Chapter 4

Through His Eyes: Part 1

I hated doing this shit. It all looked the same to me, why the hell was Alice so adamant about 'the right kind' of medicine? I didn't mind shopping for her and Jasper because they were new to the area, but when Alice says to get 'the right kind' does she mean Children's Tylenol or Children's Motrin? And what flavors? I knew the kids were picky, but they were my little girls and I tried my damned hardest to make sure that Olivia and Melanie got what they wanted.

Cherry or grape?

I narrowed my eyes at the Tylenol, my hand half extended as I tried to decide which flavor to get. I'd come straight to the drug store from the office where I worked as an editor for everything from movies to books to TV advertisements. It was the only company in Seattle that worked on inclusive film footage as it was easier and cheaper for a Hollywood director to begin his career as an editor here. I wasn't CEO but I was on my way. I'd just been given a raise two months ago, and a promotion was promised by the end of the year. Someday soon, I hoped to have my own company similar to my boss's. I was twenty-eight and I was only getting older, though I was the youngest man in the company to ever get to such a high office position.

But I'm a Cullen and defying odds is what we do best.

"Can I help you, sir?"

I dropped my hand and looked over to see a woman in her thirties baring the painfully bright red vest that marked her as an employee here at the drug store. Her eyes scanned me and I sighed to myself, wishing all women weren't so obvious about checking me out. I'd only ever met one who'd been secretive about observing my undeniably good looks, and I hadn't seen her since she broke off our engagement and ran off with my best friend.

I was devastated at first, naturally, but after the first year I came to realize how much of a favor she did me by leaving. I kept in touch with both her and her boyfriend—who was the man she ran away with—when she called a couple months ago and I liked to call both of them my friends now. They were planning on moving to Seattle in a month or so and I was glad to be seeing them. Though she'd broken my heart, I was no longer in love with her and I wished her and her boyfriend all the best. Besides, they were meant for each other anyways, and I only wanted to remain friends, as did they.

The older woman ran her eyes lazily over me once more and I wondered if she could be any more goddamn obvious. I felt my irritation flare. This wouldn't be the first time I wished that I wasn't blessed with the looks I had; it either always made me late or singled me out. Or both.

"Don't you have any kids medicine that's watermelon or blueberry flavored?" I asked her, knowing that Livi and Mel would not appreciate the limited choices. What did Alice buy for them? This shit was way over my head.

The employee finally made eye contact with me. "We only have grape and cherry, sir." God, even her voice annoyed me. I needed to get out of here; I'd been in my work clothes too long, my feet were aching from the uncomfortable shoes I was forced to wear, and my muscles were tense, begging to be loosened.

I looked back to the shelves in front of me and grabbed one Children's Tylenol of each. To hell with it. It was ridiculous that I had stood there for five minutes decided on flavor when it was clear that there were only two choices and it wasn't like I didn't have goddamn money to spare, because I had plenty.

"Are you ready to be checked out, sir?" the woman asked, her voice entwined with a strange undercurrent. I didn't miss the double meaning and added in my own head that I'd been checked out enough to last a lifetime.

"Uh…" I looked at the medication in my hands, debating if I should look around a little more; but I needed to go home and that made my decision. I still had to run over to Alice's place tonight and that was at least a forty minute drive from here, then another half an hour to my own house… "Yeah."

She smiled at me and motioned for me to follow her. "I can help you on register one."

I nodded and fell into step behind her, not missing the fact that she swayed her hips exaggeratedly when she walked. I looked at the back of her sandy hair and realized that she was pretty. Long legs, terrific ass, and a slim little waist to complete the package. Why was it I never noticed these things at first glance? It was like I was losing interest in all women and that scared me. I was young and hot and male…I shouldn't be just watching all the girls go by and not giving it a second thought. I eventually wanted a family, I eventually wanted to settle down…but if I kept ignoring the advances of women, that was never going to happen. And for me to not realize their assets until too late? It's unnatural for a man.

God, please don't tell me I'm gay.

