Hi everyone!

...this the first time i'm publishing something on this website...i hope everything will go smoothly XD

Here you, go this is my first thing published ever...i posted it on deviantArt a while back and finally decided to upload it here too...i was shy i guess XD.

Anyway, hope you like it!

Oh and i hope i'm going to be able to turn this into a series of random silly happy (or not) one-shots about nejiten. Wish me luck!



Pairing(s)/fandom: Nejiten (duh) - Naruto
Word count: 390
Prompt(s) used: Bathrobe and dialogue somehow? (nejitenplz group prompts)
Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to kishimoto. I am not kishimoto

Dedication: to E, (I . Heart . Hatake . Kakashi/Sorceress2000) with whom i co-mod the nejiten fanfic writing group "nejitenplz" on dA and who helped me a lot with my self esteem as a writer :D


Neji raised his head from the book he was reading as he heard Tenten come out of the bathroom.

"Hn, so this is why I can never find it…," he commented, raising an eyebrow at his girlfriend's choice of attire.

"What are you talking about?" she asked after she finally managed to wrap her towel around her long hair for it to dry more easily. Turning towards the Hyuuga, she could now see him roaming his eyes over her body, slowly appraising her form.

"Oh" she realized, "you mean this thing?" she finished, gesturing to the dark blue bathrobe she was wearing.

"Yes, as I seem to recall, it's mine." Neji teasingly answered, discarding his book on the nearby table after carefully marking his page. He straightened and smirked, "and I think you do have your own."

"Oh please, yours is so much more comfortable," stated the kunoichi "and you know hot pink is so not my color anyway, I don't know what went through Sakura's and Ino's heads when they offered me that pink horror for my last birthday" she finished while her male companion, amused, stood up and walked towards her. "Well, I obviously can't wear the pink one so you're going to have to give me back my bathrobe at some point, you know" Neji remarked.


"And why not?" asked a half-surprised Neji after his girlfriend quick and definitive reply.

"Well, because I like using it, duh" smartly answered Tenten with a flirting smile that melted Neji's inside into goo.

"Oh really now? Well, I have to admit it does look good on you," smoothly retorted the male. He put his hands on the girl's waist and leaned close to whisper in her ear, sending shivers down her spine "but I know something that would look even better on you right now…" He smirked as he looked at her, seeing her blush as she urged him on by putting her arms around his neck and leaning into him. "Hmm," he continued, now nuzzling her neck, slowly kissing a particular spot making the girl lean her head back to give him more access "your training clothes would be perfect right now, we're late".

Neji had barely enough time to avoid the fist his girlfriend aimed at his face. This training session was going to be very interesting...