Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or its characters.

FandomGivesBack auction story for dtav. This was only supposed to be an Edward and Jasper d/s lemon. Well, Darkward was going to have none of that.

Summary: Edward and Jasper have been together for nearly seven decades. When their blood-filled hedonistic lifestyle is challenged by the addition of Jasper's nineteen year old mental patient, who will survive? AU ExJ, JxA, ExJxA Short story, anticipating less than 10 chapters. POVs as marked, Edward (EPOV), Jasper (JPOV), and Alice (APOV).

Warning: Darkward and Darkdomsper. Slash. Some polyamorous moments. Do not consider these to be safe aspects of domination. In addition to being vampires with far different physical abilities/tolerances, their relationship borders much closer to Master/Slave than Dom/Sub.

Thank you to my pre-readers for polishing this blood drenched onyx into what I now present.


I slit the young man's wrist and watched the rich Cabernet flow from the cut into my crystal goblet. He moaned when I lifted the incision to my mouth and licked across the wound, sealing it. I returned to my bench at the piano, my eyes locked on the blood in my glass as I swirled it. On each circuit, the fluid lapped up the side a little higher while my venom began to flow. My right hand went to the ivory keys before me and played a few notes while I drank the cooling blood.

Our playmate, pet, or victim, if you'd prefer, was so lost in the haze of wine and lust Jasper and I had been plying him with that his thoughts were erratic whenever they solidified beyond a scattering of words. Kyle wanted more; more wine, more pleasure, more of us. We were happy to deliver all of the above. He barely winced at this point as we slowly drained him of his life. Kyle was growing weaker with each feeding. Soon, I would let Jasper completely drain him. He let me have the last toy after all.

Drinking, this early in the evening? Jasper's thoughts were filled with his amusement.

I'd learned, in our sixty-eight years together, to filter out all but those he directed at me. I always knew what he was up to; short of fully shutting down my gift and making my mind a sanctuary, there was a constant whirring of everyone's thoughts merging with my own. Luckily, the vampire mind was extremely advanced and once Carlisle taught me to harness my gift, I was able to attune my concentration only where I wished, the rest being cataloged for later contemplation.

"Yes, Jasper. I was thirsty," I paused mid-sentence to listen to Kyle's thoughts before continuing. "And he's almost done. I thought I'd drink before we go out hunting tonight."

"I can't go tonight; I have a new patient to see."

I pouted, emphasizing the disappointment I felt as I purposely focused my emotions. "But you promised..." I trailed off as my Master's thoughts showed him holding up one finger, silencing me.

"I know what I promised, Edward Anthony Masen. Do not push me. I have a patient to see, a patient your maker added onto my already full plate." There are days I really hate that you agreed for us to move back to the Chicago area, Edward. I don't know why I have suffered you as long as I have.

With one last sip of the blood, I stood, toppling the piano bench to the ground with a crash. "Because you know that I'm much more than just a pet to you, Ja- Master." I stopped myself from using his name again, and switched to the title he preferred. If Jasper was in this sort of mood, it was better for me to behave as he desired. It was more fun for everyone involved.

Yes, you do know who your Master is; don't you, Edward? Jasper's lips were just slightly uplifted at the corners, and I could feel amusement radiating from him. Almost faster than I could follow his thoughts, Jasper's fingers clenched my jaw, pressing until the joint began to ache. "Don't forget who bought you from Aro's guard, Pet. I can send you back or I can make you wish I would."

My heart, still though it had been for over one hundred years, began to throb in pain. Anguish filled me until, for a moment, I thought oblivion would be bliss before it quickly receded. I do hate reminding you, Edward. Do not question me again, or you will not like the results. Now, be a good boy and cut our pet down from his bindings. "I can't wear my glasses tonight so I'm going out to quickly hunt. You can finish him off. Please clean the kitchen after. Esme left dishes on the counter after making Kyle his lunch. I want the house clean when I come home."

I bit the inside of my cheek, the flesh compressing beneath the pressure until finally giving way to my sharp teeth, as I knelt before Jasper. "As you wish, Sir." His resulting purr and the affection I felt swirling around us made the position worthwhile. Perhaps, just maybe, he'd let me send him to work with a smile. I looked up and then leaned forward so that my lips pressed against the zipper on his slacks.

His eyes, golden with just a hint of red at the edges, were filled with love, despite his declarations to the contrary. I had felt the same emotions from him for going on twenty years but I had denied it for ten of those. The first time Jasper sensed a flicker of love from me, I'd been strung up by platinum chains so tightly it was an effort even for me to break free.

~*~ Flashback ~*~

"I do not love, Edward. You know that." If I did, it would not be for someone I've taken on as a sub. His thoughts gave him away. Despite his surface thoughts of how much he enjoyed having me suck his cock while I was down on my knees, there were others I occasionally picked up on. I saw him watching me compose, paint, and write, the sunlight catching my profile as he looked at me. The memories were colored over with his fondness.

