Title: The Animal in You

Pairings: Main: Wolf/Yuuri Side: Various

Rating: T (Just to be safe!)

Genre: Romance/Humor

Disclaimer: If I owned it I would have had Wolf and Yuuri together by now and doing other things too, instead of writing FANfiction. So I don't own it.

Summary: AU Yuuri finds a cute, but prissy, blonde cat adopts the cat and names it Wolfgang. When the cat sneaks out through the window Yuuri looks for him and finds Wolfgang with an all-black cat. The black cat's owner, however, is a cute blonde named Wolfram. Will these animals bring these two strangers together?

Prologue: Angry Kitty

I'll never forget when I found him. I was walking home from class in the rain since my apartment wasn't that far away from the college I attended. I heard a rustling sound coming from an over turned, soggy, cardboard box. Being a curious guy, I lifted the box and saw a poor, wet, scrawny, hungry blonde kitten with darker blonde stripes.

The poor little guy rushed backwards so he would be sheltered by the cardboard box. His large, green eyes looked up at me angrily but he mewed a weak pathetic meow. I couldn't help but sigh to myself; there was no way I could leave this kitten out in the rain. My conscience wouldn't allow it. So I knelt down and gently scooped the blonde kitten up. The kitten obviously was used to human contact because he instantly started to struggle out of my grasp. Ignoring the kitten's squirming, I picked him up and hid him underneath my coat and shielded him from the rain. I then raced home before I picked up any more strays.

Through that event I somehow found myself with a snobby, prissy, and uptight pet cat. Now I know when I tell people this they say that cats are prissy by nature. That is true and I already knew that. However, this cat abused the privilege. I'm telling you one time I bought him generic cat food and he could totally tell the difference! I was officially snubbed for a week!

The second thing people ask me was how on earth does your cat act snobby? To answer that you just have to meet my cat—enough said. Wolfgang is one snobby cat and when he wants attention you better give it to him.

And yes, you heard correctly. My cat's name is Wolfgang. In my defense, my music appreciation class was going in depth with the life and the work of Wolfgang Amadeus. For some strange reason the name just seemed to fit. That's why I named the cat Wolfgang or just simply nicknamed Wolf.

"Eh, Shibuya?" My friend Murata sighed in exasperation and snapped me out of my musing. "You do realize that your apartment is here?" He joked holding one of my grocery bags tucked under his arm. I smiled sheepishly as I started to walk back and shuffled my grocery bags around in my arms as I attempted to find my keys.

"Eh, sorry." I chuckled nervously as I unlocked the door. "I don't know where my mind was." I continued while I nudged the door open.

"Ah, it's okay Shibuya." Murata laughed, as he walked into the kitchen and placed the bag on the counter. "We can blame it on mid-term—GAHHH!" Whatever Murata was trying to say quickly turned into a cry of pain.

"Murata?" I asked worriedly as I quickly turned around. The worry for my friend quickly left and I breathed out an exasperated sigh when I saw my cat, Wolfgang, with his claws embedded into Murata's jean covered leg.

"Gash! Let me go you demon cat!" Murata half demanded and half cried as he shook his leg vigorously in an attempt to get the cat off his leg.

I sighed to myself as I watched the display. Those two were always doing these types of things. Anytime Murata's walked into the apartment he'd be attacked by a blur of blonde fur. Then Murata would scream and try and attack Wolfgang. Honestly, you'd think this whole thing would have gotten old for the both of them.

"Murata stop!" I rolled my eyes as I walked over to help my friend and my cat. Murata gritted his teeth but relented in shaking his leg.

"I don't know why you're in so much pain. You're wearing jeans," I sighed as I kneeled down on the floor so I was close to my cat attached to my best friend's leg.

"Come and talk to me when you have this insane demon cat's claws in your leg." Murata sniffed indignantly. "This is why I'm a dog person." Murata growled as he pointed at down at Wolfgang.

I rolled my eyes at my friend's behavior before I called out sweetly, "Here Wolfgang. C'mere boy."

I swear the cat looked up and glared at Murata before he finally released my best friend's leg. He then jumped into my arms, purring loudly into my chest, but continued to watch Murata.

"Demon cat." Murata growled as he sat down on one of the chairs around the kitchen table. I rolled my eyes again before I sat down in the chair beside Murata with Wolfgang still cuddled into my chest. "You think I'm joking? I swear Shibuya, you're the only one that that cat likes." My friend continued to seethe as he rubbed his leg.

I simply nodded at that statement. As pathetic as it sounded, I was the only person that the cat actually liked. Wolfgang would attack Murata anytime he entered the apartment but that was true for everyone that came to visit. My friend Alford is the only person that Wolfgang wouldn't hurt since Al has fast reflexes. He always dodged Wolfgang's attacks with ease.

Murata's eyes then narrowed as he glared at Wolfgang, "We need to get him a girl cat to keep him occupied so he can leave me the hell alone."