The woman walked around a counter and I squinted against the glare off her nametag. Jennifer.

I placed my items on the counter and she scanned them over the scanner, her eyes not-so-secretively glancing up to look at me every two seconds or so. I sighed as she slowly dragged a plastic bag out and began to become impatient again. My hands itched to run through my hair with habit.

"Ouch! Goddamn it!" a woman yelled from some aisle of the store. I looked over, as did a few other people, to see deep brown hair pinned up against a head and a great ass tucked into a pencil skirt that looked like it'd seen better days. She was wearing scuffed heels that clicked against the tile and her arms were full of bottles of medicine that she dumped on a check-out counter with her back to me. She shook a hand and brought it to her mouth; I wondered what she did to herself fleetingly and smiled bemusedly at the woman though I couldn't see her face. It was clear she had her hands full. And it was also a relief to realize that I'd noticed her ass and wasn't getting all homosexual.

"Sir? Your total would be eight forty-two."

I brought my attention back to the woman named Jennifer and fished around in my pocket for my wallet. I fingered over the two hundred dollar bills hidden at the back and pulled out a ten, setting it down on the table. Jennifer rang it up and handed me my change, nearly insisting that I come back very, very soon. I said a polite goodbye and grabbed my bag, ready to get the hell out of there.

It was raining harder outside that it had been when I arrived and I knew that I'd been in the store for way too long. I swore and started across the lot, trying to hurry to keep from getting too soaked through. The cars in the lot were parked kind of close together and I had to weave through them to get to my Volvo, sitting on the far end. I always parked as far away as I could because I loved exercise, even a short little walk, now, though, I was regretting that stupid ass decision. The rain was starting to slam so hard into my head I was getting a goddamn headache.

Of course, I never saw it coming; it was much too fast for me.

I was hurrying through the last couple of cars when a rusty piece of crap's door to my right swung open wildly and hit me fast and hard in the balls. I sucked in a breath and grunted, dazed by the pain and I stumbled towards the car that had harassed me, leaning my leg against it. The agony in my lower regions was only diverted some when I heard a woman speaking in a flurry, her words jumbling together as she spoke. I opened my eyes—not realizing I'd closed them—and saw that same messy hairdo getting pummeled by the rain and the same brown pencil skirt that made her ass look so good standing right before me.

I knew I was definitely, one-hundred percent not gay when I looked at her face. The lights from the store behind me lit up her embarrassed and guilty expression while I knew mine was in the dark. Thank God for that; it meant she couldn't see the way my eyes dragged up her slender legs, stared at the curves of her body, and lingered on her neck and lips.

I was still holding onto myself though the appearance of this woman chased away most of the pain. She was beautiful, I realized, not merely pretty. Her face was heart-shaped, with gentle curving cheek bones and wide chocolate eyes that were horrified. Her lips were full and plump the bottom slightly larger than the top, and, though I know it was silly to notice, she had the cutest little ears.

And then I realized she was talking to me.

"Oh…God…I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed, slamming her car door shut. It squeaked and protested against the movement. "I didn't see you there! Oh my God! Are you okay?"

I dragged in a breath to answer her. "If you give me a minute, I'll be fine."

"God, I'm sorry," she apologized again. I looked up at her through squinting eyes. Through the rain, I could see that she really was quite…well, pretty didn't cover it, really.

I took another moment to make sure I was completely fine before straightening up and forcing a small smile. "I'm fine," I said.

She frowned. "Are you sure? I'm such a klutz; I can, you know, pay for…um, damage?"

I had to laugh. Damage was right! She blushed an even brighter shade of red than before, and I wondered how a woman obviously out of high school was still blushing like a little girl. And then, I wondered why I thought it was cute.

"No, no," I said through my laughter, "I don't want to take any of your money." I brought my hand down on the hood of her car. "And no worries; no damage. At least, no permanent damage." I couldn't help but laugh again.

