A/N: Thank you for the wonderful reviews!

Chapter 3


He could barely turn his head, let alone try to move. Before his eyes, everyone he had worked with so hard to get this far, to protect the world from that monster, killed. Each shot with a single bullet. Imran Zakhaev... He was walking towards Soap and the soldier knew this was the end for him. He had no way to protect himself. His head drifted back to almost rest on the pavement. Captain Price appeared to be in no better shape than he was at the moment. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad. He and Price and all the others would be happy to not have to deal with the shit they just dealt with anymore.

Price seemed to have other plans in mind. He pulled out his handgun and tossed it across the ground. Soap saw the glimpse of faith his captain had on his face before his body fell to the cement, limp. Reaching out, Soap caught the gun and raised his arm. It hurt. Everything hurt. But he couldn't let Price down. He would get themselves out of this.

Three shots was all it took. It was silent after that and Soap wondered if he really had the strength to get him and Price to safety. He couldn't even stand. Then, ropes dropped into his vision. Gazing up, he saw the helicopters and men drop from it. One in particular, a heavy dressed one, Kamarov, ran straight for him. Truthfully, he did not really take what the man said to him into consideration. Instead, his head fell to the side. One of Kamarov's corprals was trying to revive Price.

"Come on, now. Things couldn't have been that bad, could they?"

Soap watched Price's arm fall to the ground without another movement. He wanted to cry out to his superior. The Russian soldier continued to try to help him but Soap knew the truth. His head rolled back up to stare at the sky. They were lifting him to the helicopter. Soap tightened the grip on the pistol in his hand. He was thankful to Price. But if the man could be with him still...

"We're almost back at the base. You can make it." MacTavish was woken up by an elbow nudging his side. He opened his eyes to see he was resting his head on the walls of the van. His head was turned to the right and was a foot away from Price's shoulder. Immediately, Soap sat up straight.

The entire van's attention seemed to be drawn to him. They all looked like they were about to pass out themselves, besides Ghost of course, whose expression was impossible to read until they got to a safe zone and he removed that silly mask. A few seats to his left, Soap saw Roach holding a piece of meat in a bag to his eye. Price noticed Soap's sigh and shrugged. "I apologized. Few times, too. Kid still seems mad though."

Catching Roach's glare, a smirk found it's way onto MacTacvish's face. "You did almost kill him."

"How the hell was I supposed to know it was you all?"

"I dunno," Soap's head turned when hearing Roach speak up. "Maybe the fact that we went through the wall instead of using the door."

Ghost chuckled, putting an arm around Roach's shoulders. "He's got a point."

"Shut up, all of you." Price groaned and leaned roughly back in his seat. The older man was annoyed by them. MacTavish saw this and tried to lighten his mood. Elbowing him the same way Price did minutes ago, he smiled when Price looked up at him. The man responded with a slight raise of the corner of his mouth. It was a start.

Soap stuck close to him as they arrived at the base but his previous captain was yanked away. Before he could protest, one of the men spoke. "He needs to be medically examined for injuries and they would like to see his mental condition."

"I'm perfectly sane. Now, let me go. I can walk on my own." Price pulled his arms back to his side.

Meanwhile, MacTavish stood still, watching the man leave again. He did not realize how long he had been standing there until Ghost came up to him. The man had pulled off his mask but Soap didn't catch his confusion until the other man spoke. "I don't think I've ever seen you this attatched to someone before."

Soap shook his quickly. "What are you talking about?"

"Everyone knows you're the kind of guy who sticks with someone next to them rather than walking around alone. But hell, since the moment Price left your side, you look like a lost puppy." Ghost crossed his arms over his chest.

He tried to make himself look offended but embarrassment took over. Soap knew he should have probably thought things through more before acting the way he was but this was Price. He hadn't seen Captain Price in five years. He barely knew the man was still alive. If it wouldn't make the entire squad think he was queer or weak, MacTavish would've hugged him in the van.

That was a stupid thought, though. Soap turned his head away from Ghost. "He was my captain. What do you expect?"

"You to stop acting like a teenage girl at the mention of him." He chuckled.

Soap growled under his breath. "Don't you think it's time for a hair cut, Simon? It's longer than regulation." He spoke a little louder than normal, seeing two other men walking past.

Ghost reached in his vest, quickly putting the beanie on his head. "Don't change topics." He scowled. Glancing up, Ghost raised an eyebrow. "Are you hiding something? ...Are the two of you hiding something? You know that can get you in jail!"

"Ghost, shut up." MacTavish rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'm not hiding anything." Finally, Ghost calmed down. "I'm telling you, I've been through a lot with the man. I respect him and it's good to see an old face. Not to mention I thought he died in front of my eyes."

"Yeah, yeah, you told me about that." Ghost put his arms up as a sign of surrender. "Maybe you didn't tell me enough but you know what? I don't give a shit. It's your business." He turned towards the building. "Sleep well, John."

Without another word, the two went their separate ways. MacTavish walked over to the side of the building where they had taken Price. When he saw that the entrance was guarded, he breathed a sigh of defeat and headed back towards the other entrance. A man inside guided him to his sleeping quarters. For a few seconds, he was bothered that they stuck him in a room for two when it was just him. Soap questioned if anyone else was joining him but they said that he had the room to himself. He expected they at least stick him with Ghost.

