~As always, I only own the plot. I don't own the series or characters so don't sue me.

Chapter Eighteen

Her body felt so heavy. There was something... No someone saying her name. Softly. Lovingly. The fog on Yuusuke's mind slowly began to lift as she registered Koenma's voice reaching her ears.

"Yuusuke," he laughed softly. "How long do you plan on sleeping?"

The former detective groaned a bit, shifting to get more comfortable. This resulted in her beloved giving another soft laugh. Where ever she currently was, it was probably the most cozy thing she had slept on in a while. The last thing she had fallen asleep on was a hard floor.


Memories of their meeting with Enma flooded her mind. They had been duped by the god. The moment their baby was no longer in Yuusuke's arms, he struck; taking advantage of the single opening. And naturally, her defenses were down because she trusted Koenma. If he felt there was nothing to worry about, then there was no need to be on edge.

"That bastard!" she yelled, instantly sitting up.

Hazel eyes blinked in surprise at her sudden reaction. "Whoa, calm down Yuusuke," he said. "Everything's alright. You should lie back down and-"

"I'll do that after I kick his stupid ass!"

Yuusuke never changed. Koenma laughed again and a bit more forcefully, made his lover lie back down. "You need to rest a bit more. After all, the serum just finished it's job."

Serum? What had that jerk done to his body now? A gender bending serum was what got her into this mess in the first place!

That thought brought a certain hope to Yuusuke's eyes. The anger faded from her body as excitement took its place. Her hands quickly moved to pat at her chest, her now muscled, but flat chest. Almost in disbelief, she lifted the blanket covering her lower half only to see everything was as it should be.

She was now a he again!

"I don't understand," he said, lying fully back on the bed and turning his gaze to the brunet watching over him.

"Father wanted to surprise you for all the crud he's put you through the past few months."

Yuusuke let out a heavy sigh. Right.. Spirit World couldn't do anything the easy way. "Don't see why he couldn't just ask me. That would've made things so much easier."

Koenma merely shrugged. His Father was a hard man to read, let alone understand. The last three months had been proof of that. Enma seemed to have his own agenda that he didn't let anyone else know about. He could understand Yuusuke's frustrations a bit. Imagine what it had been like growing up with such a man. Although Enma did seem to be far more unpredictable with Yuusuke than with his own son. Small blessings the brunet supposed.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything," Yuusuke said, interrupting Koenma from his inner musings. "But won't being a guy make it harder to, uh, you know... Feed the baby?" His cheeks had turned a light pink from embarrassment. It was one thing if he still had those large breasts to feed the baby, but now that he was a guy again, it would feel incredibly awkward.

Oh how Koenma wanted to laugh, but he refrained. No need to embarrass his lover any further right now. "Don't worry about that. She has a lifetime supply of special formula created in Spirit World that will replace the need for breast milk."

"Right," Yuusuke gave with a lopsided smile.

Of course such a thing should be obvious. But well, Yuusuke was rather dense after all. How was he supposed to know something like that existed? Babies were not his specialty. He'd probably be talking to Kurama a lot. He seemed to be knowledgeable with just about everything.

It was then that Yuusuke realized, he didn't recognize the ceiling above him. Sitting up, and ignoring the small protest from the demi god at the move, his chocolate colored eyes danced about the room, taking it all in for the first time. It was a basic bedroom. A large king sized bed in the middle, closet directly across from it. There was a lamp resting atop a small nightstand on either side of the bed. Their precious child lie sleeping in a small pink bassinet, provided by Kurama, on the wall opposite the open door.

"Where are we?" he asked while turning his attention back to the brunet.

"Human world," Koenma simply replied.

"I thought for sure Enma would force us to stay in Spirit World," Yuusuke mumbled.

"Father knows of your attachment to the others, so he made arrangements to allow you and our daughter to stay here." Koenma glanced at their child for a second before focusing back on the former detective. "The house is completely in your name, fully paid for and fully furnished. It's on the edge of town so no humans to bother you and it's fully warded so no demons will really bother you either."