"I'm still sorry," she said, biting her lip—something that looked as if it were an unconscious gesture. "Need any ibuprofen? I have a ton in my car if you—."

I cut her off, smiling at her fumbling. "Really, miss, I'm fine."

She nodded slowly, still unsure obviously. "Uhm, okay then."

"Thanks though," I told her. And because after a second or two I realized I was wet from my head to my goddamn feet—which still hurt like a bitch—and that I was staring openly at the woman, I awkwardly picked up my bags, shaking them. It was a stupid thing to do since it was pouring so hard, but my head wasn't really on straight as I was tired and trying to look impressive for this woman for no reason that I could identify with myself.

As I went to pass her, she flattened her back against her car and I found myself holding my breath as my body brushed sensually against hers. I resented and tried to fight back the sudden pangs of desire because though I'd had a couple of one night stands in my past before, there was something about her that told me she wasn't like those other women. That, and I didn't want to come off as a man-whore either. Alice told me it was an 'unattractive quality'. Whatever. It's not like I banged a different woman every night.

I walked away from her, feeling her eyes on my back as I retreated. I froze when I heard her voice through the rain calling out to me.

"Wait!" she said. Did I drop something? I turned and the light fell on my face, exposing my quizzical expression to her. I couldn't see her face, but her stance told me she was embarrassed.

"Did I drop something?" I asked, vocalizing my thought.

"No, but, um…" she trailed off nervously and I felt myself becoming even more confused, and a little irritated. I was raining pretty goddamn hard right now and all I wanted to do was go home, dry off, and sleep. I still had things to do before I could do that and this woman was making me stand in the rain.

But I realized suddenly that I didn't have to remain here. I was doing it because I wanted to. I wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Yeah?" I prompted when she didn't reply.

She started after another moment. "My car is—."

I knew where she was going with this instantly. The piece of shit had broken down on her at the most opportune moment. Yeah, I remember those god-awful high school days. "You need a ride," I said, grinning at her.

She nodded. "Could you…?"

I knew I was cranky, but I surprised myself when I gestured my head in the direction of my own car and said, "I'm over here." She turned to get her belongings out of her car as I made the last few feet to my vehicle and slid in, tossing the soaking bag of medicine over my shoulder. Stupid fucking rain. The seats were going to be ruined from all the goddamn water.

The passenger door suddenly opened just as I started the car and the woman slid in. I put on a friendly face and smiled at her. "Where to?" I asked.

She hesitated before clearing her throat. "Uh…just get on this road here,"—she pointed to the one in front of us—"and follow it south. I'll tell you which streets when we get close."

I nodded and put the car in reverse. "So…who are you going home to?" Was I being too forward? I didn't want to scare her off, but I was curious if she had a boyfriend or a husband.

"It's actually my sister's house," she told me quietly. "My daughter got the flu. I had to run to the store to get medicine because my sister was all out."

"Oh," I said, surprised, as I turned onto the road she'd pointed out. "What's your daughter's name?" I didn't necessarily love children, but I loved my nieces to pieces. I let my eyes glance at her left hand, but no golden shine bounced off a wedding band. I still wondered if she had a boyfriend.

"Kailee," she told me, her voice full of love and pride.

"Yeah? How old is she?" I pressed. I slammed my foot on the break at the sudden traffic stop in front of me and swore. "Sorry," I told her.

She adjusted in her seat and chuckled a little. "It's okay. Um, Kailee is six. She's a genius, and she's all mine."

I nodded appreciatively and lightly stepped on the gas pedal. "…her father?"

Her attitude shifted immediately. "Asshole. Soul-sucker," she said venomously, crossing her arms over her chest. It pushed her breasts together and when I glanced at her at a stop light, my eyes wandered to the cleavage peeking up from under the lace-trimmed shirt.

"So…no boyfriend?" I asked, my eyes glued to her chest. I was only human, and I was a man. A man who hadn't had sex in a while. A stressed, over-worked man who's pants were suddenly feeling a little tight sitting in this dark car with a beautiful woman.

