disclaimer. I dont own any of the dragon ball, Z, or GT characters.


She didnt give up on Goku. She tried to steal Bulma' space ship to go to Namek. Trunks tried to stop her, but he ended locked in a one way trip… her love.



Bulma squealed with joy. She had finally finished the Ki suppressors, now she would just have to prove them…

She tapped the tap of the pen on her head in deep thought. Who could be her test subject? It had to be a saiyan and she had only six options… Trunks was awfully busy, Vegeta would refuse to, gohan was out of the question, he was as busy as she was… that only means she had to prove them in Goten, Pan or Bra.

She leaned her back against the black leather chair, bouncing her feet. The next plan was persuade Bra to help her… of course, if it had something to do with shopping and science she would… who would be her test subject number two? Fine, she could use Vegeta or Trunks. She would just ask them to check who was in the room… maybe to sense their Ki… No… she couldn't use Vegeta, he was to obsessed with aliens and threats, he would blast whoever into shreads just at the thought of a threat.

She turned her attention to the door. Someone was knocking… She rolled her eyes. What now? She had plans! Why people didn't understand she was busy?

Annoyedly, she swung on the chair. "Come in"

The door swung open and the happy face of Pan appeared in front of her. "Umh. Hi Bulma! May I come in?"

Bulma grinned. It had been three years since she had seen Pan. Goku's funeral had been the last time she saw them all. Even Trunks and Goten didn't see each other so often. Pan had been reluctant to visit them and she had had a hard time after Goku left with Shen-long. Pan had seen Trunks a couple of times, but that was all. She didn't go to CC anymore. Bra was always the one visiting Pan and that was every two or three months. "Come on in, Pan."

Pan walked in and kissed Bulma's cheeks. "How are you, Mrs. Bulma?"

"Fine, thanks hun."

Bra had complained about Pan's lack of interest in shopping or science, saying the only thing Pan liked to do was training and playing, since her attempts to date had been unsuccessful, due to her strength and the way she showed it. She has a strong sense of justice, just like her parents, Gohan and Videl, unfortunately she always ended hurt, because the boys didn't like strong girls and Pan was not only strong, but temperamental. She didn't hide her strength arguing that the "right boy" would accept her like that. That was what Chichi had told her. "How are you, Pan? What a surprise! What brings you here?"

Pan sat down in a chair and clasped her hands together. "Fine, thanks. Actually I came to say hello and to ask for a favour…"

Bulma smiled placing the golden earring on her work table, full of papers. "Sure, tell me. What is it?"

Pan looked at the earrings amazed at their shape and design. "Wow! Your earrings are wonderful, Mrs. Bulma!"

Bulma smiled and grabbed one of them, stretching out her hand to Pan. "Thank you. Look at it, just be careful, don't push the center"

Pan grabbed it, looking at the stones in the center.

Bulma grabbed the other one, rubbing softly the diamons around the stone in the center. "In fact, they are not the usual earrings, Pan. They are Ki Suppressors."

Pan opened her mouth in surprise. "You mean you can suppress the lecture of your ki if you wear them?"

Bulma nodded, pointing out to the red stone in the center. "Yes, just by pressing this device shaped as a ruby, you can lower your ki, but if you want to change the lecture of your ki, you have to press both"

Pan kept looking a the earring, turning it in her fingers to inspect it better. "Amazing… how can you change your ki lecture?"

Bulma crossed a leg over the other and put the earring on the table. "It just adds different programmed lectures that fuse with the Ki of the person who's wearing the earrings, so your ki is shaped into another. It keeps similarities with your ki, but its masked, so any alien or saiyan can't identify you… well, I guess it works like that, I haven't tested them in a saiyan yet"

Pan handed Bulma the earring back. "you mean it's not tested? If that's so I would love to test it!"

Bulma raised an eyebrow. Perfect… she could test them right now… "Great Pan. I appreciate your help. Do you have time now?"