He undressed and laid in the bed on his stomach, quickly drifting off once again. The last thing he remembered was the empty bed that was placed almost four feet next to the one he rested in.

There was no telling how much time passed before Soap heard the door squeak open. He laid still while the other shuffled around. What really woke up was a sudden weight bringing down the bed near his feet. "I can't believe you kept this thing for so long."

MacTavish pressed harder against his pillow. Those guards lied to him. "Well, why the hell would I get rid of it?" He said, half asleep.

"One of Kamarov's men was sent to that damn prison I was stuck at a few months after everything happened." Even with his eyes closed, Soap found comfort from the voice of Price. "He said that he thought I was dead. That everyone said I was K.I.A."

"I thought you were dead." Soap told him softly.

The room was silent again. The silence lasted for a minute or so until Soap clenched his blankets in his fist. "There were many times I wished I were. That place gave everyone just enough to keep them alive." In the darkness, MacTavish listened to Price breathe deeply. "I was starting to consider it. There was not much left to live for. But I heard the attacks outside. One of Makarov's men made it in there and he told me that he was coming for me, to kill me. Guess I got the next best thing."

Soap didn't know how to respond. He wanted to say something but couldn't manage to get anything out. Exhaustion was starting to take over again. "That sucks." Soap chuckled at his snarky comment.

"Sure as hell does." Price patted his shoulders before lifting himself off the bed.

"Soap, listen to me." Price's voice stopped MacTavish from opening the door and leaving. His hand drifted from the knob and fell to his side. He turned to look at Price. "Whatever happens out here, don't panic."

"Captain Price, you know that I'm not going down there with you."

"That's not what I meant." They only had been at the base for twenty six hours and they were getting ready to leave. Soap's eyes found Price's. The blue that they had been five years ago were much more dull. But the older man appeared concerned. What did he have up his sleeve? "Things are probably going to be a little hard, since you aren't going to be with us. But don't do anything rash. Follow my orders and no one else's and well-"

MacTavish raised an eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I follow your orders?"

Price had to consider the question for a moment. He smirked, scratching the back of his head. "I guess I forgot who I was talking to."

That was almost two hours ago. While the others were sent out, Soap sat in front of a number of monitors. They were all receiving satellite feeds. Meanwhile, Soap had to set up the Predator drone. To pass the time, Soap kept thinking of the conversation Price had with Shepherd. The man still had his attitude. Though, it became even more bitter with being in the gulag.

"I found Roach." He heard Price's feed and nodded, despite no one being able to see him. Soap glanced closer to one of the monitors, trying to see if he could catch sight of the two. The damn trees made things difficult.

Things were silent for a few moments. Then, Soap heard Roach make a quiet comment. "Does this man have that hat in every color?"

MacTavish couldn't hold back his laugh. "Stay focused." Price snapped to Roach through their communicators.

The captain sat nervously but at the same time, confident for his team. They just needed to get to that sub. Soap had been through worse missions and he had faith in his comrades. It was still frustrating, having to recover the drone. MacTavish was annoyed by having to be back up from so far away. If only he could be down there, helping them...

"Shit! The sub's bulkheads are opening! Price!" Ghost snapped Soap's attention back to the monitors. The sattilite feed showed the top of the submarine opening. "Price!"


The word sent shivers down Soap's spine. His jaw fell open as he watched the missiles take off. At first, Soap believed the same thing everyone else was thinking at the moment. Price had truly lost it in the gulag and was trying to nuke the world in revenge. But it didn't make sense. It was long range missiles and they were already in Russia. The missiles were aimed for the United States but why would Price do that?

"The explosion above the atmosphere should knock out any technology in the large area. It will level the playing field for our brothers in D.C." Price clarified once they regrouped. They were back at the base they were in the previous night. The others sat in silence. They looked like they didn't want to believe what Price was saying. "Dammit." Price muttered under his breath. "Soap, do you have the feed that Shepherd is tracking?"

"The one from N.A.S.A.?" Price nodded. "I've almost gotten through. I just-" Without a warning, Ghost pushed Soap's chair to the side. His fingers pressed the keys on the keyboard quickly, solving the problems Soap encountered. With a soft beep, there was a video on the screen from a satilitte above the US. "Thanks." MacTavish nodded to Ghost.

They tuned in just to catch sight of the missile zooming over the horizon. It was getting closer. But when it reached the Atlantic, the missile exploded. The feed only lasted seconds afterward until the signal was destroyed.

Everyone was speechless. Price was right, yes, but his ways seemed very impractical. Even Soap had a slight expression of doubt on his face.

But Roach seemed to have something to say. "What about people on life support? What about people who have a pacemaker?" It was easy to see his anger with his white knuckles and his red face. "That would have wiped out the entire east coast. Do you know how many people will have died?"

Soap noticed how much Roach was shaking from his anger. Standing up, he stepped over to Roach and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Gary..."

"Roach, do you know how many people have already died?" Price spoke up. "The Russian currently have control over D.C. Our nation's capital. And the Russians have it under their control. How many more people did you expect to die before they're satisfied with their destruction?" No one had a response to Captain Price. Moments later, Price exhaled deeply. "Get some rest, men. We continue tomorrow."