Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters of the series.


Last time in "New Namek".

Gohan appeared five seconds later and hugged Pan. "You should be grounded for life, Pan."

Then, he pulled away and hugged Trunks. "Trunks, I don't know how to thank you."

Trunks blushed… if he just knew… he wouldn't be so happy. "You don't need to, Gohan."


Videl embraced her daughter tight and then pulled away as her eyebrows narrowed. Pan knew she was in for a big lecture.

Trunks smiled at Videl, but she frowned at him. "You were supposed to bring her home the first days, Trunks!"

He blushed and shrugged. "You know that's impossible, Videl."

Pan rolled her eyes to the back of her head. Yeah, sure… this was the: Pick on Pan's day.

Videl raised her hand and grabbed Pan's elbow. "you need to grow up, Pan. You can't act like this every time you want something."

Pan remained in silence. She really hated to be lectured in public.

Trunks glanced at the women in front of him and excused himself before walking out the room. He wasn't going to be a part of this and he wouldn't be in the middle of an argument between those two, cause they would try to use him to prove a point and… hell, no.

He sighed and slumped in a bench outside the house. He raised both hands to his head as his legs opened. "Dende… that was close."

He leaned against the back of the bench, closing his eyes.

"Running away from Videl, uh?"

He shot opened his eyes and straightened his back. Gohan… damn… "Um, yes."

Gohan buried his eyes in Trunks face and smirked. He was so stressed… yeah, the trip must had been a hell putting up with his daughter and Videl had lectured him… that was for sure…

Trunks blushed, trying desperately to answer something but his mind was in blank.

Gohan smiled again and sat down, shaking his head. "Don't worry, Trunks. I know what's like… believe me. I have to put up with their behaviour in a current basis."

Trunks smiled shyly. What the hell was he going to answer? He nodded and smacked his lips. "Yeah, I guess you do."

Gohan arched an eyebrow. He was acting funny. "What happened in that trip, Trunks?"

Trunks paled and started shaking his head. "Nothing… we just… well, you know…"

Gohan narrowed his eyes a little. "No, I don't, Trunks. Mind to tell me?"

Trunks swallowed and started fidgeting with his hands. "Um… nothing really… just, you know… the usual…"

Gohan rolled his eyes, Trunks needed to relax, it's not like he didn't know the way Pan acted. "Trunks, seriously, you can tell me."

Trunks arched his eyebrows. Yeah, sure… so he could kill him with no remorse? No way!. "We have a bit of a fight, well… too many fights… but, well, we are here and Pan is safe. Nothing happened to her."

Gohan fought the urge to slap himself and beat Trunks, turning his head to the side. "I know she is fine, Trunks. I mean what happened there?"

Trunks swallowed again and bend a little, as if he was trying to stare at the ground. "What do you mean?"

Gohan gritted his teeth, now he knew something had happened. He was way too nervous. "I mean, what did you two get into? You were in space for more than 3 months, Trunks! I think you can just resume more than 90 days in: too many fights…"

Trunks tightened his lips in a thin line and then breathed deeply. "Well… Pan and I have been friends forever and I…"

Gohan rolled his eyes again. "Stop it, Trunks. I know you are trying to hide something."

That's what Trunks was afraid of… He didn't know what and how to tell what was happening between them. "um…"

Gohan raised a hand to stop Trunks from excusing. "I know you are friends and I know she got in troubles. I'm not going to ask again, Trunks. Just tell me what the hell happened in space! We tried to contact you twice more than two days and you didn't answered! I know something bad happened. I just want to know what"

Trunks stared at Gohan in shock. What was he talking about? "I don't get it, Gohan."

Gohan frowned and looked at Trunks with a scowl on his face. "You know what I mean, Trunks. Stop trying to cover her bad attitude. What kind of trouble did you two get into? What happened in space? Where were you when we were trying to contact you?"

Trunks squinted his eyes and then he smiled. Gohan was talking about that! Oh… that was better. He was relieved. "Oh, that… I mean, yes… Well, you know how's Pan… we landed in a planet and she stubbornly argued and complained all the time about me wanting her to stay in the ship and miss the fun…"

They talked for two hours, until Gohan was satisfied with all the information. He had told Trunks that he wouldn't ground Pan, but he was sure Videl would, even if she didn't know about the risks his little Pan had taken.

