Dear loyal readers, if you are still there,

Due to my long... long... long absence, i have decided that I will no longer be continuing with Steal Me. This is also due to my changes in interest and what I desire to write. Though there are a few ideas for a sequel type option floating around in my head, they will not be happening very soon. I do, however, have a desire to write a new story. While I would really like to write a purely original story, I want to make my leave up to you lovely ladies and gentlemen. So while throwing around ideas, I found a compromise. It will be Glee, and it will have Blaine taking center stage. Along with an OC (original character) since I prefer writing that kind of pairing more. Though not as many people may read it. I have yet to work out too many details, because I have so many, but the basic premise sets Blaine up as a sort of guardian angel to the new kid at Dalton. There are a couple different scenarios I have regarding what TYPE of guardian and why as well. And though this starts at Dalton, they do eventually make their way to McKinley. Following my Steal Me tradition, I will be making Glee plot line changes to fit what I want.

I would LOVE to hear any sort of feedback before I start anything, it would help me and inspire me majorly. I love all of you still out there who care 3