This is set in the past, I think - I needed Angela to be having a big birthday, but otherwise there is no time setting. First chapter is quite fluffy, the next will bring in the smut.

Oh, and if chocolate isn't your thing, feel free to replace with cake of your choice :-p lol

The Cake

In a rare moment of frivolity and merriment, the forensic platform had been transformed. Gone were the sterile surfaces and endless miles of stainless steel. Their presence replaced, for today at least, with multicoloured tablecloths, party streamers, and a deliciously large chocolate cake. For today, it was Angela's 30th birthday and the squints had gone all out to make sure it went without a hitch. Well, all but one.

Standing as far from the lab rats as he possibly could without actually leaving the forensic platform, Booth couldn't help but notice Brennan's absence from the festivities. It was to be expected, he reasoned, she wasn't one for social gathering at the best of times, and he knew she more stressed than normal at the minute: she just couldn't get to the bottom of the case they were working. But damn it, Angela was her best friend. She should be here. He'd get her there.

Resolved to get her to the party even if he had to pick her up and carry her over his shoulder, Booth grabbed a slice of cake and headed to her office. He could see Brennan as he approached, hunched over the desk, pouring over some textbook or another, furiously making notes on a pad, her face all pinchy in concentration and confusion.

Reaching her office, he leant against the doorframe, and began picking at the cake. He knew she could hear him, but she didn't look up. Booth let out a sigh: he knew she would be stubborn about this, but he was determined.

"Are you coming to the party, Bones, or are you leaving me to eat that entire cake all by myself?"

She didn't look up.

"Stop exaggerating. You're not being forced to eat it and you're hardly 'all by yourself', there's Cam, Hodgins, Angela, and … " She looked up and caught him shaking his head. "Too literal?"

He nodded at her as he began slowly approaching her desk. Resigned that he wouldn't leave her in peace unless she gave in to his demands, she put down her pen with a sigh.

"I have work to do, Booth." She was resolute not go down without a fight, but it seemed her body had other ideas. Her eyes closed and her hand dropped onto her head before she could stop it happening. Seeing her rub her eyes, Booth let out another breath.

"You're exhausted, Bones. You've been working long hours all week. You're here before the rest of them in the morning and stay long after the lab is empty. We all know you're dedicated, but letting yourself off the hook occasionally isn't a weakness. Ten minutes of rest, time with friends, and a piece of this cake will do you good. It'll clear your focus." He tried to appeal to her in terms she'd understand: logic.

The smell of the cake wafted across the room and she could practically taste the chocolate goodness. And he was making a good argument.

Pushing back from the desk, she rose from the chair and took the few steps to meet him in the middle of her office.

"That cake does have a very stimulating aroma." She reached to take the fork from his plate but Booth pulled it from her reach.

Scooping up a little of the cake, Booth raised the fork to her mouth.

"It tastes better like this."

"Booth." She stepped back. "I am completely capable of feeding myself."

"I know that. You're 'capable' of doing anything you set your mind to." She reached for the fork. "No." Once again he pulled it away from her, and saw the tiredness in her eyes. "Not unless I can do it."

"Booooth!" It was barely more than a whine. She was in no mood for his games today, miles beyond 'tired' already. He knew she'd never admit it, but this case had taken its toll on her.

"Just this once Bones, can't you act like a girl." He flashed that damn irresistible grin at her and could practically see it as she became putty in his hands.

Letting out a slight sigh, she stepped back towards him, just enough. He brought the forked cake back up to her mouth. She breathed in it's deep chocolately aroma and couldn't help but salivate considerably, swallowing the moisture away.

"You're going to have to open up Bones." There was a wicked glint in his eye, the kind he usually reserved for a suspect right before drawing a full confession from them.

Almost imperceptibly, the corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she let her lips part ever so slightly.

But still he didn't bring the cake to her; instead watching as she impatiently let her tongue run along her bottom lip. He met her eyes and knew that, despite whatever arguments were just itching to spill out of her, she was completely aware of, and enjoying, the thinly veiled flirtation as much as he was.

Finally allowing the fork to enter her lips, he watched as her eyes closed momentarily as the deep chocolaty goodness hit her taste buds. Her pink lips closed around the fork and he pulled it out, ever so slowly, fighting the overwhelming urge to let out a moan. He'd spent endless nights dreaming of her closing those lips around him. Booth had always loved chocolate cake but this was turning him on in any number of wrong ways.

He watched as she chewed softly for a few seconds, before seeing her throat rise and fall as she swallowed the smooth chocolate cake. Her tongue poked out from between her lips again, running moisture over her suddenly dry lips. He could see the traces of chocolate spread across her tongue and he just knew she'd taste delicious.

Her eyes didn't leave his.

"I told you it was good." He smiled smugly.

"I didn't state that it wouldn't be good. Rather that I had no time to stop working for a futile celebration of the passage of time."

"And how do you feel know?" He cocked his head to the side a little.

"My schedule seems to have opened up."

Her eyes dropped to the plate in his hands. Gosh, it'd been so long since she'd just stopped and enjoyed something as simple as cake. And far longer since she'd let someone invade her personal space so much as to fed her.

"More?" She saw the wicked flash of his eyes and knew she was done fighting. Booth didn't even wait for her answer before gathering another chunk of cake onto the fork. Raising it to her mouth, there was no argument this time and she met him eagerly. Booth moved slowly while her lips were quick to close around the moist cake, their differing tempos causing momentary chaos and a small lump of frosting clung to her top lip.

Automatically, Bones moved to wipe it away, but he caught her hand, his skin brushing against her cheek as he did so. Their eyes met as the silence engulfed them. Her arm dropped away from his grasp, while his stayed close to her face.

Momentarily frozen, neither moved, their deep breathing the only sound around them.

Booth moved in slow motion, his eyes never leaving hers as he drew closer to her frosted mouth. He kept waiting for her to retreat, for the dream to end, for a phone to ring. Something always got in the way.

His fingers gently settled along her jaw line, delicately cupping his hand against her soft skin. His thumb brushed at the frosting slowly, catching at her lip as he moved and Booth froze again.

Her eyes gazed deep into his, he saw a fear, masked by uncertainty, but on top there was deep longing. He saw desire in those bottomless blue eyes. He'd seen it before, but rational, logical Brennan would always cast it aside.

Still neither of them moved. His thumb felt warm against her lips.

The corners of her mouth twitched as she allowed her tongue to protrude just enough to lick at the frosting on his thumb. The feel of her tongue against his thumb, and the sheer lust in her eyes, sent his blood pressure soaring. Booth attempted to stifle a groan as he felt himself growing hard. Withdrawing her tongue, she pressed a gentle kiss to his thumb, a smile creeping wide across her face.

"Well. Happy birthday to me!"

Angela's voice cut through the silence.

"And here, I thought you weren't going to get me a present."

They stepped apart simultaneously and Booth glanced nervously as Bones before turning to focus on Angela. She was leaning against the doorframe just as he had only minutes before.

"I was just trying to get her to the party." Booth knew he was blushing.

"Yea, I can se that." Angela flashed a cheeky, all-knowing, grin at Brennan as she turned to walk away. "Call me, sweetie."

Brennan took advantage of Booth's obvious discomfort and scuttled around to sit behind her desk once more.

Booth let out a sigh, taking his cue and turned to leave the office.

"Always something in the way," he muttered, briefly alarmed that she might have heard, but turning to look at her through the glass walls of her office, Brennan was already engrossed in the textbook again. She really was skilled at compartmentalising – he knew he wouldn't be getting any more work done today, and contemplated heading straight home for a long, cold, shower.

He was going to shoot Angela next time her saw her.