Chapter 1

AN: Don't own anything. This will be an ongoing series when I come up with new chapters and new toys I'll add to it. If you have any ideas let me know I'll take requests for this one =) Different from my usual work, but hope you like none the less.

Okay so when she'd said she wanted to try something new in the bedroom he'd been hurt, like he wasn't enough, but after few days of pouting and spending time outside anywhere but the bedroom except at night and claiming he was tired and he didn't want to have sex, Derek Morgan turned to the internet for help. It had gotten him his baby girl to start with eight months back so why couldn't it help him now.

He'd just been online checking his emails and to see if his sister had sent the pictures of the twins' birthday back then. He'd wanted to go, but with work it had been impossible, he'd sent them something though. Sarah still about killed him every year at birthday and Christmas time when it came to her twins. He spoiled them and didn't have to worry about taking them away at bed time.

However that day eight months back had ended with him and Penelope's place and hell of a lot more than kissing had happened. She'd started it with her usual teasing as always, but then she'd turned the video chat on and after that, it had only gotten better till he was at her place half hour after he'd logged off pretending he'd been going to bed, but he'd ended up at her apartment and bed had been the last thing on either of their minds.

That had been one reason that he'd been stunned when he over heard her talking to JJ that she wanted something more in the bedroom, little spice or ever how she'd put it. He knew eavesdropping never worked, but this time he'd gotten pissed off. Four days without sex had left him annoyed and he'd finally given in that morning but he still had heard her words in the back his mind, which had lead to him spanking her until she'd cum crying out his name.

Now he was on Google look up some sex toys, which Morgan had never done. He found one site that looked promising and after few minutes found just what he thought would work. seemed to be the perfect solution and after all he knew she could cum from being spanked once she was close to going over. Until then he wouldn't have even tried it, but now it turned him on too.

Soon as it was his lunch break he went upstairs to her hide out opening the office door going over to her and whispering in her ear. "I know how to make you cum and scream," he whispered with smile nipping at her ear, making her moan as he slipped his hand up under her shirt sliding it up pulling her bra down just enough so he could see her nipples but hiding her from the camera, he knew where all of them where at. Morgan pinched at her nipple making her squirm in the chair. "Tonight, I'm going make you cum until you're begging me to stop," he replied before kissing her removing his hand from her body.

"Derek," she moaned, but he was gone before she could even think of something to add. She was screwed, he'd just gotten her hot and bothered and then he'd left her. She was going to get him back later; he'd pay for leaving her like this.

After last night her ass was already sore and just sitting made her think about what they'd done or rather he'd done, and she'd came just from that when he'd stopped thrusting and spanked her. She had never thought it would feel so good to have her ass spanked, but it had and she wouldn't say no if he ever wanted round two. Just as long as it wasn't right now, she wanted at least one day to recover from that.

It was a week before Morgan and Garcia could think about having any fun, they got a case that sent the team to Texas, and it took them week to catch the Unsub. When they got back they all went out for drinks and afterwards Morgan and Pen had their usual Friday night movie.

They were lying on the couch watching Princess Diaries 2 which she'd tricked him with. "No, you were gone a week, I get to choose," she had protested since he missed his pick due to the Unsub they'd had to find. The movie was over when she got up going to the kitchen and picked up what she'd left on the table, a package which she'd gotten couple days ago, it was his rather, but she'd opened it, taken out the contents she went in the living room.

Morgan had gotten up and turned off the DVD, "What do you want to do or what?" He asked hearing her coming back in the room.

"Maybe try this out, it's not the same using it by myself, hot stuff," Pen said before using what she was holding on his ass.

Derek jumped back when he felt the wooden paddle against his ass, he had on sweatpants but it still stung. "What the hell?" he said turning around facing her. Penelope was pretending to be innocent hiding the paddle behind her back.

"Maybe we could go to the bedroom," Pen said looking at him biting her bottom lip.

Derek was quicker than she'd expected grabbing what she had behind her back taking it away from her. "Did you just spank me?" he asked looking at her, "Penelope Morgan, did you just spank my ass?" he asked again making her giggle.

"No," she said shaking her head with a giggle before she took off towards the bedroom. Morgan went after her with smile of his on, however he hadn't expected to find her standing in the middle of the room, her clothes on the floor, only thing she had on was a smile. "You ordered that didn't you?" she asked moving over to him, "Who says I'm going to let you spank me again, handsome?" she asked before she pulled him down in a kiss wrapping her arms around his neck, "I know you over heard me, I never meant it the way you thought I was saying it, I just wanted things like this," Pen said looking into his eyes, "You will always be enough for me, after all I didn't want that annulment did I?" she asked with a smile.

"How'd you know I heard you?" Derek asked.

