"Odds are ten to one. She's in good shape, pretty, but that doesn't make up for anything. They're going to rip her to pieces."

"We'll see."

It was quiet up in the VIP box, while below a few hundred people, men mostly, cheered, jeered and screamed. All the spectators were carefully selected from around the world. They all had an interest in what went on down in the pit. Winner's weren't just favorites, they were bid on. The better they did, the more they could command at auction. And these people were very willing to pay.

In the pit, the woman stood alone. She wore a white tank and a pair of cutoff jean shorts. She wasn't permitted to have anything else, not even shoes. It was even too risky to try to cut her hair, so it hung down her back, badly in need of a trim. The dye job was growing out too, so her chestnut roots showed under the cherry wood dye. She'd need cleaned up at some point, but the collar needed to be repaired properly first. The techs were still working on that one.

She didn't pace, she just stood waiting. And then one of the tunnel gates raised. The shriek of a Hunter proceeded the hulking green brute. It was pointless to start with a human opponent. The woman only ever disabled, never killed, if the target had a human face. And this was an arena of blood. The buyers needed a good show.

The two stood there for a while. Hunters were intelligent things, good at strategizing, whether alone or in packs. And this one was no different. It was patient, watching every move, or lack thereof, of its prey. The woman simply stood there for minutes on end, seemingly ignoring the bellow of the crowd above her and the creature before her.

Obviously tired of waiting, the Hunter attempted to test its prey for a response. It leapt left, right, and charged forward towards the woman. It swung a massive talon, swiping at the air just in front of her face, just before leaping backwards out of reach. The only part of the woman that moved was her hair in the current of air.

The Hunter tilted its strange head, in an almost birdlike move. Then coming to the decision that the meat before it must be dying or otherwise easy prey, it charged straight towards the woman, another hideous shriek piercing the air.

If you weren't watching closely, you would've missed the incredibly fast move. As the Hunter charged, claw thrusting forward to impale, the woman caught the lethal appendage. With an easy pivot and flick of the wrist, the talon was turned inward. The Hunter's shriek died in a gurgle as its own arm was shoved through its abdomen, to protrude out the back.

The crowd went insane. The had likely never seen anything like that before, in all their collective years in the business of blood, death, and war. The screens in the VIP box lit up like Christmas with new bets, and pre-bids. But it was still early yet. They hadn't seen even half of what that woman down there could do. Before tonight's show was over, they would be offering just about anything to have that woman in their arsenal.

"Send in two lickers next. I want Redfield bathed in blood before we pit her against another Tyrant."

A/N: This is just a little teaser. I've completely re-thought this story so this may take a bit longer till you see another update folks! I want to do this justice!