When Pan and her family left. Trunks sighed and walked slowly to his bedroom, he needed some rest.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Trunks stopped and turned around. No, please, no. "Mom… I'm tired."

Bulma put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow. "I'm tired too, Trunks. After all, I had to do YOUR job for more than three months… you should be grateful."

Trunks rolled his eyes. He wouldn't hear the end of this. "I'm grateful, Mom. I'm just tired. I need to rest."

Bulma smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Not so fast… we need to talk about a little something, first."

Trunks nodded tiredly and followed his mother, who was walking upstairs.

They reached his bedroom and Trunks opened the door for his mother, closing the door behind him. "Ask, Mom."

Bulma smirked more and sat down on his bed. "Well, I'm going straight to the subject… I know you are both safe, I won't ask about your trip cause I know, tomorrow you will have time to answer all those questions."

Trunks arched an eyebrow, taking off his shoes. "Why tomorrow?"

Bulma shrugged and placed her hands flat on the bed. "We are organizing a Welcome party."

Trunks puffed and picked up his shoes, opening the closet door. "We? That means you and?"

Bulma smiled excitedly. "Chichi."

Trunks nodded his head, placing the shoes inside the closet and standing up. "I see."

Bulma scanned the room for a moment and stared at her son. "What's going on between Pan and you?"

Trunks almost ripped his shirt while taking it off. "What?"

Bulma chuckled. "Be careful, Trunks… control yourself. It was just a simple question… What's going on between you and Pan?"

Trunks grabbed a new shirt and threw it on, walking to the bathroom with the dirty shirt in his hand. "Nothing."

Bulma raised her eyebrows, staring at his back. "Don't try to fool me… I know something happened… I'm not a fool, Trunks. I'm your mother, a genius and a Saiyan's wife… so, stop playing around and tell me."

Trunks threw his pants and shirt to the basket, putting on a new set of pants. "I told you nothing happened."

Bulma laughed loudly. "I'm going to find out sooner or later, Trunks. I'm on your side, you know that. Tell me if you don't want some one else messing with you two."

Trunks swallowed again and finished dressing. "Nothing happened, Mom."

Bulma rolled her eyes. "Look, Trunks. You know what you do, I only want to tell you that if Gohan finds out you are dead…"

Trunks gritted his teeth balling his hands. "NOTHING HAPPENED"

Bulma shrugged again and stood up. "If that's what you want to say, fine. But I know you two are involved."

Trunks stared at her in shock. "What makes you think that?"

Bulma smirked, glancing at her son over her shoulder. "When you decide to tell me THE TRUTH, I will answer that question."

She left, leaving a shocked Trunks behind.


Chichi and Bulma organized the welcome party for Goku and every one was invited. Goten invited his girlfriend to the meeting and Bra introduced his new boyfriend to the Z gang.

Four hours later.

Trunks grabbed Pan's hand softly. "We need to talk."

She looked up at him sadly. "I know"

He nodded and let go of her hand. "Things are complicated Pan, but we need to do something… and fast."

She stared at him and lowered her eyes. "We can't tell a soul, Trunks. My Dad would kill you."

He crossed his arms over his chest, narrowing his eyes. "Then, I will take the risk."

She paled, grabbing his upper arms. "Don't. He is stronger than you. I don't want you to get hurt."

He dropped his arms to the side of his body and held her gaze. "Let's go somewhere and get married, Pan."

She swallowed as her eyes watered. "Do you still want to marry me, Trunks?"

He wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, burying his face in her hair. "Of course I do, silly."

Goku stopped in a halt. What? Trunks and… Pan? He grinned and approached the couple, smiling widely. "So… what's happening here?"

Trunks and Pan jumped away instantly and stared at Goku with panicked faces.

Goku narrowed his eyes. "What are you afraid of? Me?"

Trunks gasped in shock and glanced at Pan.

Pan just look at Goku and shook her head. "Grand Pa… I can… explain it."

Goku grinned, raising his hand to the back of his head. "You don't need to, Pan. I guess I know what's going on… I mean, it was a surprise, but I liked it."

