Ok, I know that most of you out there probably want to kill me right now for taking so damn long to get this chapter out, but before you start handing out the torches and pitch forks, let me just say...I'M REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY!!! Yes, I know I suck, but I'm just not good with deadlines!! Also, I've been pretty sick for the past few weeks, so that may have had something to do with it...

Anyway, enough with my rambling excuses and apologies, let's get on with the fic!!

Warning:...Really not a whole lot to warn about in this chapter. Brief language (I think) and some suggested homosexuality, but that's about it.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. I wish to high Heaven that I did, but unfortunately I don't. TT_TT

"I'm serious, Hide! You should have seen this kid! I mean, wow, with that golden hair, girlish figure, and those incredible green eyes! I swear, he's like younger version of Kaoru-chan," Niwa sighed, sitting at his desk and staring off into space.

"Yes, and I'm sure you made an excellent first impression by running him over with your motorcycle," Nakajima replied coldly, not even looking up from his computer screen while his fingers tapped furiously on the keyboard. Honestly, why did he have to put up with such a childish student council president?

Niwa turned to glare at Nakajima, even though he knew the vice president had his back turned to him. "Hey, it's not like I meant to do that! The roads were all icy and I couldn't see clearly," he grumbled crossly.

"So what you are saying is that, rather than being an attempted murderer, you are merely an incompetent driver. I'm sure that makes Kurosaki-kun feel so much better."

Niwa bristled at the insult to his driving and stood up from his desk, glaring vehemently at the back of the vice president's head. "Oi, Hide! That's not what I meant and you know it! I was just saying that—,"

"Really, Tetsuya, I care very little for what you did or did not mean," Nakajima replied, swiveling around in his chair to meet the president's heated glare with an icy one of his own, "However, I do care a great deal for those forms on your desk to be looked over and signed by the end of today. You are already too far behind on your paper work, and I do not intend to let you leave this office until it is completed."

Niwa paled slightly, knowing that his vice president wasn't bluffing. Begrudgingly, and not without the mumbled complaint, Niwa sat back down at his desk and, grabbing a single paper off the several-foot-high stack on his desk, began to write.

After a few minutes where the silence of the room was only broken by the scratch of a pen on paper or the tap of fingers on a keyboard, Niwa started to get bored.

"You know, Hide, isn't it kind of weird for a new student to transfer here in the middle of the semester? I mean, yeah, I know Keita did it, but that was only with Kazuki's help," Niwa queried as he continued to write, knowing that he'd get yet another lecture from his vice president if he stopped.

"True, getting a new student mid-semester is a bit out of the ordinary. However, this is a very prestigious school, so students wishing to transfer here when the means to do so becomes available to them is not entirely unexpected," Nakajima replied nonchalantly, his fingers never breaking from their constant tapping of the computer keys.

"Yeah ok, I get that. But still, doesn't it seem just a bit odd to you? I mean, with everything that's been happening around here lately, you know, with the..." Niwa trailed off.

"With the murders?" Nakajima supplied coolly.

Niwa winced. "Yeah, that. With stuff like that happening on campus, why on Earth would a kid want to transfer here now? I mean, for Christ's sake, we've got some kind of psychotic serial killer on the loose! And not only that, but getting a new teacher at the same time—,"

Nakajima stopped his typing. "New teacher?" he asked, swiveling around once again to look at the brown haired man behind him.

Niwa looked over at Nakajima, surprised. "Yeah, a new teacher was hired here at the same time that Kurosaki kid transferred. Didn't you hear?"

Nakajima frowned. "No, I did not," and that concerned him. As vice president of the student council, he was usually kept appraised of every new development at the school, whether through conventional or more...unconventional means. So it was a very strange and very disconcerting notion that something as important as the hiring of a new teacher had gone on without his knowing.

Hideaki Nakajima did not like variables. They were too unpredictable, too difficult to control, and in his world, anything about which he did not have copious amounts of inside knowledge was a variable. And unfortunately, this new teacher now fell under that category.

As does this new student, Nakajima thought to himself, realizing that he knew little more about this Kurosaki than he did this new teacher. Truthfully he hadn't even known about a student transfer until he'd received a call from a completely frantic Niwa informing him that the president had just hit the boy with his motorcycle. The lack of knowledge and plethora of variables he had in both cases did not sit well with the vice president.

"What can you tell me about this new teacher?" Nakajima asked calmly, his voice not revealing how put out he was by the whole situation. Really, him going to Niwa for information? Nakajima wasn't sure his pride would ever recover.

Niwa shrugged. "Truthfully, I don't know a whole lot more than you do. His name is Tsuzuki. At least, that's what Kurosaki called him. Come to think if it, the two of them seemed pretty close, especially from the way the kid talked to him. Like they'd known each other forever or something."

Nakajima filed that bit of information away for future investigation. "Anything else?"

Niwa thought for a minute. "Yeah. That Tsuzuki guy seemed real protective of the kid, more so than just a teacher would be toward a student," Niwa shuddered. "The guy may be a real looker—especially with those purple eyes of his—but damn, I thought he was gonna all but kill me when he found out I was the one who hit the kid."

Nakajima pondered the information Niwa had given him as he turned back to his computer. While his current state of ignorance at the situation was more than a little annoying, he couldn't help but look forward to investigating this new teacher. After all, anyone who was able to visibly scare the president was certainly worth looking into.

Nakajima couldn't help but smirk. Yes, the introduction of this new purple-eyed variable could prove to be very...entertaining.

And there it is!! The long awaited chapter 4 of "Shinigami at Bell Liberty"!! I hope you all liked it! I really wanted to get Nakajima into this fic, because, while his character terrifies me to no end, he's a great for plot conflict!! XD

Anyways, hopefully I will have the next chapter out in much less time than it took me to put this one out, but I make no promises. My health has not been great lately, so my updating will be a bit unpredictable.

Also, I would consider it a great personal favor if you would please...REVIEW!!! Please give me my reviews!! I NEED reviews!! Even if your just reviewing to yell at me for being so incredibly late, I would still love to hear from you!! So please, REIVEW!!!

Ja ne!
