Chapter 10

`DAMN IT!` Cursing uncontrollably, Giotto punched at the wall repeatedly, creating a large hole. The edges scratched at his fist in annoyance, creating a plethora of scratches. However, the blonde didn't notice. He didn't even notice when there was blood running down his fist.

`Stop it, Giotto!` G caught his fist in the middle of another punch. `This won't solve anything.`

Glaring, Giotto roughly pulled his hand away and started pacing the room in an frustrated manner.


The blonde turned around at the sound of his name. G was holding a folded piece of paper, waving it back and forth. He quickly snatched it away and opened the paper.

Go outside in 5 hours.

Leave any sooner, and the brat will die.

We're watching your every move.

He read the contents over again before ripping it to shreds and throwing the remains in the fireplace. G leaned against the edge of the bed, pulling out a cigarette. The red-head shoved it in his mouth and sighed before turning his gaze to Giotto.

`Listen, Giotto...` He shuffled awkwardly on his feet, taking the cigarette out of his mouth with a long exhale. `I know this is my fault-I mean, I have nothing to do with the betrayal! It's just...I could have stopped them from taking the kid...I only foolishly assumed that the stranger was your ally, only because he knew the password and that the Rain ring was active again. However, I should have known better, I should have known not to trust anyone...I know you don't trust me and you have reasons not to so...`

`What are you saying?` Giotto narrowed his eyes in confusion.

`You can blame me for your loss. I'm willing to accept full responsibility and any punishment.`

Before Giotto could respond, a blue flame appeared in the middle of the room and Ugetsu emerged through it with a dire expression. The red-head choked, nearly dropping his smoke.


Ugetsu spared him a quick, apathetic smile before facing Giotto. `I'm sorry...That was the second time I couldn't do anything...`

`Asari, G, don't blame this on yourselves.` The blonde's voice was strained. `It's my fault for believing he'd be completely safe in here. I don't know what I was thinking...`

`It's not your fault! The blame should be put on me!` The other two insisted in sync.

`No, as your leader, I should be taking the blame.`

G pounded his fist against the bed frame, gaining their attention. `It's none of our faults, ok. We just have to get him back. That's all.`

Blue flames flickered as Ugetsu smiled. `You act like you can do it in your sleep.`

The redhead grinned and jerked a thumb towards Giotto. `Well with this maniac, maybe I can.`

Ugetsu laughed and Giotto even smiled slightly, though it was barely visible. `You overestimate me.`

`Heh!` G grinned. `You really think I'd overestimate you after twenty years of being your right-hand man?`

Ugetsu laughed again and the smile grew more defined. Thought it may have seemed irresponsible to be laughing at such a critical time, it was what they needed. It was a misty shower of cool water on a blistering day. It broke the chains of stress and suspicion that entangled them. Even if it was for a little while, it was refreshing to once again feel the joy of their old lives, the ones before the betrayal.

Giotto quickly paced back and forth, biting on his nails in an agitated manner.

`You know you're not going to be able to fight for the kid if you use up all your energy pacing around like that.` G puffed out a trail of smoky air, removing the cigarette from his mouth to clear the ashes on the tip.

The blond stopped in the middle, stared at his right-hand man for a short while, and then started pacing again. G sighed and took a deep inhale.

`Hopeless.` He muttered as he exhaled. The red-head left the cigarette hovering in his mouth as he crossed his arms and stared at the ceiling.

Two more hours. Two more hours was all Giotto had to wait to see Tsunayoshi again...and what a painful two hours they were. He was nearly pulling out his hair in just ten minutes. If it weren't for G, he would have been bald by now. At the one hour mark, he was pulling at his hair again, this time muttering a stream of curse words. Another thirty minutes passed and he may as well have been a little girl throwing a tantrum.

`Jesus Christ,` G slapped his forehead with his palm for the hundredth time as Giotto stomped around in a circle pulling at his hair. `Stop acting like a two year old.`

Ugetsu chuckled. `You can't blame him.`

`Do you care about the kid that much?` The red-head glared at the childish adult.

Giotto returned the glare without flinching. `Yes.`

Ugetsu laughed wholeheartedly while G's glare intensified.

`It's just a few more minutes now, Giotto. You can handle it.` The rain guardian encouraged.

