Hey all, this is my first attempt at fanfic so hope you enjoy! Its going to be a Bella, Carlislie story. I'm not really sure where its heading so I'm just going to go with the flow.

I don't own anything!


I lay curled up in a ball on my bed. I decided to have a night of drinking, just drinking more or less all to myself because I can.

So here I am on my bed, face down, knees pulled up to my chest. The room is starting to spin but I'm forcing myself to stay on top of things. Being in the Cullens house I have to stay on top of everything! I wish I didn't have that last drink – or the one before. Why, why did I do this again! I went out with some friends in Port Angeles, I was only going to stay for a few but one leads to another and before I know it I'm a bit tipsy.

I've been staying at the Cullens since Edward left. I was devastated but they helped me deal with the aftermath. They refused to leave when Edward asked them to, I guess they've settled in here and now I'm here to. Bella. Good old Bella, a bit clumsy for a human but she'll make it no matter what.

Well, that's what they all thought.

Charlie works away from home a lot these days, it was his and Carlisle's suggestion that I stay here which is what I also wanted but these past few months I've just felt the need to break free a bit. It can get a little intense at times, everything you do is watched or known before you do, so its nice to get out once in a while for a change of scenery.

Now the room is spinning again. I can't get anything past them; they'll know that I came home a bit tizzled again, but what do I do. What can I say to make it all better?

Nothing, no doubt there'll be a knock at my door any second…..

Knock, knock