People say that animals couldn't understand languages, or display emotions, but I swear after Murata said that Wolfgang started to glare back at my bespectacled friend. I'm telling you I could see sparks flaring across the table. Who knew my best friend's nemesis, would end up being my cat?

"Eh, no." I uncomfortably laughed. "I think one cat is enough, thanks." Murata hummed in agreement as Wolfgang hopped off my lap and strutted out of the kitchen.

That's right, you heard me correctly. The cat strutted out of the kitchen.

Murata quirked his eyebrow, while I shrugged, "eh, Wolfgang has been wandering off a lot lately."

"I know; he normally he likes to torture me a little longer," Murata shrugged, "not that I'm complaining."

"Well since we don't have to worry about Wolfgang torturing you, how about we start studying for our philosophy class?" I offered.

After Murata and I studied and went over our philosophy lessons, ate pizza, and procrastinated even more by watching some TV, it was really late and we both had an early morning mid-term exam. Murata gathered up his things before he waved goodbye and walked outside to his apartment that was ironically in the apartment complex right across the street from mine. I was about to take a quick shower before going to bed before I realized that I hadn't seen Wolfgang since afternoon.

'That is not like him….where is that cat?' I thought to myself as I wondered throughout my apartment looking for a tuft of blond fur.

So instead of taking a shower I spent an hour and a half looking for my cat. I checked inside the dirty clothes hamper, under the couch, under the chairs, under the bed, around the bookshelves, and literally searched high and low for Wolfgang. I was really starting to get worried. Sure my place was a decent size but I should have found the cat by now!

"Where are you Wolfgang?" I tiredly called out as I leaned against a wall. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 1:45 in the morning. A part of me was telling me that I should just go to bed and look for the cat after the exam, but the other part was telling me to keep looking for Wolfgang since I wouldn't be able to sleep until I found him anyway. Rubbing my temples in frustration and tiredness I went over to close the living room's window.

"What's this?" I asked myself as I examined the window's screen. I leaned over and expected the screen further and saw what seemed to be a little tear on the screen. I reached my hand over to inspect the damage only to find that the corner of the screen was torn in a way that made the screen act more like a flap. Wait…the window's screen was torn, and acted like a flap? That could only mean one thing.

Wolfgang had gotten outside!

I raced to the front door grabbing my jacket and toeing on a pair of well-worn sneakers before I ran outside. I raced down the steps and outside of the apartments . I was so worried; Wolfgang hasn't been outside since I found him in the cardboard box. Maybe I could find him before he got hurt, or worse. With that thought in mind, I gritted my teeth and raced down alley's looking behind garbage cans and looking everywhere else I could think of.

"Wolfgang!" I called out exhaustedly. I was about to give up before I saw some movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked over and saw two cats underneath the light of a street lamp rolling around on the sidewalk playfully. I squinted my eyes and saw that one cat, the one that was on its back on the sidewalk, was an all-black cat; the other cat was a blonde looking cat with a bright blue collar.

Wait…blonde cat and blue collar? That had to be Wolfgang!

I slowly walked towards Wolfgang so I would not startle him and called out sweetly, "Here Wolfgang, here boy." Wolfgang glanced at me before meowing loudly. Biting my lip I quickly scooped my cat up before he had the chance to run away. I was about to turn to leave and go back home and go to bed but I stopped when I felt something brushing up against my leg. I paused mid-step before I looked down and saw the black cat rubbing up against my legs as he started to purr loudly.

"Well aren't you a sweet thing," I cooed as I kneeled down and rubbed the black cat's ear with my free hand. The cat leaned more into my palm and I couldn't help but smile at the black cat. It was nice to meet a cat that was nice and actually liked people. The cat leaned his head further to the side and I saw a shiny green collar around his neck.

"Ne, what's this?" I muttered to myself as I turned the expensive looking collar to the side and saw the cat's tag, "So, your name is Juli? And let's see according to your tag you live in," I paused to whistle appreciatively at the address, "in a really nice part of Boston! Hey it even has your owner's name on here. Let's see they go by the name Von Bielefeld."

I stared back down at the black cat which purred contently as I rubbed his ear. I sighed in defeat before I scooped Juli up in my free arm. I suppose I could always drop this cat off at its home after my mid-term tomorrow. I'm pretty sure this cat's owner was just as worried about their cat as I was about Wolfgang. I'm pretty sure Juli wasn't an outside cat since this cat was well groomed, not to mention he was wearing a fancy collar.

I looked down at Wolfgang in one arm and Juli in the other before I smile at the black cat. "Don't worry Juli. First thing tomorrow, after my test, I'll take you home." I promised, and Juli meowed in agreement as Wolfgang made a sort of snorting sound.

"That's enough from you." I commented, narrowing my eyes at my blonde cat. Wolfgang, however, just glared up at me challengingly. "That's right Wolf, I'm talking to you." I continued as I carried both cats to my apartment. Wolfgang looked up at me and loudly meowed as I rolled my eyes at my cat's stubbornness at always wanting to have the last word.