(I own nothing)

A/N: Oh lord! This is the last chapter!!!! Wait, how did this happen? Well, enjoy!

~Chapter 13: Junesong Provision~

Good morning, sunshine, awake when the sun hits the sky.

I woke before Yami did, holding perfectly still so that I didn't wake him. Unfortunately, the brief moment of peaceful silence didn't last, as my phone made its presence known. Yami groaned as he rolled over, covering his head with a pillow. I sighed, reaching for the troublesome thing.

"What?" I snapped, my voice still hoarse from sleep.

"Well, good morning to you too," Shelly responded. I rubbed my eyes.

"Sorry. But why are you calling me?"

"Aww, come on. You don't want to talk to me just for the hell of it?" Alright, yeah, I knew she was messing with me, but that didn't mean I had to go along with it.


"Ouch. Well, I was just calling to remind you that you have a meeting later today. And by the sounds of things, it's a good thing I called. You do realize that it's almost noon?" I sat up in alarm.

"What?! How did that happen?"

"Late night?" I smirked; I could make this uncomfortable. Yeah, so I'm a little evil. Oh well.

"You have no idea." She laughed.

"Actually, yeah I do." Huh? How... "I ran into Yugi and Mokuba earlier today. They apparently were too traumatized to stay in the same house as you two..." Those little brats!

"It wasn't that bad!" I shouted, only realizing the implication of my words once they were out of my mouth. I hoped that Shelly might let it slide, but to no avail.

"No, I'm sure it wasn't bad at all."

"Okay, you can shut up. What time is the meeting?" I heard a rustling of papers as she double-checked.

"It's at three-thirty. You'd better get your ass in gear. Or is it too sore?" That bitch!

"Of course it isn't, you sick pervert!" Oops, I guess I must have been a little too loud; Yami was starting to stir.

"Sorry. I should have known, you wouldn't be on the bottom, would you?" I gritted my teeth.

"Shelly, if you know what's good for you, you'll shut the hell up right now." She laughed at me. She fucking laughed at Seto Kaiba.

"And if you know what's good for you, you'll get in here right now." Hey, I'm the boss, not her! "You've missed far too much work as of late to skip this," she warned, pretty much reading my mind.

"Damn you."

"You just don't like it when I'm right and you're wrong." Hey, now.

"I'm never wrong."

"Yeah, just keep telling yourself that."

"Shut up!"

"No. Not until you get out of bed." How did she think she could order me around?

"I am out of bed, you insufferable woman!" She giggled at my rising anger.

"No you aren't. Don't try to pull that; I'm too smart for that." Dammit, how the fuck did she know? "I'll leave you alone, just get your ass in here as soon as you can. You have some stuff to catch up on before the meeting." Fuck, she was right. I sighed.

"Alright, I'll be there." She laughed triumphantly, hanging up on me without so much as a goodbye. Not that I would have returned the farewell, but that's not even the point here, now is it?

"What was that all about?" A tired voice asked from my left. I turned to see Yami watching me lazily, his red eyes still half-closed as he stretched.

"Eh. Business meeting. I have to leave..." His expression fell. "Yami, don't give me that look!" I pleaded. "It's not like I'll be gone forever!" He smiled somewhat ruefully.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to guilt you. Although..." he looked at me meaningfully, but I didn't know what he was trying to get at.


"When will you be done?" I shrugged.

"I don't know exactly. Maybe around five or so?" He sighed dramatically, closing his eyes.

"I guess I'll survive until then..." He peeked one eye open to see my expression, and burst into fits of giggles. I rolled my eyes.

"You need to go back to sleep. You're clearly giddy." He shook his head, wrapping his arms around my torso.

"Nope. I'm perfectly normal right now. See what you're stuck with?"

"Hey, it's better than being stuck without it." I kissed him, standing up regretfully. "I'm sorry, I have to get going, or Shelly will murder me."

"No!" He gasped in mock horror. "I don't want you to die again," he said, only partially kidding this time. "You should probably go then... I'll see you later though, okay?" I nodded.

"Will you be here?"

"Maybe. Trust me, I'll see you later." I could tell that he was planning something, and that kinda made me a little curious. Okay, it made me curious as hell, but I was far too proud to beg him to tell me, like some sort of whiny brat. Or like Mokuba, not that he was a whiny brat (most of the time), I'm just saying.

Dear god, is everyone in the business world (except myself, of course) a total moron?! I'm beginning to think so, if that business meeting was anything to go by. I walked out of the conference room, swearing quietly under my breath.

"Well, sounds like that went well," Shelly commented when she saw me. I glared at her.

"Don't even get me started." She laughed.

"Hey, don't worry. I think your mood will improve very quickly." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Oh? And what does that mean?" She shrugged her shoulders, a smug look on her face.

"I don't know... why don't you go downstairs and see for yourself?" Stupid goddamn secretaries. Would it really have been that hard to just tell me what was going on? I shot her one last glare, to which she responded by giving me her most innocent smile, and then headed to the elevator. When the doors opened to let me out on the ground floor, I instantly forgave any obnoxious on Shelly's part.

"Hey, Seto!"

"Hey, Yami. Why... are you here?" That kind of sounded bad, didn't it? Like I didn't want him there. I did want him there though, and he seemed to know it.

"I came to pick you up!" He exclaimed, smiling brightly. I glanced outside, and sure enough, the limo wasn't there. He took my hand and led me to a black car in the parking lot (to be honest, I don't even remember owning one like that) and sat me down in the passenger's seat.

"Where are we going?"

"Shut up. I'm kidnapping you."

"Hey, it's Mokuba's job, not mine, to get kidnapped," I joked.

"Yeah, well, we're switching it up today. Now do I need to blindfold you, or can I trust you to keep your eyes closed until we get there?"