"I saw Reid's face when I walked out of JJ's office, he told me you'd been there and that you were pissed off," Pen said, "I was going to apologize and explain, but you wouldn't listen then you finally wanted to again," she said, "I never meant to piss you off, the last eight months have been wonderful, and I told you then I don't regret that one too many night and that wedding in Vegas when we went with Reid to visit his mom, hot stuff, never would I regret that," she said.

"I don't either, and I'm sorry I was pissed at you, I just…"

"Have to be in control of things, and I hurt your ego when I told JJ I wanted more, but you should talked to me, not run, I thought you were never going to come around then that night when you did," Pen said, "My ass was sore for two days, but it was the best sex I'd had since that night you came over, I love you, Derek, always, just remember that okay," she said.

"Love you too, baby girl, and sorry, but if you want to try, I guess I could go along with new things," Morgan said.

"We pick them out together from now on though, however, I want to give this a try that is if you can spank me and not think you're hurting me?" she said, "Because, I like it rough, handsome, little pain never hurt nobody," she replied pulling him to her again kissing him until they were both breathless.

"Long as you don't spank my ass again," Morgan said.

"Oh hell no, it goes both ways, Angel, I get to pick things for you too, after all you went behind my back and ordered that, I get to pick toys for you too," Pen said, "However, tonight you get to use that first, now, get your clothes off and on the bed," she said going over to the bed pushing the covers back before she sat down.

Morgan followed her over, he'd gotten the thing, but actually using it, he didn't want to hurt her, he loved her. She was smiling up at him before pulling him to her taking his pants off since he hadn't. He stepped out them before getting on the bed with her.

After few minutes it was like normal again, like it had been before she'd said anything to JJ, and he'd over heard her. Pen pushed him on his back getting on top of him taking hold his hands and moving them to hold her sides, the paddle was laying beside them, but they hadn't picked it up yet.

She leaned down kissing him sliding down until he was just inside of her, with one thrust he was buried inside of her. "Stubborn," she teased him nipping at his neck before she squeaked looking up at him he'd used the paddle on her ass like she'd wanted, "See, told you, you can't hurt me handsome," she replied, the slight sting in her ass felt good.

"You're asking for it, as much as you tease me, your ass will be red in the morning," Morgan said with smile.

"Bring it on, sitting might be hell, but at least I know why," Penelope said kissing him as she started moving again, "I'm a bad girl after all," she added moving her hands up and down his sides as she moved again.

Morgan couldn't help but laugh at that thought, she was a motor mouth, didn't know when to stop talking, always had her mind in the gutter, bad girl, but she was his bad baby girl, he wouldn't change that for nothing. He moved his hand down to her bottom cupping it moving her down farther onto him before he spanked her again making her moan as she bit down onto his neck.

'This was going to be interesting,' he thought to himself before flipping them over, he pulled out of her, but he had another plan. "Get on your knees," he said kissing her before she did as he asked.

Pen knew what he was up to and she didn't give a damn either, she'd been wet since they'd gotten back just thinking about this, she knew she would have to talk him into it at first, but after that Morgan wouldn't think twice, and she was glad. She wanted another night then day like last time; it had been one hell of night.

Morgan nipped at her neck shoving into her making her moan pushing back against him. However, he didn't move instead he spanked her which got a whimper out of her and in return a moan from him when she clenched around him. Maybe this was a good choice, he thought again moving few times before bringing the paddle back down, he didn't want to hurt her still though.

"Handsome spank my ass, or I'll spank you," Pen said when she barely felt it this time.

"The hell you are," Morgan said, he didn't want anything to do with the damn paddle on his ass, no way in hell.

"Then use it or I will," She said again before moving back on him.

"Keep it up and I will," he said leaning over her kissing at her neck moving his hand up to her breast playing with her right breast until she was whimpering before he brought the paddle down again making her cry out as she came for the first time, the pleasure and sting made her cum clenching around him getting a moan out of him before she fell on the bed not able to hold herself up as the pleasure ran through her body.

Morgan was trying to stay up, but he was still inside of her and when she fell he went with her stopping himself before he crushed her though. "Fuck," he moaned pulling out before thrusting back inside making her whimper.

"Derek," she moaned feeling his hand on her ass, her body was in bliss and with him thrusting in and out still trying to get his release made her cum again clenching him so he couldn't move as he spilled inside of her biting down on her neck made her cry out his name again. She'd have a bruise in the morning but she didn't give a damn.

Morgan reached around pulling her back up on her knees holding her against him once he could move again spanking her ass, "That's for falling down, baby girl," he said thrusting inside her before bringing the paddle down few more times before dropping it, she was screaming her release as he continued to thrust inside her.