Pan nodded. "Yeah, in fact I was going to ask you a favour, but it can wait"

Bulma smiled and grabbed the earrings to put them on Pan. "Im sorry Pan, I was so excited about the suppressors that I forgot about that. Tell me, we can test the suppressors later."

Pan looked at her hands and then to Bulma. "I want my Grandpa back, Mrs. Bulma. I want to go to Namek and wish him back with the Dragon balls"

Bulma's jaw fell. "What? I don't think you can do that, he… well… it has been three times… you know that's not possible."

Pan shook her head. "I'll find a way. I just have to think in the right words"

Bulma bit her lip, uncrossing her legs. "and… if you do that… what would you need? A spaceship… I know… what else?"

Pan's eyes lit up and she raised her voice excitedly. "Your radar Mrs. Bulma, food and the most important thing… to keep the secret."

Bulma narrowed her eyes. "You mean your parents don't know?"

Pan sighed, shaking her head. "No, they don't, but I want to give them a surprise!"

Bulma looked at her sceptically. "Who's going with you?"

Pan's face blanked. She bit her lower lip, smiled childishly and lied. "Goten"

Bulma blinked. Goten? He didn't want to go to the first trip… why would he want to go in this one?

Pan interrupted her train of thought. "He wants to see my grandpa too. It would be wonderful, don't you think?"

Bulma smiled at the thought of Goku back. Right, Goten wanted to see his dad. "Yes, it would be wonderful, Pan."

Then she raised her hand, placing a finger on her mouth. "Fine. I'll help you but you need to do something first…"

Pan squealed and jumped off the chair hugging Bulma. "Whatever! Just tell me what!"

Bulma smiled hugging Pan back, and then she looked at her. "You have grown up very much Pan… no one would recog… nize… you…"

Bulma smirked. A wicked smile on her face while looking at Pan.

Pan paled and stepped back, looking down at her body and clothes. "What?"

Bulma stood up and started walking around Pan, looking at her from head to toe. "You are just perfect for the test, Pan… perfect."

Pan rolled her eyes, following Bulma's movements.

Bulma stopped in front of Pan and stepped backwards. Bulma put a hand over her stomach grabbing her waist while her free hand raised to the chin, her elbow resting on her wrist. In a quick movement she stretched out her hand taking Pan's bandana off.

Pan gasped in surprise raising her hands to her head.

Bulma smirked. "Fine Pan. Now I will explain the plan to you."


Pan frowned looking at her outfit. She felt so uncomfortable in it… but Bulma had insisted she was going to prove her theory and it was absolutely necessary that she looked different and that included her clothes.

The high heels were killing her, the skirt was too short and the top had a low cut. Shit… Bulma had told her she looked wonderful but she still believed the outfit was kind of … slutty. Her hair was straight and long, but Bulma had done something to it, adding volume. The make up was a little too much and on top of it, Bulma had told her to keep her head low.

She looked at the files on her hands and cleared her throat, faking her voice.

After Trunks' secretary confirmed Bulma had sent her, she asked Trunks and stood up to open the door.

Pan walked in with the files pressed against her chest. "Good afternoon, Mr. Briefs."

Trunks glanced at her and pointed to his desk. "Put them here, please."

She approached slowly. Bulma's heels were hard to walk in. She looked at Trunks' desk and smiled. Where did he want her to put them if he had no place at all… she put them on a chair and turned to the desk, putting some piles of folders close together to make some room for the new files.

Trunks stopped reading and looked up at her, behind his glasses. "What are you doing Miss… What's your name?"

Pan paled, keeping her eyes on the desk. She said the first name that came to her brain. "Miss Earrin"

Trunks swallowed a laugh. That sounded like women' accessories. He looked at her from head to toe. She had a nice body and his mother's taste in clothing, definitely. He blushed a little, but then watched her face and waited to see her features. She was new, definitely…

Pan gulped, still making room in his desk.

He tightened his lips. She couldn't be so shy, not even he was so shy. "Are you new here?"

