Just a simple kiss

By: Blackened Gem

Written: 2/8/10

Gem: Hey Everyone! This is Allessaria Marie. I've decided to write a AtemxAnzu (Tea) Fan fic. I don't like her Japanese name but I will use it for this fic. It was a short idea that came to my head while I was writing another fanfic and I haven't written a fanfiction with that couple. So please know, this will be posted for Valentine's day a little early or may be a little late. Hope you all enjoy!



"Person on the other line"

February 9th, 2010

'Five more days until Valentine's day.' Where the words that crossed the girls mind. The sapphire eyed female looked away from her calendar and went back to working on her homework. 'Makes me wonder if he even has picked anyone for the dance.' Anzu Mazaki, a Junior in high school and best friend of the ever so popular, Atemu Mutou. The brunette sighed as she leaned back in her seat at her desk and looked at the ceiling, "Who am I kidding, he has tons of girls to ask. To him, I'm just a best friend. And he wouldn't want some one to hold him down while he went off to college." Her cellphone suddenly sounded off, causing her to groan and reach for the evil little annoying contraption.

"Hello?" She said in to the phone, wondering who would be calling her at this time of night.

"Anzu? It's Atemu." The person on the other side said, making Anzu's eyes widen with surprise and yet happiness.

"Atemu! What are you doing calling me so late in the evening?" She asked, knowing fully well he wasn't one to call at such an inappopriate time of the day.

"Well..." He chuckled nervously to himself "Ummm...I need some help on the math homework." Anzu blinked and then narrowed her eyes as she thought for a moment, 'Atemu has a good grade in math. Why would he be asking for help?' "What do you need help with?" She asked.

"Wait...Did I say math? I meant the English." Boy was he having a hard time getting the right things out of his mouth.

Anzu couldn't help but chuckle to herself "Is there something specific you wanted to say?" She asked, knowing that he had a good grade in that class as well. A sigh escaped from the male's lips on the other side of the phone as well as a chuckle.

"Damn, You know me too well Anzu. The real reason as to why I was calling is to ask what you were doing for the Valentine's day dance this Friday." He had hoped that no one had asked her to go to the dance that night, other wise they would have had to deal with a jealous and evil scheming Atemu.

Anzu sighed, "No, no one has. I may not even do anything that night." She said softly as she looked at the picture she had on her desk. It was of her and Atemu from the fair earlier that year. Atemu was quiet for a moment and then took a deep breath.

"Then, meet me by your locker tomorrow. I want to ask you two things." It was Anzu's turn to be quiet for a moment. "Alright then. After school?" She asked, a little hesitant at first.

"Actually, at lunch if you don't mind." Was her answer.

The brunette bit her lower lip and then nodded, knowing he couldn't see the nod, "Alright then, I'll meet you at my locker at lunch tomorrow." She spoke softly. In her mind, she was doing a happy dance.

Atemu noticed how quiet she was and wanted to ask her if she was okay, but didn't. "Then, I'll see you tomorrow I suppose." He said, not really wanting to hang up. 'I'll make you happy. If I don't I'll at least try.' He silently promised the female. "Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Was all she said and they both hung up, sighing afterward.

Gem: Woot! First chapter done! Please tell me what you think and be nice about in your reviews. It's my first time writing an AtemuxAnzu fanfic and I know it's a bit short but I really wanted this up before Valentine's day.

Atemu:.... When do we get to the good part?

Gem: Soon Atemu, Soon.

Joey: So impatient.

Atemu: xP Shhh!!!!

Gem: Read and Review please!