Trunks breathed deeply, relieved. "We… um… we need your help."

An hour later, they had explained Goku everything. They wanted to get married but they feared Gohan and Vegeta. Goku pondered for a while and told them Bulma was the only one who could help them to get married. He would calm down the others.


Bulma almost fainted… Oh God… She knew something was happening between them but… pregnant? She shook her head… under another circumstances she would have been very happy but she knew the news would be devastating for Pan's parents… and Vegeta wouldn't take the news happily.

She would need to talk to some friends and think about it. She wasn't so sure that Pan' family would be happy if she helped them, but… what else could she do? Trunks was her son and she loved Pan… besides… there was a baby in the way… her grandson or granddaughter…

Well… family didn't need to know that Pan was pregnant… she had said she was only a few weeks… two… and she wasn't 100 percent human, so… they could cover up her pregnancy, but she had to work fast.

She looked again at the crystal on her lab table… the analysis could wait… it was just a stone…


Bulma opened her mouth in shock. "Why you didn't tell me that, Pan?"

Pan bit her lower lip and shrugged. "I'm fine now."

Bulma shook her head. "We are running some test, right now, Pan. You don't even know what they did to you!"

Pan sighed loudly. "Listen, Bulma. I appreciate your concern, but, to be honest, I'm worried about something else right now."

Bulma stood up and walked to Pan. "I know you are worried, I am worried too, and that's why we are running some tests, hun. You can't just pretend everything is fine when you DON'T know what they did to you."

Pan groaned and stood up. "I don't care what they did, Bulma. I'm fine."

Bulma narrowed her eyes. "Have you thought that they could have altered something inside you and that could affect the baby?"

Pan's jaw dropped open and looked at Bulma sternly.

Trunks walked in the room and froze at Bulma's words. He gulped and approached slowly. "What did you say, Mom?"

Bulma shook her head. "I just need to run some tests, Trunks… I didn't know about the stomach's wound… I don't know if they took something out of her, or if they put something in there."

Trunks' face grew red instantly. "You are suggesting the baby is not mine?"

Bulma shook her head. "I don't know, Trunks."

Pan started crying and sat down again, hiding her face between her arms.

Trunks glared at his mom. "You shouldn't have told her that, mom."

Bulma bit her lip and shook her head again. "I'm sorry, Trunks. She need to know there's a chance that baby is…"

He shot her up raising a hand to his lips. "Don't, Mom. Please, don't. "

Bulma ran tests all evening. The family's doctor had refused to do X-rays due to the pregnancy because it was dangerous, but they had taken some blood tests and scanned her body.

Everything seemed to be normal, but they would need to wait another day to be sure.

Trunks wrapped his arms around Pan' shoulders, pulling her close. "Don't worry, Pan. Every thing is going to be okay."

Pan leaned in his embrace but shook her head. "How do you know?"

Trunks closed his eyes tightly and hugged her tight. "I know. Stop worrying."

Pan wiped the tears off her cheeks and looked up at him. "What are we going to do If you are not… the…"

Trunks put a finger over her lips, silencing her. "Don't say it… no matter what, is ours."

Pan started crying again. Her body was shaking and Trunks didn't want her to leave until they knew what had happened.

The crystal on the lab's table started glowing again and Trunks felt dizzy. A head ache was coming and he didn't like it at all. He had been having head aches for a month now but he had said nothing to Pan.

He looked at her, wondering if she was feeling something like that, but she seemed just worried, not in pain.


Bulma woke up early and went to the lab, waiting for the doctor. She had to wait more than four hours, until he entered the room. "Finally."

The doctor approached Bulma, holding some papers. "Something is weird, Mrs. Bulma…"

Bulma buried her eyes on his face, waving her hand so he would continue.

The doctor sat down and started looking at the papers. He told her everything he had found and every thing was normal, except for one little thing… she had an inner incision and he didn't know what had they extracted, but everything pointed that they had taken some eggs out of her.

Bulma raised a hand to her temple and looked at him worriedly. "Are you sure?"

The doctor nodded his head. "95 percent of probabilities, Mrs. Bulma, they took an ovum out of her, maybe more."

Bulma covered her face with her hands. "What about the baby?"