As I hung, suspended a few inches off the floor, Jasper circled me as if I were his prey. In many ways, I was. He wanted the part of me he could not reach. Despite how many years we had been together, and my submission to his desires, I held the upper hand due to my gift. I knew his mind, and his heart through his emitted emotions, while he knew only what I felt. There was that one single moment that kept me with Jasper, despite his claiming to not love me.

Jasper came around to my front and he smiled at me, our faces level due to my hanging within the harness he'd made of intricate knots. He looks so beautiful. It makes my heart warm when our eyes meet. "I will not love you, Edward. Get used to that fact now. I will use you, and that is all."

~*~ End Flashback ~*~

Jasper's hands came down and cupped my cheeks. "Yes, I think we have a little time, enough for that at least." I crawled after Jasper as he led me to the living room.

Later, after Jasper had left for work, I sat down at the piano and finished my composition. I had untied Kyle and allowed him to use the shower and hot tub in peace. His thoughts were beginning to clear as he soaked and I saw us as he did. Beautiful. Cold. Hard. We were nothing but animated statues imbued with evil.

All the good within me had left when Carlisle did not take me back. 'The prodigal son returns', my ass. Esme had welcomed me home with open arms, but when Carlisle saw my red eyes, he told me to leave. Apparently, he was the only one capable of earning God's forgiveness so I sought my own.

I went to Aro, having picked up the name and location of the Volturi from Carlisle's mind as the one place my sire did not wish me to go. The Volturi, the royal family of vampires, coveted my gift, and I quickly rose through the Guard until I was Aro's favorite pet. Things went well for me until they came- two humans, a girl and her father; humans Aro could not read. The man's mind was blurred to me, as if his thoughts were mere pictures, dreams of thoughts; his daughter's brain was silent.

Aro, despite his own failure and having seen my attempts to break through Isabella's shield, was displeased. I was punished. Through the years, his artisans had discovered an alloy, mostly of platinum, that when cabled and used properly was strong enough to temporarily subdue a vampire. Nothing could truly prevent a vampire from moving when he or she wished to, but given incentive – such as Jane standing in the room, ready to unleash her gift on you– the bonds were sufficient at immobilizing fidgeting arms and legs. I was used, abused, and broken in more ways than I wish to recall.

When Jasper walked in, a Stetson and boots were all I saw. It was as if the rest of him was a blur from the venom coating my eyes. Perhaps I was just never meant to look upon the good he still held, hidden beneath the leather and ice. I was on my knees at Aro's feet, the stone had felt cold even to my lifeless skin, and Aro ordered me to read his guest's mind.

Beautiful boy... so much pain, yet there is no despair in his emotions. His words stayed with me through the decades, as if a CD of his smooth voice was stuck on repeat. I had reached for my master's hand and told him we finally had an empath in the castle. Aro of course tried to convince Jasper to join the Guard as an honored guest; ha! I knew what that led to.

Even as I prepared myself to head upstairs to the bathroom and further damn what is left of my soul, if any remains, there was no despair in my heart. I had hope that Jasper would admit his love for me one day. On that day, I shall throw off these bonds he's given me.

I climbed the stairs, my silent heart feeling as heavy as the granite I could crumble with the slightest touch. Each step weighed more heavily on my soul. But the joy I took in what awaited me led my body onward.

Kyle added more hot water to the tub; I listened through the door and to his thoughts. As he relaxed into the once again steaming water, I knocked. My clothes were quickly shed and folded onto the floor beside the door before he answered.

"Come in." It must be Edward. Master Jasper left earlier.

"How are you doing, Kyle?" I asked as I stepped into the bathroom.

His eyes swept over my body, and I watched his cock harden beneath the water. Will he let me take him again, the way Master made us perform that night? His thoughts brought forth a soft chuckle as I shook my head.

"No, I don't think so, little one. I submit only to Jasper." I climbed into the tub with him, at vampire speed, startling the poor boy. Not really a boy, I guess, as Kyle was easily five years older than my seventeen human years. Using a handful of the bath gel Jasper preferred over my sandalwood soap, I coated my cock in the slippery fluid. I positioned Kyle how I wanted him, and let the darkness out where my soul once resided.

Edward, what will Master say?

I laughed at Kyle's thoughts, overshadowed as they were with his desire for me. Still laughing, I thrust forward, past the tight ring, and into his heat. We both groaned at the sensation, me from pleasure, Kyle from discomfort and then bliss as I wrapped my hand around his cock and pumped him slowly. Leaning forward so that my lips were at his ear, I shattered his world.

"It doesn't matter what Master will say, Kyle. He has had enough of you. Jasper told me to finish you."

He stuttered slightly from the pleasure I was coaxing with each stroke of my fingers up and down his length while I thrust into him. "You...you're going...to let me... come?"

"Not that kind of finish," I murmured against his neck, my tongue lapping at the sweaty sheen that was mixed with the fragrant bathwater. I bit down just as Kyle's mind drifted to images of cinematic vampires and he began to scream. His last conscious thought was of the blood in the water as I fed and fucked.