his smirk.

She would have thrown away her plan for him.

But that was over now. Because as he said; he couldn't even look at her now.

Mark Voice Over: When we have to tell our patients' loved ones about their death a greater percent of them have something in common. They regret their last words to them. Because sometimes they just don't say what they really want. They don't say what they really feel. That is another lesson that is learned, but that is all too often quickly forgotten. Be careful what you say to the people you love. Because you never know what conversation with someone...

Lexie jumped at the sound of a car horn. She looked up. The car in front of her was gone. The light was green. She sighed and stepped on the gas. The car horn behind her went off again. "I'm going damn it!" She almost yelled in frustration.

She never saw the car to her left speeding through the red light.

It was not until to crashed into her side of the car she knew what was happening.

She heard the sound of metal twisting. She heard the sound of glass shattering. It felt like she was on a ride at an amusement park. Her car was spinning, or was it rolling?

She heard another car horn.

And then there nothing. There was no more sound. Her world turned to black.

...Could be your last.


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