As the words left his friend's mouth, another thought found its way into Giotto's mind. What would he do when he saw Tsunayoshi again? Although he did swear to protect the teen, he began to wonder if the only way he could accomplish that was to send him to Canada and turn himself in. Though the answer seemed simple, he was confused. Obviously, he was worried about Tsunayoshi's safety; however, he also did not want to be separated from the brunette. His heart shattered just from the thought of it.

And what about Tsunayoshi himself? After getting injured so much, would he want to leave? After all, who would want to stay in such a dangerous world, especially a weakling such as the brunette. If the time that Tsunayoshi demanded to leave, would Giotto stop him? Threaten him into staying just to satisfy his uncontrollable need to be by the teen?

Uncertainty succeeded in morphing into nervousness. Giotto felt his stomach twisting in many different directions.

What will I do if I'm separated from you?

Where am I?

Tsuna only saw black. There was nothing else but the emptiness of his vision. When he tried to move, he felt jolts of pain and winced. Really, he should have been used to all of this pain by now. How long has it been since he was injury free? Ever since he followed Giotto, he's gained nothing but injuries and pain.

`My lord, I think the kid's awake.`

His ears perked and his body tensed at the sound of the unknown voice. The stranger was speaking in Italian, meaning he was probably a part of the mafia.

`Oya? How interesting, he should have been out cold for at least a few more hours. He doesn't even have any experience in combat to nullify the pain. He was bruised with even the poke of a finger and yet he's capable of regaining consciousness this quickly. What a strange child this boy is. A strange child indeed. Now I can partly see why that man would want to protect this child.`

Tsuna shivered at the new voice. The speaker spoke in a tone he had never heard before. He was serious and blunt, but he seemed almost...happy. It was eerie.

`Do you want me to knock him out again?` The first voice spoke again. Tsuna regretted not asking Ugetsu-san to teach him Italian. Even if they only spent a few days together, perhaps he would have at least a small understanding of what was going on around him. However, it wouldn't have rid him of his fear.

`Kufufu, no, leave him be. Things shall be amusing if this child witnesses everything, don't you agree?`

`I sincerely agree, my lord.`

Even though he was unable to understand them, Tsuna had a bad feeling. A bad feeling indeed.

`It's time.` Ugetsu stood up from the bed.

Giotto barely nodded, as if his head was frozen in place. Ugetsu did not fail to notice this.

`Is something the matter? You seem to be quivering. Are you afraid?` He put a hand on Giotto's shoulder in concern.

`Hey, pull yourself together.` G chucked the remaining bud of his cigarette into the fireplace and crossed his arms. `You won't rescue anyone breaking down at the last second like this.`

`I know.` Giotto gritted his teeth, unsuccessfully untying the knots in his stomach.

`Deep breaths, Giotto. Calm yourself. ` Ugetsu patted his friend's back once before disappearing.

G's eyes widened before he blinked spasmodically. `W-where did he go?`

Before Giotto could answer, the pair heard the echo of their friend's laugh. `I'm still here, only in your thoughts. I apologize however, for not having enough power to materialize myself when you need me the most.`

Giotto smiled bitterly. `Don't worry about it, Asari. I suppose G and I shall be able to handle them ourselves.`

`Of course.` G grinned as pulled out his bow, brilliant red flames covering its surface. The blonde merely nodded and left the room with his right-hand man following him loyally. They crossed the hallway in silence. When they reached the entrance, or what was left of it, Giotto's eye twitched once before he kicked a rock out of the way and advanced, almost fuming. G could have laughed right then and there. He hadn't seen his boss do such an immature act for a long time.

Giotto swallowed. The only obstacle remaining in his way of seeing Tsunayoshi again was the staircase...and it had never seemed so long in his life. As he neared the top of the staircase, he began to see figures of men whom he assumed were from his former family. However, one person stood out from the rest. A person he never expected but also wasn't surprised to see there.

Someone who he put his absolute trust in.

