Disclaimer: I do not own Newsies or any of its characters, Disney does. I own Angel, Badger, Fox, Sport, Bear, Slick, Fists, and Rifle. I also own Vulture, Tristan, and Dagger. The saying "brain washed, rinsed, and dried" comes from a Sailor Moon movie. The song lyrics are from Disney's "Brother Bear's" "Transformation" by Phil Collins.

(A/N: Special thanks to Water vs. Fire for all the great reviews. :))

A gentle warmth seemed to surround her heart and awakened Angel to the smells of cigarette smoke, sweat, and old paper. Her eyelids felt as heavy as bricks and she had trouble opening them; until she could, Angel would depend on her hearing.

"Ah youse shoah she's alright, Fox?" The voice of a young boy asked from beside her. She felt a cool wet rag being placed on her forehead.

"I'se shoah, Badgah. She's fine. She's restin', like I'se said da Queen of Brooklyn has a lotta stress on heh shoulders. When we got heh she fell to sleep, dat's it." Fox's voice responded, it was thick with sarcasm. Angel would have cringed, but her body didn't seem fully ready to respond to anything yet, let alone cringing or shuddering. For a moment she found herself unable to move until her fingertips began to twitch and the feeling slowly returned to her hand. She felt as if hundreds of tiny needles were entering her fingertips and slowly traveling up to her wrist, then arm, and traveled throughout her body.

The tingling was followed by a comforting warmth that reminded Angel of her mother hugging her. The warmest area of her entire body was over her heart. After a moment she realized why; the turquoise around her neck was healing her. She knew that if she tried to wake and run out the door this minute, she'd be caught in seconds by Fox and his newsboys. She was going to have to force herself to relax and let the stone do its job if she wanted to escape without being caught. Strangely, she found herself flashing back to when she was very young. She had been singing in a Christmas play and the church's heater had broken; she and Kindergarten class had become extremely ill with Pneumonia….

"Mommy, I don't feel good."

"I know honey," her mother replied as she sat down on the side of Matti's bed. "It's going to take time for you to feel better."

"Can't you give me medicine like you give lots of other people medicine? Your medicine works."

Her mother smiled and brushed Matti's bangs out of her face. "No honey, not this time. This time we need to use the doctor's medicine. It's stronger than the medicine I make and it will help you to feel better faster."

Matti coughed so hard her entire body shook and ached, "My chest hurts, mommy. I bet Mr. Mister's chest never hurts." She muttered and stared at their brown and black tabby, Mr. Mister. The cat looked up at her with large green eyes and gave a small meow, as if asking what he had done wrong.

"Oh now, I'm sure Mr. Mister doesn't always feel good either," her mother said as she picked up the cat and pet his cheeks and under his chin. After a minute the tabby jumped out of her arms and across the room, where he curled up beside his toy mouse. Her mother pushed a stand of her raven black hair behind her ear, "Do you remember grandmommy?"

Matti nodded. "She gave you the necklace before she went to dance in the sky with the Star People."

"That's right," her mother said softly as she gently stroked the turquoise stone on her throat. It sat between three rows of brown and white hairpipe bone beads that encircled her throat. "Your grandmother gave me this before she went to the Star People, one day it will be yours. In the mean time I have something for you," she handed Matti a small box. "I was going to let you open it on Christmas Eve, but I think now would be better."

Matti loved the idea of having an early Christmas present, she just wished she felt better to be more excited about it. "Thanks, mommy," she beamed as she ripped open the wrapping paper and opened the box. Inside sat a small turquoise stone with a leather cord tied around it. "Wow, it's like your necklace, mommy!"

Her mother smiled and her eyes seemed to brighten, "This is a Turquoise stone. It has a healing power that makes people feel better…"

As the flashback ended, Angel realized in shock that the necklace Clara had given to her was the same one her mother had given her all those years ago! Angel had lost it in the fifth grade while playing at recess. The playground was over the spot where the….Brooklyn Lodging house had been. Oh my God! I'm here for a reason, I have to be. My necklace was here long before I was. But how? Why? She wondered to herself and after a small struggle she was able to open her eyes.

The boy, Badger, was sitting beside her looking at the corner of the lodging house. Angel followed his gaze and found Fox standing on top of a stool and was surrounded by his newsboys.

"We'se got Brooklyn's Queen!" Fox shouted with a large and menacing smile, "She's gonna be Harlem's Queen soon. Know what dis means boys?" He proudly placed his hands on his hips.

