Prank War: Chapter 10, The Epilogue

Authors Note: Wow, it's the end. Prank War is finally over! It's been a fun story to write and I'm so glad I wrote it! Thanks to my reveiwers! I really appreciate the feedback! Well, on with the story I guess, please let me know what you think!

Logan was fidgeting nervously as he paced back and forth.

"It'll be fine." Kendall said smiling slightly as he watched his boyfriend pace back and forth in their room.

"I know, but what if-"

"Logan," Kendall said standing up and putting his hands on Logan's shoulders. "No more 'what ifs', everything's going to be fine." Kendall leaned in and secured a quick kiss.

"Okay." Logan said calming down a little.

It had only been two days since the boys had gotten together, but they had already decided that they needed to tell everyone. The four boys hated secrets and the last thing Logan and Kendall wanted was for their friends to find out about them by walking in on a make-out session.

"Everyone's going to be cool with it, I promise" Kendall said before pulling Logan out into the living room where everyone was gathered.

"Okay, so what's the big news?" Mrs. Knight asked as Kendall and Logan took the spare seats on the couch.

"Are we getting a puppy? I hope we're getting a puppy!" Carlos screamed.

"Why would Kendall and I be getting a puppy?" Logan asked Carlos in a voice that showcased just how stupid he thought the guess was.

"Why wouldn't you be?!" Carlos argued back.

Logan was going to retort, but Kendall squeezed his knee signaling for him to just drop it.

"I think it'd be fun to have a puppy." Katie added.

"Honey, we can't keep a puppy in the apartment; it's too small."

"The girl down the hall has a puppy." Katie agued.

"Yeah, and it's cute-" Carlos started before he was interrupted by Kendall.

"We aren't getting a puppy!" Kendall screamed causing Carlos to instantly darken in demeanor, well, at least for five seconds. Katie settled for sticking her tongue out.

"So what do you guys want to tell us?" James asked curiously.

"Well, there's no easy way to say this-" Logan started before Kendall interrupted.

"We're dating." Kendall said with a gigantic smile on his face.

Logan's eyes had gone wide as he stared at Kendall like he had two heads. Kendall just put an arm around his waist and looked at him innocently.

"You're dating?" Katie asked.

"Yeah." Kendall answered simply.

Katie shook her head and stood up. "All this trouble over your gay sexual frustration? Sorry, this is too much over exaggerated teen drama for me."

"Huh?" Both boys asked confused.

"All of this drama you guys have been going through, like, I don't know, beating the tar out of each other could have been solved by saying 'I like you', but no, you guys had to stretch it out and make everyone worry about you. Gosh, what idiots." She said before going to her room.

"I think she approves." Kendall said enthusiastically to Logan.

"Well, speaking of approval, I do too." She said to Kendall before turning more to Logan. "Logan, you've been part of this family since you were six- you all have," She said taking a second to look at Carlos and James. "And nothing can change that, ever. It'll be a change, but I approve. Thank you boys for telling me." She said before standing up and kissing all four boys' foreheads.

"Thanks mom." Kendall said smiling.

"Ditto." Logan said smiling.

"Well, I guess I'll leave you boys to talk. I'm going to go make sure Katie understands." She said before walking into her and Katie's room.

Kendall stifled a laugh, feeling bad for Katie and thinking it was funny all at the same time. Afterward he faced Carlos and James along with Logan to see what they thought.

"…Do you guys, like, do stuff?" Carlos asked after a few moments of silence.

"DUDE!" Logan screamed not wanting to answer.

Kendall and James both started to laugh.

"Why are you laughing?! It's not funny! This isn't funny!" Logan yelled at Kendall who was near the point of crying.

James laughed harder pointing at Logan and mimicking a whip. "You're gonna be whipped!"

Kendall was laughing to hard to respond.

"Is that a yes?" Carlos asked.

Kendall finally stopped laughing long enough to answer. "Yeah. The same stuff you and Camille do, only manlier."

"I don't know Logan's pretty womanly." Carlos said before he started laughing.

"Haha, funny." Logan said glaring.

"So I take it you guys are cool with us dating?" Kendall asked smiling.

"Obviously. Just, please, no PDA, Camille and Carlos are bad enough." James begged.

"We'll do our best." Kendall answered.

"Me and Camille aren't that bad…" Carlos mumbled.

"Yeah you are." James said patting his shoulder.

"We are not."

"Yes you are."

"No we're not!"

"Yes you are!"

James and Carlos continued to scream back and forth.

"Well, that was easy." Kendall said looking at Logan and casually putting an arm around him.

