I'd like to give special thanks to all my readers, and to ijedi, gurnius, clearspring2009 and especially pronker for your kind reviews! Reviews seriously make my day and put me on Cloud Nine. Thank you, thank you! Here is the final chapter.

Mace Windu walked across the atrium with swift strides, his expression stern and intimidating as always, and Obi-Wan and Siri gave each other mystified looks before following after him. They hadn't gone far when Mace opened a door and gestured for them to go in. Obi-Wan went in first, but Siri hesitated in the doorway.

"Is there a problem, Master Tachi?" Mace asked.

"It's the men's 'fresher," Siri said.

"Did you expect me to use the women's 'fresher?" Mace said, his face inscrutable.

"I guess not," Siri said, and went in. Mace followed and walked over to the row of sinks.

"Do you see this object hanging on the wall above the sink?" Mace said. "Who can tell me what it is?"

Obi-Wan and Siri assumed it was a rhetorical question, but Mace waited patiently until Siri finally ventured: "A mirror?"

"Correct," Mace said.

He paced methodically in front of the two of them.

"Have either of you ever been in the Nova Lounge in the southwest spire?" Mace asked next.

"Ummmm... once or twice," Obi-Wan said. He didn't like the direction this was going.

"Can you tell me what material the northern wall is made of?"

"A mirror," Obi-Wan said with confidence.


Oooooooh noooooo, Obi-Wan thought. Oh no oh no oh no no no no no no."

"...it's made of glass," Mace continued. "Glass that appears highly reflective at night when the lounge is lit up, but the balcony outside is in darkness."

Siri made a soft whimpering noise and buried her face in her hands.

"Do you know who was on the balcony last evening?" Mace continued. "A group of 5-year-olds, being led through a bedtime meditative exercise. It began peacefully enough, but ended rather chaotically when the younglings began asking their clan leader awkward questions about what was going on in the next room over."

Obi-Wan put his hand over his mouth, fixed his eyes on his boots and tried to control his breathing. He wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh or cry.

"So. Now that I've cleared up for you what is and isn't a mirror, I'd like to teach you a new lesson," Mace said.

He picked up a bar of soap and handed it to Obi-Wan. Then he picked up another one and handed it to Siri.

"Start washing," he said.

"My hands are already perfectly clean, Master Windu," Obi-Wan said.

"Not your hands," Mace replied. "Your mouth."

"I was afraid of that," Obi-Wan said with a sigh.

Siri was staring intently at Mace, waiting for a joking expression to cross his face. It didn't. Horrified, she wrinkled her nose.

"That's disgusting!" she said.

"I agree," Mace said. "The poor bars of soap."

Obi-Wan looked thoughtfully at his. It was white, rectangular, slimy, and didn't look very tasty.

Siri thought fiercely at him, Don't do it, Kenobi! What can he do, pin us down and force us to eat bubbles?

Obi-Wan gave a resigned shrug, and stuck the bar of soap in his mouth.

Shavit! Siri thought.

Mace looked at Siri expectantly. Rapidly, she weighed her options. Run for it and let Obi-Wan take the punishment alone? Stay, but clamp her mouth shut and refuse to be debased in such a manner? Or just do it and get it over with as quickly as possible?

Siri's shoulders slumped, and she put the soap in her mouth and started scrubbing. Stars and galaxies, but it tasted awful! Obi-Wan saw the expression on her face, and gave her a big grin with the bar of soap sticking out ridiculously from between his teeth.

"None of that!" Mace said sharply. "I don't want the two of you to smile at each other, look at each other, talk to each other, or even be in the same room with each other, until you learn a little self-control! Understood?"

Mumbling around the soap, they indicated that they understood. For the next few minutes, there was no sound but the sounds of rinsing and spitting, until Mace was satisfied and let them leave, with instructions to meditate long and hard on what they'd done.

That night, Siri called Obi-Wan on the comlink to apologize.

"It wasn't that bad," Obi-Wan said. "At least it was unscented soap. Qui-Gon made me wash my mouth out once, and that time it smelled and tasted like musk. Ugh."

"Then...last night wasn't really your first kiss?" Siri asked.

"Siri!" Obi-Wan said. "That time it was for swearing, not kissing."

Siri sighed. "I should have picked a better spot to give you your present."

"Yes, you should have," Obi-Wan agreed. "Siri, I'm really curious to know ... when did you decide to go through with it?"

Siri chuckled. "When I saw you being overpowered by all those silly girls in the diner. I knew then I needed to be the damsel to rescue the distressed Knight."

Obi-Wan sighed. "It was worth it all."

"Yes, it was."

"Siri?" Obi-Wan said. "There's just one other thing I've been thinking about. If the first kiss was so ... so..."

"...what will the second one be like?" Siri softly finished for him.

After they said their goodnights, Obi-Wan and Siri settled down to meditate on that.


Well, dear readers, that is the end of my first fan fiction! Did you like it? Should I quit my day job? I will give a virtual cookie to anyone who leaves a comment to tell me what you thought!

And if you can't get enough of Siriwan ... rest assured that I am working on another one as we speak.