"Dat we'se got a prize?" Questioned a burly newsboy with a large square jaw.

"No youse idiot! Spot Conlon will be comin' ta Harlem ta get his precious lil goilfriend back. Knowin' Conlon, he'll bring help. Youse awll will fight whoevah he brings wid him. Vulture and Badgah will be wid me. I'se gonna soak Conlon to da point he can't walk, den I'se will take his cane, his goil, and da be da new King of New Yawk!"

Angel listened to Fox's plan and stiffened with anger instead of fear. He was using her to get to Spot. But it wasn't a surprise to her, knowing the Harlem leader he'd use anything against Spot. Possibly even this boy Badger. Whoever he is.

She looked down at the stone around her neck; it was keeping her calm while it healed her. She remembered her mother once saying that the stone also created a protective shield around a person and helped defend its wearer from negative energies. It's helping me to think clearly. Angel looked around the room until she spotted Taini pacing in front of the front door.

Taini! She called mentally to her spirit guide.

The mountain lion looked up at her, Spot's coming and he's bringing help….A lot of help.

Badger watched his brother explain his plan and felt his stomach twist. He wished his aunt and uncle wouldn't hate him so he could be with them now. His brother was going to kill Spot and all of New York would hate Harlem more than they already did. If he hadn't learned to hide his emotions from his brother and every other Harlem newsie, he would crawl under the covers and cry. He was tougher than that and had learned if he didn't like something he should change it, if he could. But he couldn't change this; the newsie war was huge and a boy of ten would probably have no power amongst the older newsies.

Badger heard Fox's sheets rustle, he looked over and found Spot's Queen had opened her eyes. They were dark, dark brown. Badger was surprised to see there was no fear on the girl's face, but instead a quiet anger. He noticed she was staring at the door.

"Youse can't go, Fox will catch ya." He said softly.

"Who are you?" The Queen asked as she looked over at him. He watched as fear began to replace the angered look on her face.

"Badger, I'se Fox's brudda….Don't worry I'se ain't anythin' like him."

"I didn't know Fox had a brother," The Queen said softly with a small frown, "Are you happy here?"

"No. But don't tell me brudda dat; anytime he finds out I'se unhappy he laughs and calls me a wimp. I'se ain't a wimp eidda."

"I don't think you are. My name is Angel."

Badger's heart leapt into his throat, his brother had said the Brooklyn's Queen was called Queen and nothing else. She had a name after all, a really pretty one too. He glanced towards Fox and as he was looking back towards Angel he swore he had seen some kind of huge white cat with golden eyes and sharp teeth. He tensed with fear when it disappeared; was he seeing things?

I did not mean to scare him. Taini frowned from beside Angel. Can you move?

Angel gave a tiny nod, A little. In a few minutes I'm bustin' outta this joint. She jumped when saw Badger almost fall off the stool he was sitting on. His eyes were wide and he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"Badger, are you ok?"

"I…I'se thought I'se saw a real big white cat wid sharp teeth and yellow eyes. I'se think I'se crazy."

"You're not crazy," Angel replied as she pushed herself up to the sitting position. She glanced over at the corner of the room; Fox and his newsboys were making changes in his 'master plan.' Maybe that would give her time to complete her own plan. "Badger, I need you to know something."

"What's dat?"

"I would never ever hurt you. Nor would I do anything to put you in danger. But I need to get out of here-"

"I'se told youse, ya can't!" Badger exclaimed as he looked back at her, his eyes flashing with fear.

"-and I think you need to get out of here too. So I'm going to get us both out of here in a way that you can't get into trouble."

Badger stared at her for a long and silent moment, "How?"

Angel called on all of her strength and grabbed him. She felt so guilty when she felt the boy tense with fear. But she had to get him out of here too. Fox was terrifying Badger and abusing him. It would be only a matter of time before the poor boy went crazy or was killed. She wrapped both her arms around his waist.

"I'se can't go! Fox said Spot will kill me if I'se leave Harlem!"

"No, Spot would never say that," Angel replied. "I've known him for two weeks now, and never would he ever say that to a child. I'm sure he'd say that to your brother, but never to you." Angel winced as the boy hit and kicked at her as she started to drag him to the door. She needed help, this kid may have been small for his age but he was strong.

Don't let go of him. Taini warned from the door. I've heard Fox's thoughts, and he hates his brother. If Badger stays he will not live very long.