Now Yuusuke was curious to see the rest of the house. It was nice that they would have some privacy. They'd be able to train their daughter with ease somewhere away from prying eyes. Climbing from the bed, Yuusuke allowed Koenma to help him into some pants before getting a tour of their home. He was still a bit woozy from the serum, but not enough to force him to lie back down.

It was small, but definitely had everything they would need. A working kitchen, with plenty of space to cook. A nice sized dining area to serve their friends whenever they visited. Kuwabara would likely be by regularly to monitor the growth of his and Koenma's daughter. The backyard was spacious and closed off from anyone passing by thanks to the amount of full grown trees, compliments of their friendly fox demon. The main room and bathroom were nice as well. A full soaking tub and television with a game system were all Yuusuke would need from either room. On the other side of the house from their bedroom was a tiny guest room. It contained a single bed as well as a lamp and bedside stand. Next to the guest room was obviously their daughter's room. The closet was brimming with adorable clothing gifted to them by Kurama and Hiei. A changing station and crib that converted into a toddler bed filled up the rest of the space. There were toys still in their proper boxes, but she wouldn't be able to use them for now.

Delighted with the tour, Yuusuke turned to the brunet, a smile plastered across his features. "This is the perfect place to raise our daughter."

At the look in hazel eyes, Yuusuke's chest suddenly tightened. Koenma had only ever said you. Not once did he say us. He should have realized that the demi god wouldn't be able to stay. Koenma had his duties to tend to in Spirit World after all. Of course, knowing that wouldn't ease the loneliness Yuusuke knew he'd feel eventually. He'd been without Koenma for most of the pregnancy and now it seemed he'd be without him for most of their daughter's life.

Yuusuke was unprepared for the tender kiss against his lips. The sadness was still visible in Koenma's eyes when they broke apart.

"Please don't make that face," he begged softly. "This is just as hard for me as it is you."

Gently clasping Yuusuke's hand, the brunet made his way back to the master bedroom. They stopped in front of the closet; Koenma releasing his lover's hand to slide the door open. He took a step inside and placed his right hand on the wall. Yuusuke watched silently as Koenma's hand glowed with spirit energy. He focused his energy on that one spot for a brief moment before pulling his hand back. The wall opened up revealing a portal hidden inside.

"There's a device hidden here in the wall that is completely undetectable," Koenma said as he pointed to the spot he poured energy into. "All you have to do is give it some energy and the wall will open and give you access to this portal."

Yuusuke didn't need to ask to know it led directly to Koenma's office in Spirit World. It was a little comforting, to know his lover was closer than he had first thought. But it wasn't the same as having him actually by his side. They'd make it work somehow. They always had.

"You have full access so if you need me for anything, you can drop by." Koenma backed away from the portal, allowing the wall to close and conceal the portal once more. "Although, I may not be able to do much if I'm super busy." He rubbed the back of his neck at this. "But at least you'd get to see me for a minute or two."

"It's not the same," the half demon sighed.

"I know." Koenma reached out to hold his beloved's hand again. "I may not be able to be here all the time, but I will be here as much as I am able."

Their depressing moment was broken by a soft coo reaching their ears. Koenma smiled softly at Yuusuke as they walked away from the closet and over to the pink bassinet containing their previously sleeping daughter. The brunet collected the child and held her. Her hazel eyes stared up at his own and he could feel his heart swell with happiness. It was then he realized something.

"Yuusuke," he started as he shifted his gaze from the baby to his lover. "Have you thought of a name yet?"

The half demon smiled back at the demi god. Yuusuke felt it was a perfect name for the small miracle the two now shared. "Yeah. I think I've finally got one."

[A/N: Well my lovely readers, it's been a long and wonderful ride, but this fanfiction is officially complete. I hope you all enjoyed it. I'm leaving the name of their baby up to you so feel free to name her whatever you like. I couldn't exactly decide on just one name. As for me, I'm moving on from this world. No longer will I write or post fanfiction. Once I finish my Bleach fic, that's it. More details can be found on my profile.]

It's been quite the journey with you all. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your kindness and support.

"See ya guys! You're the best!" Yusuke Urameshi, Episode 111