She couldn't help to smile, holding back a chuckle. "Yes"

He frowned. She was still looking at the desk. She was familiar, but he couldn't point out who she was. He opened his senses and checked her energy. It seemed familiar, but weak. "Do you know my sister?"

Pan nodded, still looking at the files, now placed carefully in a neat pile on his desk.

He narrowed an eye… Something was very strange. He pushed the chair back and stared openly at her. This wasn't right… maybe he was exaggerating but he liked to rely on his sixth sense sometimes. He hated being rude, he didn't want to give that impression, he didn't want her to believe he was chatting her up, but he wanted to find out what his sixth sense was telling him, it was necessary. "Don't you know that's polite to look at people when they talk to you?"

He really didn't like to talk like that, but something about her was strange… she was too familiar and unfamiliar at the same time… he didn't recognize her… and he had a very good memory. Her voice, that smell…

She looked up instantly, taken back for his words. Trunks wasn't like that.

He blushed. The girl was cute… and young. Her eyes were so… He stood up and scanned her energy again. "Pan?"

She stepped back and smiled shyly. "I'm sorry Mr. Briefs, I have to go."

She almost ran to the door, tripping with her own shoe.

Trunks reacted fast and held her by the arm. "Show me your I.D. Miss."

She looked at the door nervously. "I don't have it with me, Sir."

He smirked, letting go of her arm. "Where's your employee ID?

She raised a hand to her chest. "Oh, where's my head? I left it in your mother's… I mean, Mrs. Bulma's office."

He turned around grinning and crossed his arms. Yes… it was her. "Go, then."

She left hurriedly and he sat down on the couch, tracking her ki. What was she up to now? Her signal disappeared in his mother's office, just to be replaced by Pan's energy.

He stood up and walked out his office. He lowered his ki and stopped outside his mother's office. He was waiting for her, she would have to leave, sooner or later…

Pan washed her face and put on her clothes. After a quick chat with bulma about the test and the spaceship, she thanked bulma telling her she had nothing to worry because goten would talk to her before they left to Namek.


Pan closed the door and sighed. She was going to Namek! She stopped just before bumping into someone. She blinked and looked at the person in front of her.

Trunks raised his eyebrows and grinned. "Well, well, well… look who's here… Pan… Long time since the last time I see you… Were you leaving?"

Pan coughed loudly, blushing deep red. "Umh… yes… hi Trunks."

He shook his head, grabbing softly her arm. "Without saying hello and good bye? Come on Pan, let's go to my office for a minute… and then I'll walk you out."

She gulped and nodded her head, walking by his side.

Once inside his office. He motioned for her to sit down. "What brings you here, Pan?"

She sat down and shifted a couple of times. "I just came to visit, Trunks."

He raised his eyebrows, amused at her struggles. "To visit… my mom?"

She chuckled nervously. "well, yes."

He stood up and walked to the couch, stretching out his hand to help her up. "You have grown up, Pan."

She grabbed his hand and blushed even more. "Well, yes. I guess."

He walked around her until he was behind. Oh yes… he would enjoy this. "Yes, you grew up, but you will never be able to fool me… Miss Earrin."

Pan giggled nervously. "fool you? I don't know what you are talking about."

He smirked and walked to the window, opening it. "You are telling me what is this all about, Pan. I know my mother is behind this. Come on. You'll have lunch with me today."


They had lunch in a restaurant, not far from C.C. Both had a good time, but after lunch the interrogatory began and Pan had to tell him about the Ki suppressors, after all, Bulma hadn't said it was a secret…

Trunks stopped laughing and arched an eyebrow. "You looked so different. I still can't believe it was you. Tell me, what did my mother do to persuade you? I know you hate to dress like that."

Pan blushed, looking at her hands on the table. "I guess I looked like an air-headed with that… Those clothes just don't fit on me."

She waved her hands adding emotion to her words.

His eyes squinted as his mouth drew a smile. "You looked gorgeous, Pan. You wouldn't look air-headed even if you wanted to."

