Chapter 1: "I Can't Get Him Out Of My Mind!"

Cody Martin…

Cody Martin…

Cody Martin…

This is crazy!

He's been haunting my thoughts ever since I've first met him. I've never been in love before, not like this.

Okay, there was Gigi who I had a crush on, but that was so long ago. Then there was Jeanette who really liked me, till Justin messed up my date with her. Well, maybe I kind of did that myself.

But I've never been in this deep before, head over heels in love. Since I first saw him my whole world feels like it's been turned upside down.

I've had my suspicions that I might be gay for some time now. But thinking of the boys at my school as cute is something totally different. Anyway, I doubt that being gay would do any good. And I've always heard it's just a phase every boy goes through. Being gay is not an easy thing, but it's a part of me I won't ignore.

It seemed crazy at the time but, instead of finding a girl, I found myself thinking about boys more and more. I might have even met a girl who I liked enough to be my girlfriend but in the long run it would have been a lie and unfair to both of us.

All the stress that came with figuring this out began to affect my everyday life. My grades dropped yet my family seemed to ignore me more and more. I guess failing to do your homework assignments only works to get attention if you're Alex Russo. But one advantage to being the odd man out and not being in trouble is I am still able to join my brother on the trip he won.

The Teen Cruise on the S.S. Tipton was a prize Justin had won from a contest. I thought maybe it would be the ideal moment to talk to him about my attraction for the same sex since Alex would be at home, but I should've known better and realized she would find a way to go on the cruise with us.

Now all three of us have to share this cabin, if you can call it a cabin, it's more like a place where they treat sick people. Or 'infirmary' as Justin puts it.

Alex again concocted another scheme by letting Harper take her place at school. Too bad for her they found out and now she has to take those lessons after all….

Okay, I admit it. It was kind of my fault they found out about Alex's scheme. If I hadn't been luggage cart racing with Zack, she wouldn't have had to rescue that girl. And I probably wouldn't have had to explain to Mr. Moseby, that Alex was Alex and not Ashley or Harper.

She didn't seem too happy about that because the next thing I knew she had pushed me into the hot tub. But I couldn't have cared less, because if she hadn't, I wouldn't have met him.

When I began to crawl out I reached for someone's hand and they helped me. At first I thought it might have been Alex feeling bad and trying to make amends, but when I looked up, I gazed into the most beautiful face I had ever seen.

Blond haired, blue eyed with a slight tan and a smile that could light up the room and for a moment my breath hitched in my throat and it was hard for me to speak. I don't know how it happened, but it was at that moment I was hit by cupid's arrow and yes, I Max Russo fell in love.

I had never seen him before, yet there was something familiar about his features. He kind of reminded me of Zack, but there was a difference in him; he had a delicate nature to him and a softer look.

He was so sweet and caring while he handed me a towel to wrap around myself so I wouldn't develop a cold from the wet clothes I was wearing.

I couldn't believe it, this boy was perfect, and an emotion I'd never felt before took over. I guess this is what love feels like.

"Hey Cody, what are you still doing here?" Zack asked him. "Weren't you desperately trying to get tickets for Hannah Montana?"

Cody? So, his name is Cody…

"Yeah, and I still am but this boy fell in the hot tub, so I thought he could use some help and a towel."

"My sister pushed me in," I added so he wouldn't think I was clumsy.

I melted when he turned to face me and our eyes connected, he had the sweetest look of understanding on his face, as if he really cared for me.

"I know how it feels…older siblings can drive you nuts sometimes. Isn't that right Zack?" He asked his big brother who shrugged his shoulders with a smirk.

Of course! It was then that I remembered who Cody was. Zack had talked about his twin brother a few times. But I never paid too much attention. How could I have known his twin would be the one to capture my heart?

"Listen guys, I should really go now. I really need to get Bailey those tickets so I can move out of the friend zone. Zack, can you take care of …I'm sorry what's your name?"