`He's here. Untie the child, please.`

Tsuna jumped when he felt a pair of rough hands behind his head but his instinct told him to stay still. He wasn't even in a condition to move, let alone fight. A few seconds later, he could see again. His eyes blinked, trying to adjust to the intensity of the sun. The first thing he saw was disheveled blonde hair belonging to a certain someone. Another blink and he realized that he was in the grasslands, only this area had been shaved clean of any stalks and was filled with hundreds of men in black suits. It wasn't hard to guess that they were part of the mafia. He also realized that he was in front of the entrance hideout.

It took him another second to recall what had happened to him. It was simple, really. A few minutes after Giotto had left, a stranger had came in and knocked him out cold. When he woke up, he was tied up and blindfolded.

The ropes were still twisted around his wrists, burning his flesh constantly. Though it didn't do a lot of good, Tsuna made as little movement as possible in an attempt to cease the fiery pain.

It helped when the blonde figure emerged from the staircase. Tsuna froze and could only stare at Giotto's eyes. They were broken, full of guilt and regret. They had lost the tiny sliver of happiness Giotto was left with after the betrayal. Tsuna had come to realize that he cherished that sliver of happiness. He loved the way the blonde would smile when he was cooking. He loved the way Giotto would gently treat his wounds.

At that moment, the only thing he wanted to do was to run towards the blonde and embrace him. Tsuna wanted to reassure Giotto, tell him that it would be okay, and erase the feelings of remorse. His body automatically jerked itself towards the blonde's direction and he winced as the rope retaliated, etching marks into his wrists. He tried to shout Giotto's name, but to no avail. Only muffled sounds could be heard through the cloth restraining his mouth.

`Getting excited now, are we?`

Tsuna froze when he heard the familiar eerie voice and kept his eyes glued to Giotto in fear. His instinct told him that he didn't want to turn around to see the speaker.

`Let him go, Demon Spade.` Giotto had stopped a meter away from the staircase, putting a good distance between them. A part of Tsuna wanted him closer, but the other part wanted him to stay as far away as possible from this so-called Demon Spade person. G was right behind Giotto, prepared to back up his boss in the event of a surprise attack.

`Kufufu. You know me better than that, right? I'm not giving this boy back to you so easily.`

Giotto's eyes narrowed and G looked like he was about to explode in rage.

`What do you want.` The blonde demanded.

`Oh, I think you know very well what I want.`

Tsuna suddenly felt a hand pat his head and he involuntarily began to tremble. It was as if the hand just sucked out all of the joy in his heart, shattering his entire life. He felt like crying, screaming, and breaking down into a million pieces. The hand might as well have been pulling him straight into the depths of Hell. His eyes grew wide with fear. It felt like he was on the brink of insanity.

`Don't touch him! Release him from the curse!` Giotto snarled as he took a step towards him, lighting his dying will flames.

`Tsk, tsk. Impatience will only lead to a quicker death for this child.` A mocking jeer. A part of Tsuna could sense that Demon Spade was smirking, finding amusement in his former boss's rage. However, by now his entire body was burning, cutting off all thought flow in his brain. The only thing he thought about now was water to put out the flames consuming his soul. Screaming in pain, he fell over, writhing under the inescapable heat. The cool ground did little to quench the flames and even the rope felt like a feathery blanket to him now. Tears flowed out of his eyes as he wished for death's sanctuary to come and take him away from this agony.

`TSUNAYOSHI! LET HIM GO THIS INSTANT, DEMON SPADE!` Giotto snarled again as he took off with his flames, only to be held back by G.

`Let go of me, G!` The blonde fought against his best friend's grip, struggling to propel himself towards Tsuna.

`You IDIOT! You're only gonna kill the kid!` G shouted, keeping a relentless grip on his boss. Giotto didn't respond and only gritted his teeth, but no longer struggled. He resisted the urge to lash out at the nearest object. Never in his life had he felt so utterly useless, unable to do anything for a beloved person.

Demon Spade laughed and applauded. `This is what I call entertainment! Kufufu, this despair, this suffering, it's much too amusing!`

`What a sick fuckface.` G glared at him, narrowing his eyes. `I can't believe one such as him used to be our comrade...`

Giotto ignored him and glared at Tsuna's tormentor, demanding. `You want the rings, don't you? Let Tsunayoshi go right now and I'll give you them!`

Demon Spade grinned. `Hmm...I guess I can be nice, since you've oh-so-kindly provided me with so much entertainment. Oh, and thanks to this boy, I am now in possession of the Rain ring too. So let's see, why don't we just a trade? I want one of your lives and your rings for the child.`

`How is that being nice?` G shouted in anger.