Her blush deepened and she smiled again, trying to hide her flushed face.

They chatted for a while, but when Trunks asked for the bill, he remembered she hadn't answered his question. "so… um… how did you say she persuaded you?"

Pan gulped. She didn't like to lie but she had to. "Well, I needed a favour and she… offered her help so… I helped her too."

He laughed out loud, holding his stomach. "Come on, Pan. I know both of you and what you said sounded like one of my mother's blackmails."

She blushed again. "Fine. You are right. That was it."

He sipped his soda, smiling widely. "I knew it! What did you ask her for?"

She cleared her throat and chuckled nervously. "One of those… you know, science things."

He raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

She moved her hands as if it was nothing important. "Just, some… technology stuff."

He chuckled, sipping again his soda. "You could have asked me, Pan."

She laughed, shaking her head. "You are too busy, Trunks, but thanks anyway."

Trunks returned to CC after flying Pan home. He had enjoyed the chat, no matter how young she was, she had a special way to make him feel alive and happy.


Three nights later.

Bulma slumped in a kitchen chair. She was exhausted. The space ship needed to be checked and tested before a long trip. She opened a drawer and took out a notepad and a pen.

After 15 minutes she was tired of scribbling down the long list of things-to-do.

Trunks walked in and took off his jacket, placing it in the back of his chair. "Hi Mom, what are you doing?"

She puffed, blowing a strand of hair out of her face. "The space ship recquires a lot of things to be ready and I don't know what else I should include in the food storage unity."

Trunks sat down and glanced at the paper, raising an eyebrow. "Why are you working in the space ship again? That project was over."

She looked at him, confusion filtering in her brain. "Pan didn't tell you?"

He frowned, standing up to open the fridge's door. "Tell me about what?"

She smirked, knowing Trunks hated to be left out of a project. "She is going to Namek with Goten."

Trunks turned to look at her with a can in his hand. "What?"

She chuckled, raising her feet to put them on the next chair. "She wants to wish Goku back and Goten is going with her."

Trunks closed the fridge's door with his foot and sat down again, giving Bulma a can of diet-coke and opening his. "Goten? Did she tell you that or you are assuming Goten wants to go with her?"

Bulma smiled and raised her eyebrows playfully, a couple of times, like she knew everything about it. "She told me, but… No one else knows. She wants to give Gohan and Videl a surprise."

Trunks smirked… oh yeah… the same old Pan. What a surprise for Gohan and Videl. How could the genious of his mother believe that? Goten wouldn't go to Namek never… he was pretty busy dating as many girls as he could and well… working too. Oh, but he would love to catch Pan in the act… something he had wanted to do since they went to the dragon ball' searching trip. "Maybe she said something, but I didn't pay attention. When do you think the ship is going to be ready?"

She raised her eyebrows and smiled. Sure… he didn't pay attention… she didn't tell him and he wasn't going to admit it. Ha. She pondered for a minute making funny faces at the same time. "I think it will be ready for next week. Anyways, Pan needs to leave in Friday or Saturday. Gohan and Videl won't notice her absence. She's living a message about going to a camp, something like that."

He grinned. His eyes shining with malice. "So, she is planning to leave on Friday?"

Bulma shrugged. "Yeah, I guess. But Goten needs to talk to me about a few things before they leave."

Trunks stood up and opened the fridge, grabbing some tuppers. He closed the door and put his food in the microwave, thinking what would Pan do to trick Goten, but firstly, he wanted to see Goten talking about the trip with Bulma… Yeah, sure… Pan would have a big surprise when he stopped her from going to Namek. That girl was crazy. She was planning to go alone… insane. What if she got sick or hurt? Well, not that it happened often but with her temper it could happen, besides… "How long will it take them to go to new Namek?"

Bulma lifted her face and smiled. "Well, I guess it will take two months. I'm not even sure about the location of New Namek."

Trunks jaw dropped. Two months? What was his mother thinking? Videl and Gohan would be very angry. Four months in the space alone? Of course he would stop her. They weren't even sure if they had the right location.


