Kensi Blye opened her eyes to blackness. At first her heart jumped into her throat, but as she realized she wasn't blind, just blindfolded her heart rate slowed down, though it didn't return to normal. She was blindfolded, and her hands were attached to something with what felt like handcuffs. They were behind her.

The car she was in was bumping along, but she managed to pull her phone out of her back pocket. She diled what she hoped was her six digit password to send and agent in distress message to her team. She couldn't be sure, but she thought she had typed it correctly. She slipped it back into her pocket, making sure it stayed on.

After twenty minutes the car stopped and men could be heard speaking in something that sounded like Latin. Whatever it was, Kensi, who was fluent in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Latin couldn't understand it.

"Get up," someone said in English.

He pulled her up by one arm after someone else freed her hands. The blindfold remained on and rough hands were around her wrists. Another hand was on the back of her neck making sure she couldn't go anywhere.

She was led through a door and down a long hall. Even through the dark blindfold, Kensi could tell the hall was brightly lit. She heard people yelling on either side of her. Though they were all speaking different languages, she could understand them unlike her captors who were yelling back in the mix of languages Kensi had given up trying to understand.

The men holding her suddenly stopped. She heard the metallic scraping of a key sliding into a lock, then a door creaking open. The hands left her wrists and the hand on her neck shoved forward making her fall. Her left knee hit the ground hard making her cry out. She rolled over and pulled the blindfold off in one swift motion, but both men had entered the room and slammed the door. They were advancing on her so she got up, somewhat unstedily because of her now injured knee.

One man was as tall and muscular as one of her partners, Sam, and the other was about the size of her other partner, Callen, although his hands were enormous. They were bigger than her face. As the big one came into arms reach, Kensi pulled her arm back and hit his face so hard he took a step back. She took no time to enjoy it however. She aimed another punch at his friend's face, but he caught her hand easily. He spun her around and held her arms tight to her back. She fought but soon the other man had joined his friend. He hit Kensi square in the jaw so hard she saw colored dots in front of her eyes. She tasted blood. The men drug her backward and dropped her against the wall. While she was still dazed they hooked heavy shackles to her wrists. With one last kick to the side, both men left.

Kensi's vision was slowly returning to normal but every time she breathed to deep, there was a stab of pain on left side.

'Broken rib, split lip and concussion," she thought. 'Great.'

She shook her head and lifted her arms. The chins clinked against the ground and seemed to heavy to even bother to move. She leaned against the wall and let her eyes slide shut. Sleep soon overtook her.

Greg Callen's eyes flew open. It took him a minute to realize it was his phone ringing not his alarm. He groaned and rolled over reaching to turn it off, but then he noticed it was Kensi's ring tone. Intrigued, he opened the phone then jumped out of his bed. There on the screen Kensi's face was smiling up at him. Above that it said 'agent in distress.' He saved the message just as his phone rang again. This time it was Sam.

"Yeah I got the message. I'm on my way."

"Hurry G," Sam said then hung up.

Twenty minutes later he skidded to a stop in his parking spot and dashed inside. He took the stairs two at a time almost knocking a young woman weighed down by papers off the side of the staircase. He grabbed her arm and steadied her and muttered something that sounded like an 'I'm sorry.' When he was sure she wasn't going to fall, he ran up the rest of the stairs.

He walked into the computer room where the team was assembled; minus one. Eric who was a genius with anything technological, was typing furiously pulling up documents on Kensi and maps where her face was blinking on different areas. Sam Hana was scrolling through the documents on the big screen. Nate, the team's physiologist, was pacing and rubbing his chin with his thumb and forefinger, and Hettie the Operations Manager, or 'The Boss' was no where to be seen.


It was Abby Scuto from the forensics lab in DC.

"Abby?" Callen said meeting her in the middle of the room.

She flung her arms around him and began sobbing.

"Abbs didn't you go home yesterday?" Callen asked holding the young woman close.

He hadn't forgotten Kensi, but there had to be a reason Abby wasn't back in DC.

"Its all my fault Callen," she sobbed.

"What is?" he asked cupping her face in his hands.

Her tears trailed black with her make up.

"She and Kensi went to the bar last night. that's were she got taken from," Eric said taking Abby by the hand.

He drew the trembling forensics expert onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned her head in the crook of his neck.

"Its not your fault," Eric soothed as he rubbed small circles into her back.

"Its not anyone's fault Abby," Sam said from the other side of the room. "G this is from last night."

Callen stepped to Sam's side. He was enlarging a video. He pushed play and a dark parking lot was visible. The door on one side of a building opened and Sam tapped the area twice to zoom. Kensi appeared first followed by the energetic Abby. They laughed and joked, both obviously drunk, but Abby the more drunk of the two.

A pang of sadness struck Callen's heart as he heard Kensi's joyous laugh. He sighed and pushed back tears that were threatening to fall, and forced himself to watch the video. Sam zoomed out a little and four men were visible sneaking up behind them. Callen watched Kensi get rigid. Whether it was her NCIS: Special Operations training or just woman's intuition that told her they were there, Callen would never know.

Kensi reached for her gun slowly while saying something to Abby, who ducked as she spun around. Three shots rang out. Three of the four fell over but the fourth pulled a gun. That impeccable skill with a gun, Callen knew, was from her NCIS training. He happened to know her before she became part of her team, and she didn't even know how to hold a gun, let alone kill three men from 40 feet with a police issue pistol.

Kensi pulled Abby behind a car as the man began to fire. Callen's eyes were drawn to Abby's face in the video. There was a terrified determination there that astounded Callen. Abby wasn't one for confrontation, but when a problem arose, she refused to be the damsel in distress. She was asking Kensi for something, who seemed annoyed by the request and handed over her gun. She pulled another from her left boot.

The gun looked awkward in Abby's hands, but as another man who Callen hadn't seen before came around behind Kensi. She wasn't expecting another man so she was concentrating on the one shooting at them, but Abby saw him. Her gun popped and the man went down with a new hole in his face. Kensi looked like she was congratulating Abby when both went ridged and fell over.

"What happened?" Callen asked.

Eric wound it back and Sam zoomed in.

"Tazer," said Sam as they watched another man come around a car and shot the little barbs the girl's way.

Lucky enough for the guy, one barb hit Abby on the left side of her arm and the other hit Kensi on the cheek. When they were both down the man plus two more who had come from nowhere grabbed Kensi and one roughly kicked Abby, who wasn't completely unconscious. Callen saw Abby flinch out of the corner of his eye. Her hand involuntarily touched what was probably a big bruise.

That gesture didn't go unnoticed by Eric who took her trembling hand in his. Callen turned his attention back to the video. The men dragged Kensi to a white van, tossed her in the back and drove off. Eric turned off the video and turned to Callen. He was rubbing his head.

"Damn," he said quietly. "Is her phone still transmitting?"

Eric tapped a few buttons and pulled up a map.

"She is in the middle of a lake," Eric said confused.

Callen and Sam glanced at one another.

"Give us directions on route," Callen said as he and Sam turned to leave.

"Stop where you are Mr. Callen."

He and Sam turned as Director Anderson came on screen.

"You and Mr. Hana are not going anywhere."