Name: Katherine Elenora Kodomojimita

Nickname: Kitty (by Honey) Kit-Kat/Kitty-Kat (by her parents/Haruhi's dad) Ellie (by Kin)

Age: 18

Class: 3-A

Height: 4' 11" (Mitsukuni is 4' 9" Haruhi is 5' 1" Twins both 5' 9" Tamaki 6' 0" Kyouya 5' 10" Takashi 6' 2")

Birthday: February 17

Name: Kin (Gold) Takara (Treasure)

Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Height: 5' 6"

Birthday: October 30

Name: Kohaku (unisex name meaning "amber.") Takara (treasure)

Age: 16

Grade: Freshman

Height: 5' 3"

Birthday: December 10

C-H-A-N: These aren't all characters in the story right away. Kin is in the story starting at chapter ten, and her younger sister (Kohaku) is hardly even in the story. This is an Ouran High School story. I also have it on my account, but I've decided to post it here as well. Like with two of my other stories my friend (ARTEMIS13 MAXIMUS: .net/u/1954989/) is writing a story, in Kin's POV. Though her part doesn't start until this story is at chapter ten.


I nervously stood in front of the class, my hand fiddling with the sleeves of my dress; the dress which I really did not like. I really just wanted to have this day end, I hated to meet new people, and I always got horribly shy until I knew a person.

"Class we have a new student in our class. Why don't you introduce yourself?" I knew that last part was directed at me and not to the class I was standing in front of, I noticed that most of these rich students weren't even paying attention to me or to the teacher.

"M-my name is Kodomojimita, Katherine. I-it's very nice t-to meet you all." I stuttered quietly.

"Well Miss Kodomojimita you can sit behind Mitsukuni. Mitsukuni please raise your hand." A short little blonde kid with brown eyes, sitting next to a very tall black haired grey-eyed boy, raised his hand excitedly. It was hard for me to believe that he was a high school student; he couldn't be even five feet tall yet, meaning that he was at least an inch or two shorter than I was. I quietly made my way back to my new seat, behind Mitsukuni.

"Hi!! My name's Haninozuka, Mitsukuni, but you can call me Honey, and that's Takashi, but you can call him Mori!" The blonde, Mitsukuni, was very bubble. As he introduced his tall friend, Takashi, he pointed to him letting me know exactly whom he meant, and Takashi gave a small nod when I looked over at him. Man this guy was really tall.

"A-as you heard I'm Kodomojimita, Katherine. It's nice to m-meet you Mitsukuni, Takashi." I gave him a smile, before the teacher stared the lesson, it was something we had already gone over at my old school, so I only paid half attention to the teacher, while I starred out of the window and doodled lightly in my notebook. I was spaced out of most of the lesson, until the teacher told us we had a fifteen-minute break to do whatever we wanted. I was regretting not sneaking my pens back from my mother; she had taken them telling me to not use them until after I had gotten used to school, or until I had made some new friends. Luckily my dad had given me a mini yoyo to play with when I got bored. I pulled out my yoyo stating to play with it, when I noticed the crowd of girls surrounding me. Or more accurately they were surrounding Mitsukuni and Takashi. I noticed that Mitsukuni was holding something pink, which made me curious.

"Mitsukuni…What is that?" I softly questioned him; I was actually surprised that he had heard my question. He turned to look at me, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly; I guess he had forgotten that I sat behind him.

"Oh this is Usa-chan!" He held the pink, what I now saw to be a bunny, up to my face, smiling brightly. I guess Usa-chan was his version of my Neko-chan. I smiled at him,

"Usa-chan is very cute, Usa-chan reminds me of Neko-chan…" I trailed off at the end, more mumbling to myself. I reached down into my bag, pulling out Neko-chan, "See!" Though Neko-chan was not a pink bunny, Neko-chan was a soft white cat, with a cute pink ribbon tied to her neck, and light blue eyes. My daddy had made her for me when he was just getting started in the toy business, she always calmed down my nerves; which is why I had brought her to school with me today. I could hear some girls squealing, and some other girls giggling slightly; I had honestly forgotten that the other girls were still over here. Actually most of the girls seemed to find that I had a stuffed animal with me to be very adorable, only a few of the girls were sitting in a seat glaring daggers at me. I giggled lightly before turning my attention back to Mitsukuni.

I pulled Neko-chan back into my body, hugging her tightly, and pushed the mini yoyo back into my bag. It was then time for the lesson to start back up again, so I gently put Neko-chan back into my bag, while everyone returned to his or her desk. The second part of the lesson went similarly to the first part. I only partially paid attention to the lesson since I had already learned the information that was being taught. Though unlike the first part of the lesson I wasn't just doodling, I was drawing. Without realizing it I started to draw a picture of Mitsukuni's pink bunny, Usa-chan. I had just finished shading the picture when the teacher told us that we were dismissed to go to lunch. It was then that I realized I had no one that I could really sit with. Maybe I could just stay in the classroom? I pulled out Neko-chan, and the bag of cookies I had made last night when I was trying to calm down my nerves.

