Title: Somewhere In-between

Author: x3MisfitxToyx3

Characters: The characters of BTR, Taurie, & Gwen.

Rating: T for Teen (agers are cool)

Summary: Cough, cough. Read the summary in the 'summary' section!

Setting: Douglas, a small town somewhere in Massachusetts (Where I live :b)

Warning(s): HAHAHAHAHA. I have no idea, I've only written 3/4s of the story :x

Disclaimer: Plot & two original characters are mine but not the BTR junk :L Sad, I know…

Author's Note: It takes a while for me to update so please be patient. I don't want to make it sound like I'm mega busy all the time, but I kind of am swamped all this week… OH. & this is one of those stories where if you like it, just put yourself in one of the character's places; you can read it with your name in place of theirs :b Ha, I do that a lot… It's fun, try it.

Mood: That mood you get right before the Super Bowl comes on.

Listening to: Elmira by A Faylene Sky (I have no idea, it was a free download)

So I guess this isn't really the first chapter so much as it is a prologue or view into what this BTR story is going to be about; enjoy all the same!

On with the story… I mean prologue… I mean view- Okay, you know what!? Just get on with whatever it is T.T

If you had told me one month ago that I would've been in California at Palmwoods recording demos with my best friend, Gwen, for our demo CD, I would've laughed in your face. "Yeah, sure." I would've said. I would've said it was a joke, that you must've been joking.

But this was no joke.

I really was in L.A., recording demos with my best friend.

If you had told me that I was good at the whole singing and dancing thing…

We were both kind of embarrassed when people started coming up to us to tell us how we were really, really good.

I laughed awkwardly. "Ha, thanks. I was so nervous at first." One of the women smiled.

"We couldn't tell at all." she said.

I smiled and laughed again, knowing the whole time how modest and shy I must've sounded. "Thanks."

I would've smirked and rolled my eyes.

If you said that a big-time producer would've whisked me & my best friend away to L.A. …

"Um, hello there?" Gwen offered.

The guy snapped his fingers and said plainly, "My senses were right." He hadn't responded to her, but at least he had said something.

Gwen and I both jumped as his tone changed completely and he yelled out, "I definitely see potential here!"

"Uh, potential?" I questioned meekly. The girl walked around him and handed us a card with some fancy, small print on it. I took it in my fingers as she said, "Rocque Records. Big-time L.A. producer."

I would've asked you what you what you were smoking. Then I would've jokingly asked where I could get some.

If you had said I would've met and became best friends with the boys of Big Time Rush…

"Alright," Kendall seemed to be doing most of the talking, "You know us. Now who're you?"

"And what choo doin' on our plane?!" James butted in.

This time, Gwen spoke up, "Uh, Gustavo, the manager guy, see, he came to one of, well, this concert thing we were participating in and said he thought we had 'potential'. Enough potential to fly to L.A. and record some demos."

"So here we are." I added, taking a few steps back and falling into a chair. We went through a could and for a split second, all I could see out of the corner of my eye was thick white fog.

I finished my sentence, "On a plane with the BTR guys."

I would've said that those sort of things only happen in my fantasies. The ones kids have during class when a teacher talks in monotone for too long.

If you had told me that I most of the days from there would be hilarious and enjoyable…

I clamped a hand over my mouth.

The pool cleaning guy was going to kill us…

Kendall and Logan finally resurfaced in the pool and looked at one another. I started laughing at the same time everyone else did and I didn't stop until I saw Gwen running around the pool, taking small steps as Carlos proceeded to chase her around on the concrete. The whole time she was laughing and yelling for him to stop, but she didn't make much progress because as soon as they had passed me again, James jumped out, wrapped his arms around her waist, and jumped to the side, right into the pool. She screamed and Carlos went right in after them, saying, "Wait for me!"

"James!?" She scolded, waving her hands around in an attempt to hit him once they had come back up. By now, I was the only dry person at the pool.

That is, until I heard Kendall behind me say, "Hey there Taurie. Ready to get wet?"

"Wha- How-" That was my fail of an attempt to verbally try and figure out how on Earth he had gotten out of the pool and behind me so inconspicuously.

I heard myself squeak at his evil smirk. I knew what was coming.

He laughed, mostly at the expression on my face. Laughed right before doing the same thing James had just done to Gwen. "Kendall!" was the only thing I could yell out before toppling into the pool.

Like I said before: The pool cleaning guy. Definitely going to kill us when he sees all this…

I would've told you that there would have to be a point where my day was terrible and nothing went right…

Well I would've been right about that actually.

But if you had said that somewhere in-between all of this, I would fall in love

I'd never really been good at relationships.

Just ask Gwen.

Every boy I was ever really with, well, I didn't really know what to do. I was kind of unsure, kind of awkward. Kind of everything I shouldn't have been.

But when he did… that. When he leaned down and kissed me, none of that mattered. Everything was what it was supposed to be, and everything that was not, wasn't.

My hand reached up in his hair and my head tilted to the side. I felt his lips, as well as my own, curl up in smile.

I would've liked to see someone try and tell me that this was anything near being unsure. I'd like to see them try and tell me this was something that was not supposed to be. I'd like to see them try and tell me that I was too young to know what love was.

Well, I probably would've gotten the biggest kick out of that one over everything else.

"If I had been told one month ago that, that I would be here right now, I would've…"

"You would've laughed right in the face of that person and told them they were full of nothing but lies." he smirked. "Cause that's just the way you are, Taurasaur."

I couldn't help but smile and rolled my eyes at that stupid pet name. "And I would've been the one who was actually lying."

I looked up at him briefly, the sun setting down all around like a curtain; A curtain made of stars and streetlights. California never sleeps, as cliché as it must seem. Everything was always moving, whether you wanted it to not. Whether you believed it or not.

"But really, how could you blame me?" I added. "This whole thing. It's been some new kind of unbelievable."

Eh, so it's not the best thing I've ever written, but it's just supposed to be a brief view into the story I'm going to be writing. Actually, the story I have written, I just haven't typed it up yet… But I'll get on it! I know this kind of seems a tad sappy but, trust me, the actual story isn't like that. I always find myself randomly laughing when I read it… but then I feel weird for randomly laughing in the middle of class… Ha.

Suggestions? Questions? Comments? Predictions? Concerns? Review; your opinion matters.
