Okay, first off I want to say sorry to those of you who thought I'd write another chapter of my untitled story. But I probably won't (unless you want me to?). I'm just a newb who forgot to put the thing to 'complete' when I submitted it DD:

Anyway; yeah, a story based on the little mermaid. That's right. And yes, it's HeiShin, shut up. This pairing still needs more love and I'm gonna give it the love it deserves! Too bad I have fail!boat writing and I probably won't get better anytime soon.

But who knows, I'm taking a writing class this semester in school so maybe I'll learn something? IDK.

Oh, and this is based off the original Little Mermaid I used to read when I was little. Not the Disney version. Just to clear up any misunderstandings. And since this is many, many, many years after that, the story at the beginning is different. Because I don't think they'd remember the story that clearly :'D And since I can't remember the story that clearly either, why would I try to make it exactly the same? That would require RESEARCH. And I'm too lazy for that.


This fanfic is, and will hopefully remain, mostly Kiro safe. And by that I mean there probably won't be anything like in my last fanfic. OTL but who knows where this will lead me? I'll warn ya at the beginning of the chapter if the occasion ever arises.

Also, I can't guarantee I'll finish this fanfic, but I will try! I don't know how long it'll be. If I do end up finishing it, it'll probably be pretty short D:


Okay okay, sine you wanna read my crappy writing THAT bad!


Ever since anyone could remember, there's been a legend among the merpeople. A story about a young mermaid who fell in love with a human prince, which made her wish to be with him.

As such this young mermaid went to the witch to ask for help. The witch gave her a potion that allowed her to become a human. Although she was given it with a warning: if the prince married anyone but her, she would die.

The young mermaid didn't seem to care; she just wanted to be with the man she loved. She took the potion and eventually became a very good friend of the prince. He even fell in love with her and wished to make her his bride. But as time went on the prince found out what she really was.

As the story goes: the prince abandoned the young mermaid and married someone else. So the young mermaid died and turned into sea foam as all mermaid do when they die.

To this day the story is still told to all young merpeople. The story is a warning to them: never fall in love with a human; or else it will result in your death. And for hundreds of years no one has disobeyed this. After this long, it's practically become a rule.

Like all merpeople, Heiji had heard the story about a million times. When he was little he felt sorry for the little mermaid in the story, but as he grew older he started to care less. Now that he was sixteen, he didn't really care at all. Over the years as he watch peopled from his favourite spot, he felt they couldn't be that bad. But it's not like you can tell what someone is like from watching them from afar.

Perhaps he just thought this because he wished he were a human. They seemed to be able to do whatever they wanted; they could go anywhere they wanted. But as long as he was part fish there was no way he could be amid them. Watching them everyday made him curse his fin even more.

He loved watching the people go to and from the beach, especially one boy who came everyday in the evening. The boy would just stare at the water, never touching it. Heiji couldn't get close enough the see his face clearly, but it looked almost as if he were looking for something. Heiji had to wonder what it could be.

One time he seemed to see Heiji hiding behind the rock way out in the ocean. But that didn't seem possible, it distance it was from the beach was farther than the swimming area, and the area was pretty big. Maybe the boy was secretly a merperson and missed his home? It would explain how he could've seen Heiji, since merpeople have better eyesight than humans. It would also explain why he'd come to beach everyday. That didn't seem right though. Heiji could've made a thousand guesses as to what the boy was doing there, but he'd never know if he was right.

Day after day of watching the boy, Heiji thought he was starting to fall in love with him. It was a weird feeling, falling for another male, but it didn't matter anyway. It was against the rules to make contact with humans. He'd never be able to be with him, no matter how much he wished it. Or could he? Maybe if he went to the witch he could get a potion like the girl in the story and…

No… he couldn't do that either. There was no chance of the boy falling in love with him, so it would certainly result in his death.

But, then again, would that be so bad, to spend his final days with someone he loved? He supposed not, as long as the boy was his friend. He didn't even know his name for one thing. For another there was no guarantee the witch would even give him the potion since it was against the law for her to do so. Maybe if he begged… No. If he did something like that, Akako would never let him hear it down. She was a mean witch.

He sighed one day while he was thinking about this. "Why's it gotta be like this?" he said to himself.

"Why's what gotta be like what?" he heard a familiar voice say behind him.

"None o' your business Kazuha." He didn't even have to turn to see who it was. He could tell that voice from anywhere. They'd been friends since they were kids after all.

"Yeah, whatever." She sighed, slightly annoyed. "People watching again, are we?"

" Ya make me sound like a creep."

"But that is what you're doing." Kazuha put her hand on his shoulder, "You've been acting weird lately you know. You haven't said much and you seem depressed all the time. You're mom's worried about you." Heiji looked at her over his shoulder. "So?"

"So she asked me to talk to you. She wants me to find out what wrong, but I have no idea. So…" she smiled a bit, "You gonna tell me, or not?"

"… Well…" He wasn't sure what to say. If his mom found out he fell in love with a human, he'd be in big trouble. But as long as he never tried to make contact with the boy, nothing bad would happen. If he told Kazuha… he had no idea what she would say. "What would you do if you fell in love with a human?" Yeah, that won't give it away!

"Hmm…" she seemed to be pondering it, "I guess I'd just ignore it." Not exactly the answer he was hoping for, "Heiji, if you fell in love with a human you should stop coming here to watch them. If you keep coming back here you'll never be able to forget about it."

"But I don't wanna forget about it!" he fully turned to face her, "I just keep wishin' I was a human, then maybe I could at least be his friend… I don't know what to do." He lowered his gaze to the water.

Kazuha sighed, but smiled, "If you love them that much, then maybe you should break the rules." He knew she was kidding, but she had no idea how much he actually wanted to do that.

"I can't… I wanna… but I can't." Heiji didn't look up; he just kept looking at the water.

Kazuha sighed again and ruffled him hair, "Then don't. The best thing to do is try to forget about… uh… him."

Heiji finally looked up at her, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I know… how much you like me… but… I'm sorry."

She waved her hands in front of her, "Don't worry about it, it's not a big deal."

Heiji shook his head, "After a while I know you won't think that anymore."

"I only won't if you actually break the rules and try to meet him." She smiled again, "Now come on, you're mom wants me to bring you home in time for dinner." She dunked herself under the water and swam away, obviously wanting Heiji to follow.

He took one last glance back at the beach. The boy was walking up and down the shore, "I'll never forget about you… I like you too much for that." He smiled a bit and blew the boy a kiss, then shook his head, "I'm such an idiot." And proceeded to follow Kazuha home.

Oh yeah, did I mention up there everyone will probably be so OOC it's painful? Sorry.

So, please review if you thought it wasn't too horrible for words~ If people like it, it'll persuade me to continue~

Okay, I'm gonna go off and worry you'll all hate it DD':

And BTW: I had no idea what to call it… if anyone has a better title feel free to tell me.