NCIS: Lies and Truths –Chapter 6

A/N: Okay, when reading this one, read my ending A/N as well. It'll make more sense. This one is longer, yes! =)


As Ellie's cries came to cease, she pulled away and sighed.

"So, if you are my dad... who is my mom? Did you ever know I was your daughter?"

"No, I didn't know at all, until today. Your mom is, my ex wife, Stephanie." Gibbs said, running a hand through his hair.

"She gave me up? Without you knowing? Did you even know she was pregnant?"

Gibbs shook his head. "We were divorcing then. I didn't know she was pregnant, and I had no idea she would give you up."

"She gave me up, because she didn't want me. Cold hard truth Gibbs." Ellie said, softly, shrugging. Putting a hand on Gibbs arm, she gave a soft smile.

"But, if I had to pick anyone as a father, it would be you. Thanks Gibbs."

Gibbs gave a soft smile and nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"Don't worry. I know how it is. I'm going to my room, work on somethings." She said, heading up the stairs and to her room, shutting the door.

There, on the counter, laid her untouched pancakes and milk.

Getting to her room, she shut and locked her door.


Kelly's door.

She suddenly felt as if she was... some sort of replacement.

But then, a sickening feeling came to Ellie's stomach.

She would not be here, if Shannon and Kelly had lived.

Throwing open the bedroom door, Ellie ran down the stairs and grabbed her jacket hanging up.

"Where are you going?" Gibbs got up, concerned.

"To the playground for awhile. I... I can't think here. I'll be back in a bit."

The front door slammed behind her, as she ran and never looked back.

A knock came on the door, and it opened.


When she received no answer, Stephanie started down to the basement.


"Down here." Gibbs said, working on his boat. Looking up, he saw her. "Hey."

"Hey. New one?" Steph motioned to the boat.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Which one is it this time?

"Our daughter. Elizabeth. Prefers to go by Ellie though."

"I see. Where is she?"

"Ran off. Playground a few blocks away. I figured, since I sprung it on her earlier, I'd let it go for now." He paused, setting down his tools. "She's a good kid."

Stephanie nodded. "How much did finding out effect her?"

"Enough. But I think she took it better than all the other things that she has."

"Other things... You said her adoptive parents were killed."

Gibbs nodded.

"Yeah, they were." Ellie's voice sounded at the top of the stairs as she made her way down.

She continued. "I was held at knife point by my adoptive fathers' drug dealer. He threatened both of them. Told him he would kill me, if he didn't kill my mother." She paused. "He shot my mother in front of me. Then, the man told him to shoot himself. If he hesitated, then the guy wouldn't hesitate to kill me. So, he killed himself."

Stephanie was shocked. She said nothing.

"So yeah, it did effect me a lot. While my father was a drugged asshole, my mother was an amazing woman. You may be my mother by blood, but don't take it personal if I really don't like you." Ellie spat, and ran back up the steps, and up the stairs to her room, slamming her door.

"Is she ever like this?"

Gibbs shook his head. "No. She's usually quiet. Doesn't open up much either."

"She hates me." Stephanie stated, knowing it was the truth.

"Well Steph, she has every right to. But, I want her to get through this, and maybe get to know you."

"Are you sure that's the right thing to do?"

"Don't you want to know her?"


"Then, there's your answer."

A/N: Okay, I totally screwed up. I had planned on Ellie being Gibbs' and Stephanie's kid. But, Ellie knew Kelly. (If you go back to the story called "Suspended".) But then, if Ellie was Steph's and Gibbs' kid, she wouldn't know Kelly, cause Gibbs would have never married Steph.

So, pretend this is an AU, and that a DIFFERENT Stephanie was his wife, before Shannon. I guess. Lol. I hope none of this sways you astray from my fics. Sorry about all this!