Brun's Restaurant. Friday night.

Trunks leaned his back against the chair. "So, what are you planning to do next weekend, Goten?

Goten swallowed his food and sipped the giant soda. "Nothing, well… I was planning to go out with Mitzy"

Trunks narrowed his eyes. "Mitzy? Who's that?"

Goten waited a few seconds to answer, until he chewed the piece of pork. "Do you remember when we went to Token Avenue and we met a couple of red haired girls, sisters, by the way? They were hitting on us all night until…"

Trunks blushed and cut him off. "Yeah, I remember that."

Goten continued rambling how he had met her again and where he was planning to take her out.

After a while, Trunks rolled his eyes getting impatient. "I thought you were meeting Pan."

Goten dropped the fork. "Pan? Are you nuts? What for? Do you think I would cancel my date to see Pan? I can see her every day, why would I choose Friday night?"

Goten started laughing as he shook his head. "So much work is getting at your brain, mate."

Trunks smirked. Let' see who will be laughing at the end. "I saw her a couple of days ago and she said something about a preject… forget it, maybe you are right and all those papers messed with my head."


Wednesday night at Chichi's.

Goten shook his head looking at Pan as if she had lost her mind. "No,no, no Pan, forget it."

Pan bit her lower lip, hugging Goten from behind. "Please, please, please, Goten. I just need you for 15 minutes. It's a tiny favour, please."

He crossed his arms, shaking his head slowly. "No, Pan. Last time you said that I was stuck in your school more than two hours and you didn't introduce me anyone at all. Forget it."

Pan tightened her arms around his waist. "Please. This is different. We are going to be at CC, remember its like your second home, there's Bulma and…"

She trailed off. She had already tried to persuade him with food. She had spent more than three hours cooking. What was the thing he wanted? The… most… Her eyes lit up. He had just told her what! She pulled back her arms walking around him until she was in front of him. She smirked playfully.

"I was going to tell you who's gonna be there too, but I guess you don't care."

Goten raised an eyebrow and looked down at Pan, smiling with curiosity. "Who? Trunks?"

She shook her head. "No. You are not even close… Do you remember the girls of the last month cover… what was the name of the magazine…?"

She raised her hand and placed it on the side of her cheek as if she was trying to remember.

Goten' eyes popped out. "Satan City Top models of the year?"

Pan grinned and snapped her fingers. "Yes, that's the name!"

Goten stared at her in shock. "Are you kidding me? Why would those chicks be at CC?

Pan shruggled and walked to the table, grabbing an apple. "Bra invited them. It seems the sister of one of them is one of Bra's friends and Bra thought it would be nice to take pictures of the space ship with the girls around it. You know, science magazines are sometimes boring, and having thos…"

He cut her off grinning. "I'll be there!"

Pan rolled her eyes. So easy… "Listen to me, Goten. If you want to go then you'll have to follow these instructions…"

Pan explained everything to Goten, insisting he wouldn't say No to Bulma or he would ruin the surprise. Goten was confused, this was confusing and weird, but Bulma and Vegeta were kind of extravagant and weird around those things. He would have to call Mitzy and tell her they would meet two hours later.


Pan squealed with joy. The spaceship was ready and Goten was going… She had already write a letter for her parents and no one would guess she would board the ship tonight, instead of tomorrow.

She only had to watch Goten and keep him a few feet away from Bulma. She could tell him the pictures would be taken tomorrow. As long as he took all explanations from Bulma everything would be fine. She would just tell him the girls were delayed and he would say a thing.

From a corner, a set of eyes followed her every movement. Goten landed on time and approached the group, greeting Bulma, Pan and Bulma's father.

Bulma hugged him and stepped back. "Well, what do you say? It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Goten nodded staring at the ship. "Yes, it's perfect Bulma. Good job."

Bulma smiled. "I hope you find it comfortable."

Pan panicked and changed the subject rapidly. "Are you sure the food storage is good enough for a saiyan?"