"Um, aren't you going to go?" she asked in a small voice.

"What?" I replied, shaking my head. Horns started honking and I looked out the window to see a green light. "Ah, fuck!" I glanced at the woman's shocked face. "Shit! I mean—."

"Go!" she laughed, pointing at the road.

I stomped on the gas pedal and we shot forwards as the lights turned yellow. Silence settled over the car and in my embarrassment, I'd forgotten that I'd asked her a question. After the woman told me which street to turn on, she broke the stillness.

"No boyfriend," she said. I looked over at her, the streetlights lighting up her face, and it was so sad. Her face looked so downcast, her voice so broken. I felt awful for ever asking my question in the first place, it was obvious that she hadn't been taken care of by any man. She'd been hurt before.

It was silent again in the car unless she was telling me which streets to take. I could see her face grow more worried the farther along we got and when we finally pulled up in front of what she proclaimed to be her sister's daycare, she looked like a wreck.

"Thank you," she said gratefully as she grabbed her shopping bag and pulled the hood of her jacket over her falling hairdo. "I don't even know your name…" She started digging in her purse for something.

"Edward," I supplied, smiling crookedly at her. "Edward Cullen."

She pulled out a wallet and opened it, taking a five dollar bill into her hand. I had no idea what she was doing with it. "Thank you for helping me, Edward Cullen," she told me, extending the bill towards me.

It dawned on me and I shook my head, refusing. "Keep it," I insisted.

She frowned at me. "But I insist!" She jerked her hand towards me again. "It's the least I can do—I know it's not much, but…I don't know, you could use it for gas or something." This money would buy two gallons of gas; that wouldn't do any good for me. Was five dollar bills all this woman could afford for gas? I was secretly astonished by her suddenly apparent lack of money. I realized it then, that she was living with her sister; the poor, beautiful woman was living with her sister. I didn't think she wanted empathy, so I went with the emotion that came from seeing her insistence. Amusement.

I shook my head again. "It's fine…?" I realized I didn't know her name.

"Bella….Swan," she told me. Bella Swan. I didn't think I would forget. Even her name means beautiful.

"Bella," I said with a chuckle, "I don't need you to pay me for helping you. Besides, I'd do anything for a beautiful woman, no fee." I wondered, as I grinned at her, if she caught my double meaning. On their own accord, my eyes darted back down to her chest, even though her cleavage wasn't showing anymore.

She blushed; what was she thinking? "I…well, thank you, Edward. But, please. I insist—."

I reached out and folded her fingers back over the bill. "Keep it, Bella. I don't need you to pay me for helping you out." Did she just shiver or was that my imagination? "If you don't hurry, your daughter might get worse," I told her.

"Oh…Oh! God, Kailee!" she exclaimed, shoving the bill back into her wallet, and her wallet into her purse. "Thank you, Edward! I can't thank you enough!"

I watched as she left hurriedly with her bag and her purse, slamming the door behind her without a second glance back at me. I kept my car parked in front of the friendly—but worn-looking—daycare for a few minutes before I really realized what this meant.

Great! I could tell Alice about this place. She needed a place to send the kids, and if Bella was living here, maybe I'd eventually get a chance to get her number…It'd been far too long since I'd been with a woman, goddamn it. My pants were still feeling a little too tight from watching Bella Swan's ass sway as she ran into the house.

"Fantastic," I muttered to myself as I put the car in drive and pulled away, ingraining the address of the daycare into my brain. I began to think of things that would help make my hard-on disappear by the time I reached my sister's.


"It's about time! Jesus, Edward, what the hell took so long?"

"It's nice to see you too, Alice," I said sarcastically, pushing past my sister and into her house with the bags of medicine.

"Don't give me lip! My daughter is burning up with fever and you were off doing God knows what!" she exaggerated as she closed the door behind me. "I'm new to this area, Edward, and if I can't count on you to help me out, I—."

"Alice," I said sharply as I finally got my feet out of the goddamn shoes I hated so much. "I was helping someone else too, okay? She needed a ride home."