"Better than I expected." Logan said as he leaned into Kendall.

The boys laughed as Carlos threw a pillow at James.

"So we're all in agreement on the new rules?" Kendall asked standing over the piece of paper.

It was a day later and the boys were adding rules to their old prank war 'document'.

"Yeah." Logan answered.

"He would agree." Carlos whispered nudging James who held back a laugh.

Logan glared at Carlos before directing his eyes to Camille and Jo signaling to keep quiet.

Logan and Kendall had made it clear that while they were out to their friends and Kendall's family they weren't out to the public yet. Gustavo would throw a fit and scream about how guys in a boy band weren't supposed to 'come out' until after, at least, the third album.

Camille giggled looking between Logan and Kendall.

"Did you tell her?!" Logan hissed at Carlos.

"Tell her what?" Jo asked to no one in particular.

"She's my girlfriend!"

"That doesn't make it okay!"

"Make what okay?" Jo asked again.

"Nothing!" Carlos answered.

"Oh, why don't you just tell her? It's not like it's a big secret!" Logan yelled sarcastically.

Carlos didn't catch the sarcasm. "Oh, Kendall and Logan are dating."

Kendall smacked his forehead as Logan fumed.

"I was being sarcastic you idiot!" Logan yelled hitting Carlos's helmet.

"I'm not an idiot!" Carlos screamed back shoving him.

"Umm, guys! It's okay, I won't tell anyone." Jo called out trying to break things up.

Logan glared still wanting to fight back.

"Let it go Logie, can't do anything about it now." Kendall said putting a hand on Logan's shoulder. Logan shot Carlos one more glare before turning back to the piece of paper before him.

"I promise I won't tell anyone guys." Jo said sincerely.

"They know. They're just trying to keep it on the DL." James said putting an arm around her shoulders.

"It's fine that you know." Logan said smiling tensely. "But no one else." He hissed at Carlos who looked down at his feet guiltily.

"Good, so back to your… Thing." Jo said almost laughing.

"It's not a thing it's the prank war rules." Kendall said seriously. "Now do we all agree to the new rules?"

"Agreed." James and Carlos replied in unison.

"Good." Kendall said before putting more rules on the 'document'.


No doing anything that will physically hurt someone. (2)


If you cross you're fingers after saying that you lose and the other person doesn't call you on it then you're still in it. (4)


If you fail at pranking someone 5 times in a row you loose.


If you break the rules you loose automatically.


X Logan Mitchell


X James Diamond




"Okay, that should do it." Kendall said smiling.

"I still can't believe you guys found your old rules." Camille commented.

"Thank Carlos for being a total hoard." James said.

"Hey! I only keep stuff that could be useful."

"Sadly your definition of 'useful' is different from everyone else's." Kendall commented

fist bumping his friend turned boyfriend.

Carlos glared.

"Aww, don't worry about it baby, I'm sure your things are useful." Camille said kissing

his cheek.

"Thanks." He said kissing her on the lips.

"They're gonna start making out again aren't they?" James asked Jo.

"Yeah, let's go." She said grabbing his arm and pulling him away to the other side of the pool.

Carlos and Camille started kissing more passionately as Kendall and Logan stood looking with scrunched up faces.

"Eww, was it that disgusting when she kissed me?" Logan asked.

"Yeah." Kendall said before leaning to speak into Logan's ear. "Wanna go be disgusting in our room?"

Logan looked around. "Let's go."

The boys practically ran to the elevator.

Jo and James watched Logan and Kendall run for the building.

"I have to admit, they are cute together." Jo said smiling.

"Yeah, but sadly just as absorbed with each other as before." James said before turning back to Jo. "Looks like you're keeping your best friend position."

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about that." Jo said suddenly a little nervous.

"If you tell me you have a best friend back home I'm going to throw you in the pool again." James threatened playfully.

"Umm, actually I do. What I don't have is a boyfriend."

"He broke up with you?" James asked shocked.

"No, I sorta made him up."


"Because when I first got here and you were all fighting over me- it was just too much. But now that I've gotten to know you and don't have to worry about the other guys fighting with you over me- well I really like you." Jo said nervously looking at James.

James couldn't help but smile. "I really like you too."

Jo beamed. "So I'm not getting thrown in the pool?"

"Oh, no, you're still getting thrown in the pool." James said before picking her up and jumping into the pool with her.

When they resurfaced they were both grinning ear to ear.

"I really hope this doesn't become our 'thing'." Jo said smoothing her hair back.

