I Write Sins, Not Tragedies


Warning: Boy love. Don't like, don't read.

A/N I always wondered… what if L and Light were kids, and everything was drastically different?

Disclaimer: I don't own Death Note. Credit for plot bunnies of the story go to NikkaCatMeki.

A small, raven-haired toddler stood in front of large metal gates that towered over him. He stood silently as the rain dripped in a melancholy manner around him and his companion, an old man who held an umbrella over the boy. This, of course, resulted in the old man getting wet instead; the man didn't seem to mind.

"Is this my new home?" The youngster squeaked, looking beyond the gates, where a large mansion stood in the eerie darkness of the rainy sky.

"Yes," The elder said quite curtly.

"Will Mommy come to visit often?" The kid continued, pressing his thumb into his pale lips, his ebony eyes wide with curiosity.

"…No. In fact, you should completely forget about your mother."

"W-what? Why?" The innocent child turned his gaze upon the older one, his eyes widening even more, if possible. His mouth gaped open to reveal his thumb, which was shining with saliva.

"You will never see her again," The man said gravely.

"No… that can't be true. I don't believe you. Mommy will come back. You'll see," The kid said defiantly, although there was a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"…" The man brushed a wet hand through the child's obsidian hair. "I'm sorry…" Was all he could say.

And in that moment, the boy realized the cold hard truth: his mother was gone forever. Although this happened to many boys his age, he had pushed that possibility away, like most ignorant kids would do. But it was too late to push it out of his mind. What he had thought was impossible, had actually happened.

In a rush of panic, he did the first thing that came to mind: he burst through the gate and bounded through the green yard of his new home, the Wammy House. Tears stung his eyes, and mixed with the rain that dripped down onto him. He didn't know where he was going. All he knew was he was attempting to escape.

Attempting to escape the impossible.


"L! Hey, L! Wake up!" A small, white-haired boy excitedly nudged a sleeping figure. The one being nudged sat up immediately, stifling a yawn. His raven hair was all messed up, sticking out to all ends, giving him the appearance of one who had just got out of bed; in the boy's defense, he had, in fact, just got out of bed.

"Nnh? What is it, Near?" L rubbed his dark eyes.

"The newcomer is here! Remember, the one that Roger has been talking about for a while now?" Near answered, looking strangely enthusiastic in contrast to his usual emotionless mask.

"Yes, I remember." L nodded. "Hm. What was his name again? Lamp?"

"Light Yagami." Near smirked, looking triumphant at the fact that he had known something L hadn't.

"Oh, right…"

"Come on, come on." Near yanked L rather violently out of bed, and pulled the drowsy genius down the stairs. L rubbed the small, annoying crusty things that were clinging stubbornly to his eyes. Roger had called it sleeping dust, but it was quite obvious that it wasn't anything related to dust.

L felt himself come to a stop. He grunted and pulled his wrists away from his face, opening his eyes to get a good look at the newcomer; him and Near were hiding behind the sofa, since Roger had forbidden them to come down to the area where newcomers arrived.

Said newcomer was looking nervous; his caramel eyes glimmered apprehensively, while he brushed a small hand through his brunette hair. He looked to be about L's age; twelve years old, maybe? He was dressed rather formally for such a young kid. He wore a brown suit, with a red tie that he adjusted at random intervals.

"He looks like a pampered pedigree," L hissed.

"Ugh… he's probably overly-confident," Agreed Near quietly.

"One of the kids who think they're so perfect."

"Even though they can't count to ten."

"But they hide it with their good appearance."

The two glanced at each other and nodded in agreement. With that, they began to crawl away, when a pair of hands shot out from behind an armchair and latched onto L's sleeve. Before L could utter a squeak, he was dragged over to the owner of the hands, where a hand pressed firmly against his lips.

"Say anything and we're dead," Whispered a familiar voice. The hand was removed from his mouth, and he turned to stare at his kidnapper. His abductor had blonde hair that hung to his chin, and his choice of clothing was, oddly enough, leather. A bar of chocolate hung from the side of his mouth. The gender of this thief could be questioned.

"Mello?" L whispered, receiving a smack upside the head.

"I told you not to speak, idiot." With those words, it became silent. The two peered out from behind the armchair, and L realized that Near had disappeared; the lucky albino was able to escape from the chocolate addict's violent grasp.

Speaking of chocolate, a certain addict couldn't resist a bite. A loud crack caused L to flinch, and he glanced over at Mello, who had a piece of chocolate in his mouth. His eyes were wide; he obviously hadn't meant for the chocolate to make that loud of a sound when being bitten into.

L opened his mouth to speak, but someone else's voice said, "Were you two spying on me?" L jumped; the voice had come from right next to his ear. He quickly whirled around to see the brunette glaring at them.

"What's it to you?" Mello snapped rudely, accidentally spitting chocolatey saliva everywhere in the process.

"What do you mean, what's it to me? It's impolite to spy on someone, you know. As well as talk with your mouth open." So L and Near had been right. This kid was a complete brat.

"We were playing Hide and Seek, for your information," L lied, irritated by this kid already.

"Why'd you choose such a pathetic hiding spot?"

"Listen, you punk," Mello began, glaring menacingly, "you just arrived. We've been here for years. If I were you, I'd be a little less conceited, and a little more respectful."

"I'm not conceited," Snapped the kid. His face was red in anger, and mixed with his caramel-colored hair, he reminded L of a candy apple.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Mello, Roger's going to kill us," L broke in, before Mello could shout his 'Are too!'

"Shut up, L." Mello turned his glare onto L, who backed away some. With that, the blonde-haired one got up and stalked away, grumbling to himself about 'conceited, snotty brats.'

"I'd better go," L hastily said, upon hearing Roger's voice. "It was nice meeting you… Light, was it?" Without waiting for an answer, L turned and fled the room. In the nick of time, too; just as L disappeared, Roger came into the room.

Light stared after the raven-haired child. After a moment, he shook his head. "Strange place…" He muttered to himself before turning to Roger with a forced smile.

A/N So, this may be hard to understand, but Light is at the Wammy's House. Hoorah! You'll find out why next chapter, believe me.

Oh, and by the way, they all are generally around the same age. L and Light are twelve; Mello, and Matt are ten; Near is eight… and yeah. They're all kids, but are surprisingly sophisticated.

And Mello bosses L around even though L is older than him. But, Mello is just cool like that, so you understand.

I hope you liked the first chapter, please review and tell me what you thought. ^^