She rolled her eyes and took the medicine from me, leading the way to her kitchen. "And let me guess, you have a date Saturday night in which you will take her back to your condo, sleep with her, and hope she's gone when you wake up. Am I right?"

I clenched my teeth together. "I don't sleep around anymore. I've told you that."

"But you used to," she shot back at me.

"Don't you dare go calling back on the past! Until recently, you were gone for three years from my life! You don't know me anymore!"

"Uncle Edward?"

"Mellie, don't—."

Alice's daughter, Melanie, came racing around the corner, her face stretched into a huge grin. Jasper, Alice's husband, chased after her, his face distressed. Clearly he was the one who told Melanie not to come in, hearing me and Alice fight again. Alice and I had fought often within the past two weeks that she moved out here with Jasper and their daughters, but it would get better once we knew each other again…and once neither one of us was stressed out.

"Hey you!" I exclaimed as she collided into my legs and held on tightly. "Feeling any better?"

"Oh yes! Daddy took me to play in the pawk today!" she crowed happily. Jasper shot me an apologetic look as he came to stand next to his wife. She was still glaring at me, but when Jasper kissed her cheek and took the medicine from her hands, she softened a little.

"The park!" I gasped. "Did you have fun?" I bent down to her level and kissed her cheek, which made her giggle.


I laughed. "How's Livi doing?"

She suddenly frowned. "Oh. Mommy said she's still sick. She won't let me see her cause she doesn't want me to get sick again."

I stood up after kissing her forehead once and pushing back her blonde curls. "Mommy is being smart." I turned to Alice. "Can I see her before I leave?"

Alice gave me the stink eye for another minute before sighing and stepping forward. "Come on."

"Can I come, Mommy?" Melanie asked.

She shook her head. "No, baby. Go find Daddy and tell him—."

"To bring the drugs back," I interrupted, snickering.

"Edward!" Alice scolded, slapping my arm. I probably deserved it for telling her daughter to ask her father for 'the drugs'. But I was Alice's brother; it was my job to annoy her.

"Okay!" Melanie sang, rushing out of the room before Alice could tell her no. She turned to glare at me but I was still chuckling and she couldn't hold the angry expression for long.

"God, you're immature. I can't believe you're older than me," she said, leading me back to where Olivia was.

I shrugged as she reached for a doorknob and twisted it. "Some things never change."

"Thanks for the obvious," she retorted, pushing the door open.

"Any day," I told her with a grin, walking past her into the room. The walls were ballerina pink and there was a picture of a pair of dance shoes hanging next to the little window. Olivia—looking nearly identical to her younger sister Melanie—was lying on her stomach, her feet kicked up behind her and a easy-to-read book spread out in front of her. She glanced up at us and her face lit up, and though I could tell she was still recovering from sickness, she looked overjoyed to see us.

"Uncle Edward!" she exclaimed, scrambling off the bed and running towards me. She was five where Melanie was three.

"Hey, Livi!" I said earnestly as I bent down to hug her.

"Olivia Rae Whitlock, get your butt back in bed," Alice scolded.

Olivia pulled away from me and pouted. "But I don't feel as bad, Mommy."

I laughed and mussed her bed hair gently. "Just listen to your mommy, Livi."

She huffed. "Fine."

Jasper strode into the room with the cherry flavored medicine I'd bought. "Did someone tell Melanie to bring the drugs back or did she pick that up from school?"

"What are drugs, Daddy?" Olivia asked as she sat back in bed and closed her book.

"It was Edward," Alice snitched, reaching up high to muss my hair.

"Should've known," Jasper muttered as he knelt next to Olivia's bed and poured a teaspoon. He helped her drink it, and I chuckled at the face she made as it went down, before asking again.

"What are drugs, Daddy?"

"Nothing, sweetheart," he said, kissing her forehead. "Get some sleep, okay?"


He gave me a playful punch in the shoulder as he passed me to exit the room. I rubbed my eyes as Alice bid her daughter goodnight. Damn, I was tired.