Bulma laughed. "Of course it is. I made sure that it had capacity to feed not just two, but three saiyans!"

Goten rubbed his stomach. "I wish I could be in there, Bulma."

Bulma chuckled and waved her hand dismissing his words in amusement. "You can't wait, can you? Don't worry. You'll have enough time to taste everything and…"

Pan gulped and jumped up and down, pointing out to the ship. "Please, show us how it works."

Goten rolled his eyes. He didn't want to be in the middle of a scientific conversation, he wanted to meet the girls.

Bulma smiled again and walked to the ship. "Well, I was planning to do that tomorrow, but I see you can't wait to see it."

Trunks shook his head. Stupid Goten. What had she told him that made him postpone his date? That was almost impossible.

Goten turned his head looking everywhere and whispered. "Where are the girls, Pan?"

Pan elbowed him and whispered back. "They changed their mind, the shooting is tomorrow, but don't worry I arranged everything, now shut up or you won't be able to explain all this to the girls."

Goten frowned, and then smiled curious. "Am I the only one explaining all this to the girls?"

Pan nodded and winked an eye. "Yes."

Goten grinned childishly and followed Bulma close, while she explained the uses of all the devices and buttons of the ship.

An hour later, Goten was terribly bored. He looked at his wrist watch constantly. "Um… I'm sorry Bulma. I have a date, do you mind if we continue tomorrow?"

Bulma frowned. "A date just before your trip? Hey Goten, this is not just something else… some of these buttons can save your life. What would you do if you were lost in space? I have to explain all this until you get it. This is Life or Death instructions."

Goten stared at her dumbly. "Um"

Pan grabbed Bulma's arm and pointed to the central panel. "Don't worry Bulma. I will explain all this to him later. How does the panel and the navigation system works?"

Goten stared at both and scratched the back of his head. "Um… well, I have to go, thanks Bulma."

Bulma turned around. "But we have to talk about Pan and all this Goten!"

Pan chuckled nervously. "Don't worry Bulma. You can do that tomorrow morning, right Goten?"

Goten shrugged and nodded. "Yes, I guess."

Pan waved her free hand hurriedly. "Good bye, Goten. Thanks" and then she turned to bulma. "Bulma, please, you were telling me about the ignition system, please continue."

45 minutes later Bulma and Pan walked out, still talking about the space ship.

Trunsk yawned, he was really bored. He had spent there hidden more than two hours. He smirked, walking to the ship. Yes, she would sneak in… of course she would do that… it was her modus operandi… but he would be waiting for her.

He closed the ship's door and yawned again. Damn… he was really tired.


She checked her wrist watch and took the letter out of the drawer, placing it on the night table. She checked her capsules and slid the window open. She climbed out the window and flew off slowly, focusing to keep her energy low.

She looked at the night sky and smiled. Everything had worked wonderful, she would be landing on CC in less than an hour.

She closed the door slowly and grabbed the key. She looked at the control panel and put the key into the ignition slut. The spaceship roared coming to life, the lights illuminated the control room and she typed the confirmation code. The engine started and the screen showed the regressive count. She secured the belt around her waist, getting ready.

Trunks' eyes fluttered open. He stood up quickly and ran to the control room. Damn, he was so tired that he had fallen sleep. That little…. She had started the engine and he had to reach the control panel before she could do something else.

The door of the control's room slammed open and Trunks ran into the room. "Pan!"

She jumped on the chair and turned her head around, looking at Trunks in surprise. "Trunks!"

He smirked crossing his arms over his chest. "Surprise!"

To be continued.

Author notes.

Thank you so much for reading my stories. Thank you, all the people who read "The DB Legend" and "Beyond reason". I'm writing this new story, although I know you all wanted a sequel of the others stories, I had the sequel planned, really. I just couldn't help to start writing this one.

I love you all, you have been so nice writing me reviews. Maybe this story seems predictable, but Its not that predictable. Thank you! I'll keep in touch. Review!!

Sincerely, Eyr.