"Why can't I see where we're going?" I wasn't liking the idea of not knowing where I was.

"Because," he said, rolling his eyes as he started up the car. "It's a surprise. Ever heard of one of those?"

"Of course I have," I huffed, "But I don't like them. Besides, you can't make me wear a blindfold."

"Wanna bet?" I then noticed the faint black and purple glow that was coming from his skin.

"You wouldn't..."

"Yes, I would, and you know it." Yeah, he was right. Now are you gonna keep your eyes closed?"

"Fine," I sighed angrily, clenching my eyes shut. "How long is it going to take us to get there?"

"Oh, relax, Mr. Impatient. It's not that far away." About five minutes passed like that, the car filled with our friendly banter. "Okay, now don't open your eyes yet," Yami instructed as he stopped the car and got out, opening the door for me. I sighed again; I was getting really sick of being blind. He took me by the hand and led me somewhere indoors, almost forgetting to warn me about the step (although he might have done that on purpose, just to pick on me). "Just a second... just a second... okay. You can open them now!!" I did just that, and immediately, a huge smile broke out across my face. "So? What do you think?" He asked me as I watched the fish swimming in the huge tank in front of me. I turned and kissed him softly, loving the way he blushed at such an innocent touch.

"I think that you're the sweetest, most amazing person I know," I told him as we watched a bicolor parrotfish swim past us.

"Heh, don't tell Mokuba that."

"You know he doesn't count." He raised an eyebrow at me.

"He's not a person?"

"You know that's not what I meant." He smiled at me, and I wondered how it was possible that, the last time I had been here, standing in front of this very tank with Yami, that I had thought he was obnoxious and annoying (okay, he was obnoxious sometimes butwas part of what I liked about him).

"Come on, let's go look at the rest of the fish." I held his hand tightly the entire time, which earned us a couple of strange looks, along with one or two pleased smiles. Damn straight, they were smiling at us. We were the best (and best looking) goddamn couple in all of Domino. Or anywhere, for that matter.

By the time we had looked at all the exhibits, the sun had begun to set. I have to admit, I was staring at Yami like... well, like he was the most beautiful thing in the world, which he is (shut up, I know it sounds corny). The way the sunlight was deeper, more red than usual, reminded me of the way he had looked in my memories (not just dreams now; things were still coming back to me, slowly) of Egypt, the two of us watching the sun set from across the desert. I stared for a little too long, though, because he looked at me strangely.

"What's the matter, Seto?" He asked, his fingers still laced through mine.

"Nothing," I assured him, brushing his bangs back from his face. He leaned into my hand, so that I was cupping his cheek. He looked at me, and the sun reflected the brilliant red of his eyes, making it look like they were glowing. Who knows, maybe they were glowing. That millennium thing of his does strange things sometimes. I cleared my throat, slightly nervous at what I had, spur-of-the-moment, decided to ask him. "Yami..." I paused, uncertain. Yeah, don't rub it in, okay? But seriously, this was a pretty big deal (like myself).

"What is it?" He looked a little nervous, like he might be afraid that I would break up with him. As if.

"What would you say... to just staying with me always? You could move in soon. I mean... you spend the night often enough, and I know Mokuba wouldn't mind you staying. I mean, I understand if you don't want to leave Yugi, but-" He silenced me with a soft but insistent kiss.

"You're rambling, you know." I felt myself flush. Seto Kaiba doesn't ramble.

"It was merely me vocalizing my stream of consciousness." He rolled his eyes.

"Call it what you will." I will, thank you very much.

"So... what do you say?" He fixed me with a piercing look.

"Seriously? You really have to ask me? Of course I will. Hell, you couldn't keep me away from you if you tried." I had to smile. I had sort of guessed that this would be his reaction, but you know what happens when we assume... Yeah.

"Good." I kissed him again, more deeply and intensely than before. We broke apart just as the sun slipped beneath the horizon, and for some reason, it felt like like in that moment, everything just sort of fell into place; like everything was right in the world. Which is total bullshit, there are wars and all sorts of horrible things going on all over the place. But for me, right then, life was complete. It was about time, too. After 3000 years of separation, Yami and I were finally together.

Is it all you've shared with them that makes us paranoid?
Is it the dream that one day you might be something you're not?
Is it all you've shared with them that makes us paranoid?
Is it the dreams that make us real?
Is it the dreams that make us real?

A/N: So? How did you like it?! I had such a hard time getting this to sound halfway decent.

So the song Junesong Provision is a good song, and you should probably go listen to it. Although it doesn't really make sense if you don't know the backstory, because it even mentions Newo Ikken and Apollo. Oh well.

Gah! Someone leaked the new Coheed and Cambria CD online!!!! and I've been listening to it all day! Yeah, I feel kind of guilty, but hey. I'm going to buy the CD when it comes out, as well as the novel that's being released with it, and I already bought the single (twice, somehow).

But yeah, it's kind of odd that this is done. I wasn't planning on ending it yet, but... well, there wasn't really anywhere else for me to go with it, and I had the whole going back to the aquarium idea while I was playing my Endless Ocean Wii game. yeah, I'm cool. (Bicolor parrotfish are my favorite.)

The "we know what happens when we assume" is supposed to be "it makes an ass out of u and me." One of our teachers said "you know what happens when we assume," and Krista, being evil, said "No, I don't, Mr. Brown. Why don't you tell us?" And then he couldn't, because he's a teacher. So he stuck his tongue out at us (b/c I was sitting next to her giggling like a moron), made a comment about how all redheads are evil, and smacked his dowel on the desk between us. :)

Let me know what you think! Thank you all for reviewing and reading this all the way through! I love you forever!

*many thanks to soundofmadness223*