"Night, Uncle Edward," Livi said sweetly as I kissed her nose.

"Sweet dreams, Liv. I'll see you tomorrow at Grandma's, okay?"

She nodded. "Okay. I love you."

I smiled. "Love you too, kid."

Alice and I left her room quietly and her face was thoughtful when she turned to me once the door was shut behind us.

"Why aren't you married yet, Edward?" she asked me.

I shrugged as I started down the hall. "Haven't found the one, I guess," I told her.

"You're twenty eight, Edward."


"So?" she asked incredulously. "So, you haven't had a steady girlfriend since Rosalie broke it off with you two years ago! You're great with kids, hun, and you've got so much to offer; it can't be by woman's choice you are single right now."

"No," I said sharply as I reached the entryway and started to slip back on the shoes from hell. "It's my fault I'm not dating, you're right. But I haven't had time, Al. I've got my job."

"You don't want to get hurt again."


"I can tell you don't love Rosalie anymore, but you're afraid of getting hurt like that again, aren't you?"

"I'm freaking tired," I muttered. "I have to get home."

"Answer the question, Edward."

"Night, Jazz; Night Mel!" I called as I rested my hand on the doorknob. Their chorused shouts of goodnight echoed after mine and I opened the door. It had stopped raining.

"Answer the goddamn question!" Alice insisted. I didn't answer her at first as I struggled to keep my emotions in check. She had to know that she was right.

I glowered at her. "What do you want me to say, Alice?"

"Tell me you're happy," she pleaded.

"I'm happy," I said, but my voice came out flat and dead.

She sighed and reached out to grip my arm. "Edward…"

"I'll call you tomorrow and tell you how to get to this daycare I found for the kids," I told her, shaking her hands off. "It's a nice place and I think the girls will love it."

She straightened. "You found us a daycare?"

"You wanna know where the hell I was before coming over? That's where," I confirmed, nodding my head.

Suddenly, she threw her arms around me. "Oh my God, Edward, thank you! You don't know how stressed I've been about that! I was worried I wouldn't be able to get a job, but if this place really works out…"

I hoped it would, not just for the Whitlocks, but maybe for me. Maybe I wanted to see Bella Swan again.

"I'm sure it will," I told her as she drew away from me.

"Oh my God. I can't believe you actually did something useful for me. And I didn't even have to ask! Oh! You're the best brother ever! Now go! You look tired. Don't forget to call me in the morning!"

I rolled my eyes but smiled as I left the house and shut the door behind me, finally recognizing the Alice I'd grown up with. The woman knew how to talk, and damn, did she use it. She could get anyone to agree to anything from her endless chatter. She used to be worse in high school; I was just glad things had changed since then.

When I got home half an hour later, I realized it was almost nine already. I groaned and flopped on my bed. Work was going to be a bitch tomorrow because I knew that my secretary Tanya—who'd I'd made the mistake of sleeping with once after Rosalie dumped me—would being trying twice as hard to seduce me, and because I wasn't halfway through with a project that was supposed to be completed by Friday; three days from now.

The only thing I held onto was tomorrow after work…seeing Alice and Jasper and their kids again…and maybe another 'accidental' run in with Bella Swan.


Taylor: OMFG. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I promised Nicole I'd take on this project; writing from Edward's perspective. Part 2 is yet to come, so the next chapter will also be Edward. I love writing from Edward's POV so I'm sure there'll be more of his perspective to come in the future. Don't hate us! We're so sorry! D: We still love reviews though…lol.

Nicole: She's not all to blame, guys. :( I haven't gotten ANYTHING done for Technicolor either. We've both decided to take on these last chapters as our own projects so that we could get more work done, seeing as how we both had killer writer's blocks—Taylor with Tech. and me with Perm. We just decided, "Screw it! Let's switch." So we did and I have been so busy, I forgot about it. :( Well, it's almost summer. Maybe things will get better? Sorry for the lack of updates. :(