"FOX!" Badger shrieked at the top of his lungs.

"Get youse hands off me brudda!" Fox shouted at her, anger in his eyes. "Vulture, Daggah, Tristan, get heh!"

Angel watched as his newsies scrambled towards her, twice tripping over their own feet. She glanced up at the door; it was so close yet so very, very far. On her own she'd be able to make it there easily, even when she wasn't healthy. But leaving Badger here would be child cruelty, child abuse, and she might as well be signing his death warrant. She glanced quickly back at the door and was surprised when Taini vanished in front of her eyes. Standing in the cougar's place was her mother.

For a long and breathless moment the world seemed to freeze. Her mother stood in front of the double doors of the warehouse. Her long raven black hair was in the thick braid that Angel remembered it always being in. Her mother's dark eyes flashed as she waved for her daughter to step forward. Her mother looked the way she had in life; beautiful, eccentric, loving, and filled with hope. Her light copper colored skin seemed slightly darker from the dim light in the lodging house; she was wearing her favorite fringed denim jacket; her dark blue denim jeans, boots, and motorcycle T-shirt.

Matti honey, come now. One step forward and then another. Ask Mother Earth, Father Sky, Brother Winds, and Brother Rivers for help. Ask the stone around your neck for help. Ask Taini for help. All will provide you with aid and energy, as will I.

"Mom?" Angel whispered in amazement as she began pushing Badger forward towards the door. "H…How?"

I've always been with you honey, as has your father. We're always here when you need us.

"Let me go! Let go!" Badger shouted as he attempted to bite her. For a moment, Angel was zapped back to reality. She could no longer focus on her emotions or health. She had to focus on Badger, getting him to safety, and making him understand his brother was not a good man.

"Badger, please!" She exclaimed as she shoved him towards the door, "I'm trying to help you!"

"No ya ain't! Youse tryin' ta kill me! Fox said awll newsies but Harlem ah bad! Me oldah brudda knows everythin'! Fox!" He shrieked.

"Shut up, youse little brat!" Fox shouted from right behind them.

I'm going to be caught! Angel realized in terror. Her heart raced as fear pumped through her veins and tears made her eyes glaze over. She had come this far only to be caught by Fox.


She looked up to see her mother standing in the doorway waving her forward. She had a disapproving frown on her face. Now I taught you better than to give up on yourself young lady! Have I taught you nothing about strength, hope, and courage? About the help all around us?

Angel pushed Badger forward again and realized through all this time she had never asked the spirits for help. They couldn't help her until she asked.

Badger kicked and struggled against Angel. Fox had said she'd pretend to be nice, but really she was an evil, evil woman. Anyone who was friends with Spot Conlon was evil. Not to mention crazy. Angel kept staring forward at something. Badger glanced behind his shoulder and behind Angel to see his brother was catching up with them. His eyes were narrowed with hate and he was cursing like a drunken sailor.

Suddenly, Angel's arms tightened around him. He looked forward and his eyes widened at seeing an Indian woman dressed in odd clothing. Though it was only a flash, he realized he was starting to see what this woman was seeing. But how? Why? He heard Angel whispering and paused from his struggles to listen.

"Spirits of the Earth and sky please help me. If I'm caught I'll get away, but Badger's small and Fox abuses him. I need to get him out of here. I know Fox will kill him…"

"Me brudda won't kill me!"

"Shut up youse little toad!" Fox shouted from behind them. Badger watched in horror as Fox's arm lunged out and wrapped around Angel's waist. He was shocked when two cold hands grabbed hold of his arms. Badger looked up to find the Indian woman pulling him towards the door.

Come with me honey. Your brother is an evil, evil man.

Badger looked back at Angel and jumped at seeing her punch Fox so hard his brother's nose began to bleed. He stumbled away as Dagger came forward towards Angel, his arms outstretched to grab her. She ducked out of the way; when he turned and ran towards her once again she waited to the last moment, stepped out of the way and put out a leg. Dagger attempted to skid to a stop, but tripped over Angel's outstretched ankle and fell onto Badger sending them both to the floor.

How the heck was this even possible? Ghosts weren't real, but he was having a ghost pull him out of the lodging house! As he reached the door, Tristan lunged and grabbed Angel. Part of Badger was glad; the other half of him was upset. As Tristan tumbled to the floor with Angel the double doors of the lodging house flew open, Spot Conlon ran in with his cane raised and his mouth open in a loud shout.