The doctor smiled, handing her a pic. "He or she is okay, growing fast, you know?"

Bulma smiled, taking the picture in her hands and staring at the little baby. "Thanks Dende. What about Trunks? How is he? Did they take something from him too?"

The doctor shook his head, closing the folder. "I don't think so, maybe just some blood samples."

She thanked the doctor and leaned against the door, after she closed it. "They don't need to know about the ovum… but I need to find out who those creatures are… they could be dangerous."


She had arranged everything. They had returned to Earth a week ago and they would be married in two days.

Pan was happy that the baby was okay, but she was still worried about her parents.

Trunks had wanted to talk to Gohan first, but Pan and Bulma had stopped him. He wouldn't understand. Damn, he didn't understand it either…

Pan had been grounded, but Bulma had found the perfect excuse to talk to her… the tests. She picked her up again, regretting what she was doing when she looked at Gohan's face. In the inside he was a kid… trusting… She bit her lip and hurried to the air car. "Hurry up, Pan or I'm going to cancel every thing."

Trunks was already waiting in half way to South City. Pan flew off Bulma's air car and thanked her, getting in Trunks' air car.

They flew off to an hotel, where the minister was already waiting for them. Bulma had tried to witness the wedding, but they didn't want her in troubles, so they rejected her.

The ceremony was fast and both returned to CC. Trunks would talk to Gohan next morning. Nothing would step in between them now. They were officially married.

He smiled at her, caressing her face. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mrs. Briefs."

She smiled back at him and kissed his lips lightly. "I'll be waiting."

Trunks kissed her neck, wrapping his arms tightly around her. "You are mine, now."

She kissed him back, feeling dizzy at his closeness. "I have always been yours, Trunks."

He pulled away, running his hands down her arms. "And you will always be… I can't wait until tomorrow, Pan."

She blushed, pushing him softly. "Don't even start, Trunks. You can't be thinking about THAT, right now."

He leaned closer, whispering over her lips. "No?"

She blushed more and giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Fine. You can… but you shouldn't."

He chuckled and kissed her cheek. "You better go now or I won't let you."

She smirked, running her hands down his chest. "If you don't, my Dad will come and get me…"

He paled again. Right… "Fine. I'll wait."


The day light broke and Trunks was still awake. He had tried to sleep, but he simply couldn't. It was time to face Gohan's wrath.

Trunks and Bulma arrived to Pan's house. Pan was nervous and Gohan knew something was happening, something he wasn't sure if he wanted to know.

Goku stood by Pan's, while she broke the news. She leaned on a tree and glanced at her parents and Goten. "I need to tell you something…"

Gohan rubbed his forehead and looked at her, concerned. "Tell me."

Videl raised a hand to her chest. She wasn't a saiyan, but she knew the air was filled with something weird, and the looks on Pan and Trunks' face weren't good… something bad had happened.

Bulma squeezed Videl's hand and smiled soflty. "It's okay, Vi."

Pan fidgeted with hter hands and buried her eyes on Gohan's. "I'm in love."

Trunks turned around and looked at her. She wasn't supposed to say that, they had repeated like 100 times what they were going to say…

Pan tightened her lips… idiot… she was just too nervous…

Gohan knotted his brows in a frown and crossed his arms. "With?"

Videl nodded her head and looked at her daughter, encouraging her to continue. "And?"

Goten just raised his eyebrows in surprise and crossed his legs, while playing with the grass. He couldn't believe they had called everyone to the garden just to say that… and Trunks being a part… of… this… wait…

Goten narrowed his eyes and looked at Trunks suspiciously.

Pan gulped and lowered her eyes. "Trunks."

To be continued.

Author notes.

Thank you so much for your reviews and your support. Strefe, intrinsic (2), Meg, Saiyanhope, Jaedeon sierra, Schala S (8), the-lastsaiyan1991, superseyra, Zailz-101.

My muse was lost but I found it, lol. Sorry to take my time, but I had many ideas and had to stick to the original plot. Schala, Oh my God, I just can't believe you wrote all those reviews, thanks so much. I was extra happy. My eyes almost popped up, lol.

Thanks again to all of you for reading this story. 3 chapters more for the end. I hope you like this chapter.!!!