what would happen

what would happen if yuuki decided to intenionally piss her brother off? what type of punishment would she face? a yuukikreinfic aka jewalsleeper :)

disclaimer: i do not own any of the characters! nor do i want to!

hey guys how are you? this is my fifth fic that i am writing! if you are wondering what happened to the fourth, it's because the first chappie is not done yet so be paitent- thanks!!!!

I always knew that my brother was the most unemotional person when it came to dealing with his comerades. sure i knew that he was always nice to me, and always smiled at me, but i was not the only person out there. when it came to dealing with other people his emotions where identical to that of a dead body or a stone wall. Not to mention that no one dared to tease him or they feared their lives.

i want to see a different side of him, i want to see him pissed, mad, or get annoyed with me, since it seems that the only thing he seemed to think of me was either crual or overly innocent. Both of which think i was sure i was not, at least not in bed.

i'am going on a mission,to see how far i can go to piss off my brother, i know geneous right? i mean no one else has a lucky chance to do so, what better person then me? right? it not stupid right?

So it's desided i'll come up with a plan, after my brother is done unconsiously thrusting his ginormus penis in me, man, does that feel good.

two nights later( since these vampires have alot of stanima, right?)

my brother was finally done, i desided to ask him in the evening because we where exausted from our "love making", and he was not going to be waking anytme soon.

when evening came around, we where bother up and moving i finally had the courage to ask him, i had to find a way to make sure he did'nt get suspitious of my intentions.


kanames ov

i new my sister was up to something, since she seemed preoccupied during our weekly session of sex, i did'nt want to ask her because i knew she would only lie anyway, so i doped it. by the way her emotion where it was probably another sceam that she was thinking of , to play on aido, or kaien, or kain. she seems to like doing that, and she wonders why i call her cruel. either way i'm bound to find out sooner or later anyway. this will be fun.

i also knew that she would probably be using the library, and my computer also. i knew way before she even called my name, what a baka, a cute one at that.

" hey brooooother?, and i use your compuuuuter?

i always knew, exspecaily when she says it like that, and the evil gleam that shes tring to hard to hide.

"i will let you, as long as you go easy on the sceams this time mainly on your father"

"geez your never any fun"

"not what you said last night in bed" as a response i got a slap with a pillow and a blushing fiancè, life was good.

so i was not going to care at all about review on my stories, but it seems i'm going to need to just to see if people really do read my stories. I have not been continuing because i have not been able to get into the mood, no one seems to enjoy them so i would like it if people just this once i asking to give me 10 review thats all , i can even be anonumus and i really don't care if you hate it just let me know that you do read it, cuz i do this for you.