Badger noticed the ghost had disappeared; he quickly pressed himself against the wall as Spot led a huge army of hundreds of newsies into the building. He glanced down at Angel; she had kicked Tristan in the crotch and was crawling out from under him. He noticed her face was filled with anger, but no fear. How was she able to make herself not be afraid so easily?

Angel was so different than any other person he had ever met. She was definitely not a fighter, but she did fight (though she was clumsy) and she did do a good job. She was kind and courageous, and yet she could be cunning just like his brother when she needed to be. She reminded him of Fox before he became a crazy and power obsessed as Vulture had called him once.


Angel suddenly understood why she was back in 1899 when Spot quickly wrapped his arms around her in a quick and huge hug.

"Ah youse alright?" He asked before turning and punching Vulture on the side of his jaw.

"I'm fine! It's Fox's little brother I'm worried about! He has that poor boy brain washed, rinsed, and dried!" She replied as she swung around and hit a Harlem newsie on the nose, she kicked between his legs, then shoved him to the floor and kicked his stomach. There, that should keep him down for a minute.

"Spot! I know why I'm here!"

"Huh?" He asked as he brought his cane down on Dagger, "Can't we'se talk about dis latah?"

"No! It has to be now!" She replied before slugging another Harlem newsie.

"Dan talk quick!" Spot snapped as he became involved in a fist fight with Tristan.

"I'm here because I need to be! I've never been myself, I've always watched life pass me by….I've never been able to help anyone from where I come from!" She kicked another Harlem newsie and glanced back at Spot. "And I didn't realize until I saw my mother again that….That no matter how often I help people, my thoughts have been involved with my own emotions….I never realized I might have been here for another reason beside the fact that I feel I need to be."

"Awright, dat's great!" Spot replied as he ducked a punch and slugged the newsie he had been fighting hard in the face. His cap fell off revealing his longish light brown hair. His jaw jutted out with anger and strength. Angel felt her heart pound and her cheeks grow warm with a blush. Spot Conlon was her warrior, and she loved him.

"I'm here Spot for you! At one point or another the spirits felt your pain and knew you needed someone. Not someone who was the greatest fighter ever," she punched another newsie, "But someone was tough but….Nice and someone who can help the newsies. I think I'm here for you."

Spot stumbled back as he glanced at Angel in shock. He had never told anyone about his prayer. He missed Clara, and he always would and he realized she wasn't coming back. That was when he married Floaty; maybe he had married her out of heartbreak, or mere stupidy. But when he realized it was time to move on he also came to the realization that Floaty was not the woman for him. She was too self involved. The week he divorced her he prayed to find someone he count on and trust; someone who wouldn't only be good for him but for all the newsies. The next day he was soaked to the point he couldn't walk by Fox and his gang of newsies; then out of the blue comes the eccentric girl in strange clothing and tights…Angel. Who became his queen and now held the key to his heart.

He glanced around as he panted, every Harlem newsie was passed out on the floor, except for two: Fox and Badger. Jack and Lily were protecting Badger as the newsies began to press themselves against the wall and left the middle of the warehouse empty for Spot and Fox.

"It's time ta end dis," Spot sneered to the Harlem Leader and shoved Angel to Sport. He watched her give a brief struggle, before she allowed herself to go into the crowd. He saw the look on her face, the look that said: I should be fighting with you. "Dis is a one man fight, mono to mono." He exclaimed to both Fox and Angel.

"I'se couldn't agree more," Fox sneered. Sometime during the raid his bowler cap had fallen off; his nose and upper lip were bloodied, and his left eye was always swelling into a shiner. He straightened his clothing before he and Spot began to circle one another. He had learned long ago to never throw the first punch; it was a sign of impatience. A leader had to be patient, a leader defended not attacked. A leader only attacked when he had too.

Fox shouted and threw his fist forward.

Angel watched as Spot quickly jumped away from Fox's punch. Before Fox could draw his fist away from Brooklyn's shoulder, Spot grabbed his arm and twisted it; which caused Fox to shout in pain and struggle against the Brooklyn leader.

Fox managed to pry away from Spot a second later and Angel found herself wondering where Spot had learned that move. That's the kind of fighting style the marines and soldiers have. She watched as Fox punched Spot hard in the stomach. For a long minute Spot was being pummeled to the ground.

"Spot!" She lunged forward and almost got close enough to touch Spot, when Sport grabbed one of her arms while Jack grabbed her other and dragged her back into the crowd. "We have to help him! Let go! He's hurt!"