Pen reached up pulling him to her kissing him as she tried to come down, but he wasn't having it, he moved his hand down to her clit stroking it. She tried to move out of his grip but he held tight to her as he continued stroking her until she was going over again, her entire body shaking from the pleasure. "Derek, please," she begged, but he wasn't giving her what she wanted thrusting inside of her again moving both his hands up to her breasts cupping them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he played with her nipped pinching them as he bit against her neck, "God, you are fucking tight," he moaned against her neck. Pen moved her hands down to his holding them to her breasts, as he continued to pleasure her.

"You like it that way," Pen said reaching beside her trying to get the paddle, but he knew her, grabbing it instead bringing it in front of her before switching hands before bringing it down on her right butt check making her moan.

"You are loving this, aren't you baby girl?" Morgan asked, "You like getting your ass spanked don't you?" he asked.

"Yes," she whimpered falling forwards onto the bed, but he grabbed her before she could go all the way down.

"What was that, I couldn't hear you," he said.

"Yes, I like getting spanked," Penelope said, "but only by you," she added making sure he knew only he could do this to her, turn her on from spanking her ass.

Derek brought the paddle down couple times more before leaning over her pulling all the way out of her body. "It better only be me, because you know I don't share, sure as hell don't let others take what's mine either," he said before thrusting back in making her cum again as he spanked her few more times before he went over as well. He tossed the paddle down pulling out her and rolling over on his side rubbing her back as she came down.

"Holy shit, give me couple days and you're doing that again," Penelope said turning on her side with a hiss.

"Stay on your stomach," Morgan said, "I'll be right back," he added getting up and going to the bathroom.

"Derek, what are you doing?" she asked, but she didn't get up, her ass hurt, but in a good way, she'd about blacked out from the pleasure he'd just inflicted. She smiled seeing him coming back in the room, however when his hand touched her bottom she jumped away from him rolling over making her yell out, "What the hell?" she asked wincing.

"I told you not to move," he said trying not to laugh at her but he let out a smile as she rolled back on her stomach.

"Well that hurt, the paddle I can take but that, no," Pen said.

"Behave or I'll spank your ass again," Derek said with laugh, before he got on the bed with her pouring little bit of lotion in his hand before rubbing it over her bottom, "Didn't mean to…" he started but she cut him off.

"I told you, I like it, and so what if there is slight sting afterwards, I promise you, I enjoyed it, if you still don't believe me you can check me, I'm dripping wet still," she said before giving him a kiss.

"I just don't want to hurt you," he said, "I won't do it."

"Derek Morgan you dare leave this bed I will spank your ass with that," Penelope said sitting up, "I told you, I asked for this, you did not hurt me, do you understand me," she replied.

"Then why do you look like you're about to cry?" he asked.

"I'm sitting on the lotion bottle," Penelope said standing up and playfully hitting him with the paddle she found, "Like I said few days and you can do that again, but give me time to sit again," she said with smile.

"Okay," Morgan said before picking her up making her squeal.

"Put me down now," Pen said giggling as he kissed her.

"No, not going to happen," Derek said but he'd forgotten about the paddle, however when used it on his ass he remembered. Soon as he sat her down he tried to take it from her, but she had other thoughts on that matter tackling him to the bed giving him a good spanking.

"Bet you never got one these from a girl?" She asked nipping at his neck as he moaned.

"Penelope," he warned, no way in hell was he going to have this turning him on, but it was.

"Derek," she said back with a grin before snaking her hand under him running her fingers over his balls. She leaned down sliding off him kissing his arm, "You look good like this," she said with a giggle spanking him again with a giggle.

"Oh you think its funny do you?" he asked quickly moving to her pinning her arms down kissing her, "I don't think you learned your lesson do you?" he asked.

"Nope, hot stuff, no where near it," she replied, "I think you're going to have to teach me another lesson," she said with a grin.

The next morning they slept in tired from the night before and the morning too. They actually forgot the team was coming by for lunch since Penelope had invited them the night before. It was almost one when they made it out the bedroom finding everybody in the living room.

"Hey, we were wondering if you were alive or dead in there," Will said.

"We about sent Reid in there to find out, but he chickened out on us," JJ said, "Rossi was going to go in if you two didn't show after another hour," she added.

"Why you are walking funny?" Reid asked looking at Penelope and Morgan.

"Yeah, I'd get you Pen, but Derek, what did you two do?" Emily asked.

"I'm guessing that sex toys site," Hotch said with laugh, "Yeah you sent that email to me not your wife," he said before he started laughing and so did everybody else because they all knew since Hotch had told them.

The End

AN: Each story is a story in itself, however this is a series of the different toys they can use on each other. Got any suggestions let me know, bondage too, I'm game if you want to read it, I however won't do a threesome for these two, only Pen and Morgan in this series.