`Well I was just planning on killing you both right now, but you should be glad I'm sparing your lives. Though I'll eventually possess all of the rings anyways, it'd be so much funner to chase you down again. So, which of you's going to be the bargain?`

Even though his screams had faded into whimpers, Tsuna was screaming in his mind, telling them both to run. To sacrifice one of their lives for such a weak, useless person? He wasn't worth the rings they possessed and their lives. He didn't want them to make such an agonizing decision. He'd rather die himself! He wanted to yell at them, tell them to leave him, tell them that he would be okay with dying; however, the flames prevented him from doing so.

`I'll be your sacrifice.` Giotto took a step forward, determination in his voice.


G put a hand on the blonde's shoulder. `No, I'll do it.`


Giotto stared at him in surprise before narrowing his eyes. `No, G, this has nothing to do with you. I can't let you sacrifice yourself for my own sin. I'm the one who dragged Tsunayoshi into this world and I'm the one who must atone for it.`


`I don't give a shit. You can atone for your god damn sins by protecting the kid until all of this is over. Do you think that bastard would actually let him live an ordinary life after this? Do you think dying would make his entire life normal again, as if he would forget everything? I don't know anything about Tsunayoshi, but I know, from just one look, that he's the type of person who would blame your death on himself and regret not being able to do anything for the rest of his life. Giotto, he needs YOUR support. You alone are the only one who can help him and therefore, you must continue to live. You can't give up your life here. I'll go in your place. Besides, I made a promise to protect you both, right?` G grinned.

Demon Spade clapped his hands together. `So it's settled! We'll trade G for Tsunayoshi!`


`NO!` Giotto shouted, `You can't go!`

`Too late, the final answer was locked in!` Demon Spade snapped his fingers and Tsuna felt the cloth binding his mouth fall off before being lifted by the collar of his shirt. Another snap and he felt the fire slowly fading away; however a numb feeling remained, restricting his ability to speak and move. He was carried a few meters away before he felt himself being thrown. G's sturdy arms caught him before he fell over. He wasn't even given a moment to rest before he was pushed into Giotto's arms. The blonde held Tsuna against his chest protectively as G threw the Storm ring to Demon Spade..

`G, you can't do this.` Giotto was still in denial. If it wasn't for the fragile Tsuna in his arms, he would have stopped G with a death grip.

`Take care of the kid. I know you will.` G smiled, giving him a thumbs up, `And Giotto...I'm sorry for everything I've done to make you lose your trust in me.`

`I was a fool, G. I don't know what happened, but you never did anything wrong. I never should have doubted you...` The blonde blinked away the threat of tears, tightening his grip on Tsuna. The teen was rebelling inside his mind. He wanted to run towards Demon Spade and throw away his life for Giotto and G's. However, he was unable to move.

G was about to respond, but was cut off.

`Aw, how sweet. But we're running out of time so I'd like to wrap this up.` Demon Spade snapped his finger and a man put a gun to the side of G's head.

`G!` Giotto tried to move forward, but stopped as a hundred different guns were aimed in his direction. He gritted his teeth in frustration. `DAMNIT, G!`

NO, STOP! Tears began to fall and Tsuna's body began to tremble from his efforts to move. His eyes were covered by Giotto's warm hand but it did little to stop his inner rebellion.

`Farewell, Giotto. Let's meet again in another life.` G's voice, his last words, Giotto's tight grip on him, the guilt that instantly found its way to Tsuna's heart.

The gunshot was heard.

End of Chapter 10

Senior year's killing me with homework. I'm sorry for being so late with my updates. It's been almost four months since I updated this fic...

But the good news is, Nanowrimo's approaching and I've made it my goal to finish at least one of my fanfics for the month of November(writinginclasscoughcough). :3 It's most likely going to be Seven Days though, cause that one's shorter...LOL ;_;. But if you really want me to, I'll switch to this story instead too.

Damnit, the end of the anime. : I was looking forward to hearing Enma's voice as well. Ah, can't wait till spring now. :3