A/N: Sorry this story kind of got put on the backburner with everything that has happened in the last two weeks but I'm back at it! Thanks for the patience! Read and review!

The newlyweds woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed than they had in ages. Emily woke up before JJ and quietly slipped out of the king size bed. She didn't want to wake the tired blonde and so she quietly ordered room service for breakfast to be delivered in the near future and slipped outside onto the balcony. She was thankful that she grabbed her robe because it was slightly chilly and she sat out in the chair and listened to the sounds of the Chesapeake Bay. She lost track of time and was startled when an hour later JJ slipped out with her and came from behind her.

"I woke up and you weren't there," JJ said sadly planting kisses on Emily's neck and shoulders.

"I didn't want to wake you, you seemed so peaceful and I know how worn out you were last night," Emily mustered out before turning around and kissing her bride.

"Can you believe that in less than 24 hours the sight we'll be seeing from our balcony will be the ocean in France?" JJ said looking in awe out to the bay. She couldn't believe she was married, let alone to Emily Prentiss and she definitely couldn't believe she would be going to France for two whole weeks.

"I can't wait for it to be just you and me. But today, we have to entertain all our family and friends before taking the long flight. We should probably get things packed after breakfast," Emily said in between kissing her wife.

"Ahh, yes packing. Garcia said she would be here around 10 to take all of our things down and then everything starts at 11:30 for the luncheon. We have to be at the airport by 6 for customs and everything and our flight is at 7:50," JJ began to explain everything and Emily stopped her with a kiss.

"Baby, relax. Room service should be here anytime now. You are going to have a stroke before the age of 35 if you don't stop stressing everything. Morgan and Garcia have everything under control for us," Emily said trying to relax JJ as she began to stress out.

"Right, Morgan and Garcia have it under control. I can do this. Breathe," JJ said laughing.

Emily laughed at how cute it was when JJ didn't have the reins in her control when it came to planning things. The hotel room door was knocked on as room service had arrived and the two went back inside to eat breakfast and pack everything back up after they each got ready for the reception. JJ was wearing a white sundress that hit her mid thigh and Emily was wearing white slacks and the green strapless top that she had worn for the wedding the day before just without the suit jacket over it. The luncheon was to be with the team and the women's families and made for a small reception but JJ wouldn't have it any other way. JJ was lost in her thoughts and Garcia and Morgan were due any minute to pick up their luggage before they headed to the luncheon and Emily noticed the distant look in JJ's eyes. She went up behind her and held her close.

"Penny for your thoughts," Emily said in her ear spinning JJ around to face her.

"Nothing major, I was just thinking it would've been nice for my sister to have seen this day. Some days I miss her so much Emily," JJ said sadly before looking up at Emily's deep brown eyes.

"I know sweetie, it's ok to miss her and I'm sure she's looking down on us right now and very happy for you. I wish I would've had the chance to meet her," Emily said looking back at the ocean eyes that JJ was looking at her with. Emily kissed her wife showing her the love she had and was interrupted by the hotel door knocking again. This time it was Morgan and Garcia. JJ went to the door and let the two best friends in.

"Hey love birds, how was the first night at newlyweds?" Morgan asked with a wink and his signature smile.

"Oh if you only knew Morgan," Emily said winking and she saw JJ hug Garcia.

"We'll put your bags and everything that you packed for the trip in the back of the FBI SUV that Rossi arranged to take you to the airport. The luncheon will last until about 4 and then you two are going to have a romantic Oceanside dinner before flying off to Paris. Everything is situated so JJ there is no need to worry, stress, etc. You two are to be as relaxed as possible and just mingle with your family. Prentiss of course you have the largest amount of people here somehow. I think your mom invited the whole entire embassy," Garcia explained looking first at JJ and then to Emily.

"Great, I told her I didn't want this to be a big deal. JJ I promise this will be the least amount of politics as possible even if I have to kick them out," Emily said looking at a worried JJ. JJ wasn't sure how her parents would get along with the Ambassador's political friends and how they would react to the two women being married.

"It's ok Emily. I can handle it. I just hope they accept us and that my parents get along with them," JJ said quietly knowing that she and Emily came from two completely different backgrounds.

Emily hugged JJ and whispered to her that it'd be ok as Morgan and Garcia grabbed the bags and left the two newlyweds to relax before the stress of the luncheon.

Seven hours later, a very tired JJ lay against Emily at the airport waiting to go through customs.

"I've never seen that many political people in my life! And I'm a media liaison!" JJ exclaimed exhaustion claiming her excitement. The day had been filled with nice to meet you's and a thousand thank you's and now all JJ wanted to do was sleep against her wife. She had started to drift when her phone rang and she looked at it staring at the number as it look familiar.

"Agent Jareau?" JJ answered hoping it wasn't a work call especially since she was looking forward to the next two weeks in France with her wife. Only an emergency would be able to pull them back and her heart sank when she thought about it. Her stomach was in knots when she heard the voice on the other end of the line.

"Hey JJ, it's me, Will," JJ went in shock as she heard the voice on the other line. Never in a million years did she think she'd hear from the New Orleans voice ever again.

"Will, hi," JJ said causing concern in Emily. Emily sat up straight and looked at JJ asking the questions with her eyes and expressions. JJ just shrugged.

"Hey I heard the news and I just wanted to tell you and Emily congratulations. You deserve to be happy JJ and I'm glad you found that with her, can I talk to her?" Will asked completely shocking JJ once again. This day was getting crazier as it went on.

"Thank you, yeah she's right next to me," JJ said and quickly covered the ear piece of the phone and turned to Emily. "It's Will, he wants to talk to you." JJ gave Emily the same confused look that Emily was giving her.

"Prentiss," Emily said into the phone not really knowing what else to say.

"Emily, it's Will. I want to just say congratulations I heard the news and you are one lucky woman. Take care of her ok?" Will said with sadness in his voice.

"I plan on it. Is something wrong Will?" Emily asked hearing the sadness in the voice.

"Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to make sure that she is taken care of. I loved her Emily but I know she wasn't happy and I know I left without much more than a note and when I heard you two were getting married, I knew she was happy and I needed to tell her congratulations," the southern detective told Emily.

"Thank you. We are both happy. Take care of yourself Will," Emily said before hanging up JJ's phone and kissing her wife.

"He sounded sad. I hope everything is ok. I think he misses you but is happy that you are happy," Emily explained to JJ as JJ leaned against her.

"I am the happiest I have been in my entire life Emily Prentiss and it's all because of you. I do feel sorry for him though, I left him for a woman," JJ said laughing. Emily chuckled too knowing that it would be a slam to the ego for any man. The two couldn't feel happier than where they were right at that moment regardless of waiting in an airport for a flight to France. Emily let JJ lean into her and doze off until it was their turn with customs.