"Hey Kitty-chan, want to sit with Takashi and I?" I heard Mitsukuni ask me, though it took me a second to realize that he was talking to me, and that he had given me a nickname. I was actually surprised that he asked me to sit with them; I had only just met them. I smiled at him,

"Yeah, that sounds better then my plan to eat in the classroom."

"Then let's go!" Mitsukuni then grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of the cafeteria. Though personally I wouldn't call it a cafeteria, it was more like a giant ballroom, with tables. I went through the line with them, not getting any food, I had my cookies after all and I wasn't all that hungry anyways. Sitting down at the table I opened my bag of cookies, and I noticed that Mitsukuni was almost drooling. I wonder if he likes sweets?

"Do you like sweets Mitsukuni? If so you can have some of my cookies. They're homemade, don't worry Takashi my mommy is a baker so I know what I am doing, the cookies are one-hundred-percent safe." I gave off a childish grin as Mitsukuni reached out to grab a cookie. I got a little bit worried when he paused after taking a bite, not eating anymore. Were they really that bad?

"These are really good Kitty-chan!!" Mitsukuni then devoured the rest of the cookie, and going to grab more. "Takashi you should try one!" He said excitedly, holding a cookie out to Takashi. Takashi took the cookie, taking a bite, his facial muscles twitching slightly. "Aren't they good Takashi?"

"Un..." I guess that was as close to a yes or a compliment as I would get. My smile increased,

"Well thank you guys! I'm glad you like them. I can make you some more tonight, if you'd like." Mitsukuni gave me a hyper nod, smiling happily.

Not long after that the bell rang, letting us know that it was time to go back to class. We all walked back to the classroom, making it back on time before class started. Once more I paid little attention in class, but I didn't draw this time, I was trying to decide wither I should make Mitsukuni sugar or chocolate-chip cookies for tomorrow. I spent most of the class thinking about that, before deciding that I should just ask Mitsukuni after class ended. After that my mind wondered onto random thoughts until the last bell of the day rang.

"Kitty-chan, do you want to go to the Host Club with us today?" Mitsukuni asked me, giving me a slight puppy-dog face, trying to get me to go to this…Host Club.

"One question, what is a Host Club? And will there be food?" I was really hungry since I had given Mitsukuni some of my cookies that I was planning on eating for my own lunch.

"We have cakie!" This guy was really childish, then again so was I. I noticed that he didn't tell me what the Host Club was, but if there was going to be cake that was good enough for me. I also figured I would see what it was when we got there.

"Hey Mitsukuni…What type of cookies do you want for tomorrow? I was thinking that I could make either sugar or chocolate-chip cookies…"

"Sugar cookies are sweeter right?" Of course I should have guessed that.

"I suppose so…so sugar then?"

"Yeppie!" by that point we had, apparently, reached our destination, the Third Music room. Apparently they had brought me here before the club started, because there were four guys, all really tall at least compared to Mitsukuni and I. The tall blonde walked up to me stating,

"Sorry my princess but we are not open yet." He was a little bit to close for comfort. I took a small step back before stating,

"Wow…you're really tall mister!" and he was, he had to be at least six feet tall…he was also probably younger then me, since I didn't see him in any of my classes today. I had an odd habit of calling people that were taller then me mister or miss if I didn't know their name, no matter what their age was.

"Tama-chan this is Kitty-chan!" I giggled lightly at the introduction, realizing that Mitsukuni gives nicknames to everyone. I glanced around the room, seeing a pair of red haired twins with amber eyes. There was also a guy with black hair grey eyes, which a pair of glasses covered, and he was writing something down. And then the tall blonde in front of me, he had purple looking eyes.

"Hey boss." One of the two twins said.

"We ran out of cake." The other twin continued the others statement. I glanced at Mitsukuni, remembering that he really loved his sweets, to see that he had tears in the corners of his eyes looking ready to burst into tears any moment. The tall blonde, who Mitsukuni had called Tama-chan, started freaking out saying that they couldn't open until they had cakes, that it might make the 'princesses' unhappy. Whatever that was supposed to mean.

"Hey Mitsukuni, I can go bake a cake, or go pick some up from my mommy's bakery. It's right down the street from here." As I spoke everyone turned to look at me, I guess they had forgotten about me. It was silent a moment before Mitsukuni glomped me asking,

"Would you really do that for me?" His eyes shinning up at me from were he clung to my side. Though he seemed to have more of an issue clinging to me then he did clinging to Takashi, since I was only a few inches taller then he was.

"Err yeah I really don't mind, like I said its not far and I'm sure my mommy wouldn't mind." I smiled, slightly, down at Mitsukuni. "But first can I know everyone's name?"

"Oh, the blonde in front of you is Suoh, Tamaki. The twins are Hitachiin, Hikaru and Hitachiin, Kaoru. You know Honey and Mori; and I am Ootori, Kyouya."