"What would you like to be our 'thing'?" James asked moving closer.

"Hmm…" She trailed off as they began to kiss.

When they broke apart she replied. "That could work."

Logan and Kendall, meanwhile, were rolling around on the beds they had pushed together in their room.

"Think I wanna be with you forever." Logan spoke between kisses.

"In that case I'll give you a choice." Kendall said before he began kissing Logan's shirtless chest.

Logan moaned arching up. Kendall smirked against his skin as he began to suck on one of Logan's nipples while flicking the other.

"Kendall…" Logan panted out as he ran his hands though Kendall's hair.

Kendall's mouth left Logan's nipple as he traveled farther down kissing every inch of Logan's warm skin as his hands rubbed against Logan's hips. Logan panted as he allowed Kendall to do as he pleased to him.

Kendall stopped at Logan's bellybutton to look up at Logan and smirk.

"W-What?" Logan asked unsure if he liked the look in Kendall's eye.

"Just planning some events for the future." He said seductively as his tongue circled Logan's bellybutton.

Kendall made eye contact before sliding his tongue into the opening and thrusting it in and out. Logan's eyes went wide as he made the connection.

"Too fast?" Kendall asked rising up.

Logan pulled Kendall's lips against his. For a minute their tongues wrestled against each other fiercely.

Logan pulled away and put his lips against Kendall's ear. "It'll be amazing… In the future."

Kendall shivered loving the feeling of Logan's hot breath against his ear. "The future sounds fun."

Logan started to suck on the area below Kendall's ear making him hiss in pleasure. "Of course right now is pretty amazing." Kendall said as Logan continued to kiss and bite down his jaw line.

A second later Katie walked into the room and scrunched up her nose. "Dinners ready; and you guys should really lock the door if you're doing that."

"You should knock if you don't want to see it." Kendall retorted throwing a pillow at her.

She dodged and stuck out her tongue before closing the door.

"Guess the fun is over for now." Logan said as Kendall stood up and grabbed their shirts.

"For now, but there's always tonight roomie." Kendall said smirking and handing Logan his shirt.

"Gotta love this sleeping arrangement." Logan said standing up and pulling his shirt on over his head.

"Believe me I do." Kendall said wrapping his arms around Logan and kissing him.

When they parted both boys were smiling intensely. They made their way to the kitchen where James, Carlos, and Katie were already sitting.

"Hey guys." Kendall said plopping down in a chair.

"Your hair's messed up." Logan said pointing at James.

James gasped before taking a comb out of his pocket and running it through his hair rapidly. Once he finished re-combing his hair he turned to glare at Carlos and Katie.

"You guys said it was fine!" He whined angrily.

"I thought it was!" Carlos defended himself.

"I just didn't care." Katie said shrugging.

"Why's it messed up anyway?" Logan asked before Mrs. Knight came to the table and sat down a homemade pizza.

"Eat up guys!"

Everyone was quick to grab their food.

"So what did everyone do today?" Mrs. Knight asked sitting down to join the kids.

"Me and Camille made out!" Carlos screamed.

"That's nice." Mrs. Knight said half laughing.

"Well, I spent today with Jo. We made out." James said as if one upping Carlos.

"You dog!" Kendall said impressed.

"What about her boyfriend?" Logan asked.

"Never had one." Everyone shrugged excepting the answer without question.

"What about you Logan?" Mrs. Knight asked.

"Me and Kendall hung out."

"We also made out." Kendall said smirking.

"Dude! Don't say that in front of your mom!" Logan said pushing Kendall's shoulder.

"Like she didn't know already."

"Then why'd she ask?"


"Guys, it's fine." Mrs. Knight spoke resolving the issue. "Katie?" She asked.

"Did you make out with somebody?!" Carlos asked curiously.

"I hung out with Tyler, and we definitely DIDN'T make out."

"Thank God." Mrs. Knight said letting out a sigh of relief. Katie was just too young for that kind of thing.

"So did you guys memorize your lyrics for the new song?" Logan asked.

And just like that things were back to normal. It always intrigued Mrs. Knight how things could turn out. In the span of a few weeks everything had changed juristically and yet the boys were totally normal. It was as if nothing had changed. If they hadn't said anything she would have never noticed a difference. As she looked before her she saw the same group of boys she'd know for over ten years, the same four best friends. She couldn't help but smile. This was as much as she could've ever hoped for her boys, all four of them.

(1)- Kendall's writing

(2)-Logan's writing

(3)-Carlos's writing

(4)-Jame's writing

Well that's it for this story! Thanks for reading!