Thank you to all who all who have been keeping up with this story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please leave me some feedback on what you thought.

Kinch laid his headset down on the table after taking a message from London and looked at his commanding officer. "Well, that's it. He's in London now."

Hogan breathed a sigh of relief, running a hand through his jet black hair. It had been over a week since they had sent Hochstetter out through the Underground and they had not heard if he had made it. The Underground had been strangely quiet the whole time. Hogan had been going crazy wondering if Hochstetter had been playing them all for fools and was going to come back and arrest everyone or worse, shoot all of them on site . But now, now Hochstetter was finally gone for good.

"That's great news Kinch. That takes a lot off my mind."

"I bet sir," Kinch replied, grinning from ear to ear. He had been worried about the Colonel, as he had not been eating much nor sleeping well for the past week. Watching the Colonel walk around like he was in a daze had been unnerving for all of them. They realized that he was really worried about all of them and the operation.

"I'm glad he's gone. Good riddance I say," Newkirk said, sewing a button on a uniform. Carter nodded his head in agreement as he and LeBeau were taking inventory of their supplies.

Hogan leaned against on the posts, his arms crossed in front of him looking pensive.

"It was an awesome plan, Mon Colonel. Klink's face was priceless when the Underground agents posing as Gestapo brought Hochstetter out of the cooler!" LeBeau laughed. The others joined in the hearty laughter that ensued.

"I know! I thought it was brilliant to use the dummy again and blow the car up, like we did when we got Richter out of the country.* That blast was awesome!" Carter exclaimed, relishing in the blast, like he always did.

"Hopefully the material Hochstetter provided will help the Allies war effort, and intelligence will be able to get more information out of the Major. I'm just glad he's gone, once and for all. The added bonus for us is that Bluebird is in charge of Hammelburg Gestapo at least for now," Hogan said, standing straight and looking at his men. He was so proud of them. They had done so well in getting Hochstetter out of Germany. He couldn't have asked for a better team.

* Episode The Defector