"Max. Max Russo."

"Oh your sister is in my Biology class." He said before leaving me with Zack. "Anyway, take care and maybe I'll see you around."

Since Zack was around I decided to ask him some questions. Cody Martin (which sounded like the most beautiful name I'd ever heard) was a bit of a know-it-all nerd according to his brother, but had a heart of gold.

I guess I could have told him that, after he helped me out of the hot tub. I've never seen anyone take the time to care about me like Cody did. I mean my own sister pushed me in, yet a complete stranger helped me out.

I also learned that my Cody seemed to be a little on the feminine side, which frankly confused me. And I spent the next few minutes trying to figure out what his meaning was, and wasn't able to. I zoomed back in to hear him telling me about Cody doing everything in his power to get some guy named Bailey free tickets to Hannah Montana.

I thought that Bailey was a guy even though I wasn't completely sure. But my gaydar had informed me Cody would be someone who liked boys. Or was that just wishful thinking? Either way I thought it was sweet of him to try and get his friend those tickets. He really seems like the type to go out of his way to make a friend happy.

Unfortunately Zack became bored with talking about his twin and asked instead for a rematch, seeing as we were still even after the luggage car race. Frankly he was right, but I just wasn't into it. My mind was now filled with thoughts of his baby brother and the last words he had told me. So I bowed out and told him I needed to head back to my cabin.

And that's where I am now, still thinking about Cody. I can't get him out of my head, come to think of it, maybe I don't want to. Maybe I just want him.

But I have a problem. He and I are a bit different in certain respects. Except for the obvious fact that I'm a wizard and he's not, Cody is apparently a genius. I'm really not that smart, or so I've heard and I've always thought smart people only wanted to date smart people.

So then why would he consider someone like me, a guy who can't even spell his name right, and is still confused by the 'Put name here' question on exams. Still not sure if it's M-A-C-K-S or M-A-X?

I need to find a way to impress him if I want him to be my boyfriend, especially if he's after this Bailey. I wish I could find a way to show him that I am indeed smart; after all I did get a better grade than Alex on the wizard report card. But that would be inconsequential to a non-wizard I'm afraid.

Why does the name Bailey sound so familiar by the way? I can recall Alex mentioning him before on this ship. But I can't place the person. Anyway, Bailey or no Bailey, I need to impress Cody, and I need to do it without magic.

Yes, you heard me right, no magic: I'm actually going to listen to my parents for once. Yah, I can't believe it either, but something about Cody makes me not want to use magic to win him over. I want to win him over fair and square.

A few weeks ago I wasn't even sure I was gay. I was hoping it was just a phase. And look at me now, madly in love with a boy I've only seen once for a minute or so.

At least this confirmed what a part of me has always known to be true, that I'm totally gay, and it feels like a burden just fell off my shoulders. I would have to be crazy not to admit it to myself.

I have never felt this way before. Actually, if being in love feels like this, I don't believe I've ever been in love at all. The only thing I can think of is Cody and he is probably more into intellectual guys like Justin. Justin, that's it, maybe he'll know what to do?

He has had some experience with dating and impressing girls, even though it probably doesn't take that much to get a date with a werewolf or a centaur. But he is my older brother and should know what to do…

I hope Justin will listen to me for once.

Author's Note: And yes, we've reached the end of the first chapter of this story. I like to add as well Suite Life On Deck as Wizards On Waverly Place, and their characters belong to Disney.

This is posted in Suite Life forum instead of the crossover, cause it focuses on what happens on the S.S. Tipton. Look at it as a crossover who is more like an episode of SLOD. That's why it's here of course. :)

I like to thank Woundedhearts for editing this chapter, Lodylodylody for starting with her Strange Love Collection: without that I wouldn't have thought of this and Elianna22 who gave me some fine ideas we will see later here.

I hope all of you will enjoy this story and will review. Reviews are very much appreciated by every writer. The next chapter would be there around next week.