Hope you al enjoy the final chapter of this little story........

Disclaimer as Norm…

The Final Battle

Torres stood there her arms folded defiantly across her chest.

"I am not touching you – let alone massaging you"

"You've got to Torres cos that mentor is gonna be popping in sooner rather than later, an she is gonna wanna see at the very least some oil on my body, so stop being such a child and get on with it"

Ria grabbed the body oil and poured some on Cals back.

"Actually" Cal turned his head and grinned at her "You're supposed to warm that with yer hands first luv"

Slowly Ria started to spread the oil across his back, she was mumbling under her breath, "Can't believe you got me doing this – this cannot be in my contract –'massage the boss' there has got to be some kinda employee law that says I don't have to do this"

"Stop whingeing – I think you'll find it cums under 'ad hoc' duties – the legs Torres – your supposed to do the legs as well"

As she started to use just the very tips of her fingers to move the oil onto his legs, there was a light tap on the door and the 'mentor' came in.

"How's it going in here then, Sharon? What are you doing girl?I'm sorry Terry luv – use the whole of your hands girl push into the skin and slide your hands and fingers as you do it – go on – now make complete runs from top to bottomthat's it – and the legs girl, all the way up- right to the very top and back again. Good…I'll pop back in a bit"

"You heard the woman Torres, and she is the expert – so spread Torres"

Ria could feel the smugness in his voice, there were many times since she had taken this job that she had hated her boss, this was probably gonna jump right in at number one with a bullet!

She started to use more pressure and actually work the oil into his skin.

Working on his back wasn't too bad, but when it came to starting on his legs her hands became bit more cautious, this was way more intimate than any employee should get with their boss.

As she worked she found herself becoming more and more fascinated with her subject.

His muscle tone was amazing, better than most men she had come across that were half his age and his skin still had the elasticity of someone in their prime.

Torres knew she was lingering more than she should but now she was beginning to ponder on what she would find if she moved up just a little further, would his buttocks be as firm as they appeared to be when she occasionally found herself 'checking out' his butt as he walked down a corridor at work.

Realizing what she was doing, Ria tried to break the spell. "I..I don't see how we are supposed to get anywhere with the staff if we are both stuck in here doing…'this'"

"That's because you always fail to see the bigger picture Torres"

"How much longer do I have to do this – my hands are getting tired"

"Would you like me to turn over? Maybe a change of scenery would help?"

"NO!..No I think you should stay exactly where you are thank you"

Unfortunately it was at this point 'the mentor' did another spot check.

"Sharon, I think that's enough for Terry's back now don't you? This mans got such a gorgeous chest, it deserves a lot of attention as well. Cum on Terry let me just move that towel away from you, don't wanna be getting all twisted up in it do you – and we're all …..consenting adults here…."

"NO" Ria heard her own voice echoed in a somewhat lower pitch as the towel was about to be pulled aside.

"I don't see there's any good reason to take this further Lightman, you must have had your 'payback' by now, there's sucha thing as 'TOO far don'tcha think?"

"Loker!" Ria was stunned to see her colleague standing in the doorway.

The shock also carried on to the way he had just tackled Lightman, and the fact that Cal seemed to be showing no surprise at his appearance or his tone of voice.

"Loker! – We're on a case here…"

"Well, that's just it Ria – you're not!. There is NO case…This is just our 'bosses idea of getting you back for playing matchmaker in his life"


She swung round to take in Lightmans face. He was right! Cal was barely concealing the laughter now, and her 'mentor' was prodding him in his arm.

"You owe me Cal – and you KNOW I'm gonna collect my dear"

Loker was glaring at Cal as he took off his jacket and placed it round Ria's shoulders.

"Go grab yer stuff Ria, I'll take you home"

"Loker! – finally grown a pair I see" Cal was flashing a look of challenge at his normally placid lab controller. Ria was about to open her mouth in his defence when Eli put his hand on the small of her back and pushed her towards the door.

"Go- Ria, lets just get you outta here"

For once Torres decided not to argue, she went and grabbed her stuff deciding that she would not waste time getting changed as Eli's Jacket covered more than enough of her.

Loker was keeping full eye contact with Lightman, and for once there was no fear or trepidation.

"I'm taking Ria home for the rest of the day Dr. Lightman, so if you wanna sack me – you're gonna have to wait till tomorrow morning to do it!"

He turned and swung out of the room just in time to meet up with Torres.

They left and went to his car which was double parked right outside the building.

Back in the room, Cal had swung his legs over the side of the bed and was grinning.

"Was that the kind of reaction you were expecting Cal luv?"

"Pretty much – that's what I was hoping for anyway – and I got a free back massage outta it as well – she's actually not half bad when she gets goin that girl"

"Get dressed Cal – before I decide I can't resist doing the front half as well"

They both laughed.


"I can't believe he did that! – How did you know..I mean find out Loker?"

"Well I knew he had to be planning something, when I went and asked Foster where you were going, and what was the case- I knew instantly there was NO case from her reaction"

"But that doesn't explain how you found us"

"Wellll….I kinda lied to Reynolds. Told him I needed an urgent trace on Lightman's Cell , kinda hinted that you and he were on a case and that I'd just found out some info which might mean you where in trouble…."

"Loker! – I can't believe you…..You LIED to Reynolds, And you took on Lightman! What the hell's got into you?"

Eli was quiet for a few minutes, his face showed a certain amount of internal struggle.

Torres softened her voice and placed her hand over his. "Eli, what's up, tell me?"

Loker saw a space and neatly pulled the car over to the side of the road. Turning the engine off he twisted round to make sure he was facing Torres full on.

"Ria, about us…. I know we agreed to keep 'us' kinda casual for a while….but I guess I worked out that I think I'd already moved beyond that. – I guess what I'm trying to say is….I wasn't gonna sit by and let Cal Lightman treat the woman I loved….the way he was"

Torres wasn't as shocked by this admission as she should have been.

She had already seen moments on his face when she was fairly certain his commitment to their relationship had gone deeper than the 'casual' they had agreed to.

She was immensely glad she knew for certain she wasn't the only one who had strayed from that agreement.

The kiss they started spoke for both of them as they shared their pleasure at having moved on.


Later that evening Cal and Gillian were relaxing at his.

After a good meal, they were enjoying a good bottle of wine.

"How could you be so certain your plan would work?"

"Because I know people – well- I know those two people anyway. I suppose I was tiny bit uncertain whether Loker really had it in him, but I guess 'Love' can really make a man out of a boy after all"

"I suppose, do you think they will work out that you 'played' them eventually – just to get Eli to admit it to himself- and then Ria?"

Cal grinned at her "I bloody well hope so! Or I'll have to work out another plan to make sure they do. No good winning a war if your opponent doesn't realise it is there!"

The End