"It's a leadah's fight, Angel!" Jack shouted at her.

"It can't be stopped! Leader versus leadah," Sport exclaimed. "It's mono to mono, like Spot said. Dat's how awll leadah battles ah. One day youse will have one too, I'se shoah, and Spot won't be able to help ya. It's da rules. Leadahs fight alone, deys can't have help from anyone else."

Angel didn't agree with the rules, but she would honor them. She watched as the fight continued for almost twenty minutes more. At first Spot and Fox were only in a fist fight, but then Spot began fighting as a Marine or Soldier would fight…Angel looked at Sport, "How does he know how to fight like that?!"

"A soldier taught Spot how ta fight like dat two yeahs ago. Don't remembah much about him, but I'se remembah his last name was Andrews." Sport smiled before he and the other newsies ran around Angel to congratulate their leader on winning the newsie war.

Angel stood where Sport and Jack had left her. She watched Spot and was glad he was alright, but she was still shocked. Her father had been here. Spot Conlon had met her father.

"I'm here for Spot, for myself, and because my dad wanted me to be here…" She whispered in realization. Angel was truly happy here….This is the time era she belonged in. Her parents had always said she was born in the wrong time….They had fixed that, now she was in the right time. Happiness hugged her heart when she spotted her parents near the doors of the Lodging house, both embracing one another and smiling at her.

You did good, kid. Her father smiled to her and winked before her mother blew her a kiss and both vanished into the summer night.

A Year Later…

Spot Conlon wrapped his arm around his new bride, Angel Conlon. They had only been married for an hour and before their honeymoon (they were spending a week in Long Island and would be nothing but having fun while they were there) they had brought Badger home to his aunt and uncle.

"I'se glad he's finally home," Spot exclaimed.

It had taken a year to find the couple who kept moving, but finally they learned Badger's aunt and uncle lived just outside of Manhattan. They wanted to surprise the little boy by finally bringing him home at last. He had been ecstatic, as had his aunt and uncle. It had turned out Fox had brainwashed the poor kid into believing everything he said. Now, since Badger had been away from his brother, he had been better. He had become a great newsie, but Angel wasn't sure how much longer Badger would be a newsboy. She guessed his aunt and uncle would send him to school. Who knows, maybe one day he'll be a police officer, a detective, or a doctor...She thought to herself with a small smile. badger was one tough and brave kid and she was so proud of him.

"They were so happy when they saw him." Angel smiled up at him.

"Yeah, deys were," Spot smirked as he kissed Angel and held her closer to him. "Dough I'se don't think deys were expectin' ta see a bride and groom on deys front door step."

Angel laughed, "I'm sure it was a welcome surprise." She pushed her veil back. The dress was white and simple; she wore a crown of white lilies on her head that held her veil. She had saved up for months for this dress and veil, and it had been entirely worth it.

"Me too. So how about we'se go ta Long Island already? Da oddas paid for dis honey moon of ours. So let's not waste deys money."

"What about Harlem? They're starting to cause trouble again," Angel frowned.

"Deys won't be for long," Spot replied with a smirk. "Sport's always been dere for me…But I'se thought it was high time for him ta become a leadah. Yestahday he became da leadah of da Harlem newsies….I'se think things will be bettah over dere from now on."

"But what about a second in command?"

"I'se don't need to find one right away, aftah awll Brooklyn has a queen now. If somethin' happens and I'se can't lead dem, den youse will." He smiled, "So, we goin' or ah we stayin' in front of a closed door awll day?"

Angel laughed and rolled her eyes, "We're going. Spot, may I ask you one question."

"Shoah," he smiled.

"The man that taught you how to fight the way you fought Fox…"

"He was a soldier…Real nice guy from what I'se remembah. He nevah told me his rank or nothin'….He jist told me ta be expectin' someone real important to be comin' into me life one day…Den walked….Off…" Spot replied as his eyebrows knitted together, "Wait a second…Dat…Man…Andrews…"

"Was my father," Angel replied with a small smile. She knew she was crying again, but didn't care. Her father had met Spot, her dad had brought her to Spot. It was just like her mother had said a year ago, she and her dad were always with Angel. Always.

Spot paled and looked like he had seen a ghost, "But how? Youse said youse fadda was killed!"

"He was….But I've always read that soul can carry out unfinished business….And in very mysterious ways at times…"

The End.