Hinata's eyes slowly crept open. The pain from the bright light hitting her eyes didn't come close to matching the pain in her stomach. She sighed. She knew that Tsunade would have her head for this. Afterall, she was told that she might reopen her wounds again and she still went on the mission. "I didn't want to say I told you so, but I did." She looked up to where the voice came from.

Tsunade stood there leaning against the doorway. "Kiba and Sakura told me of what happened during the mission."She uncrossed her arms and walked to Hinata's bed. "Hinata, on top of that, you've been acting strange lately..I have a few things I need to ask you about." Hinata inched back in the bed uncomfortably.

She looked down and broke eye contact with Tsunade. "I...I dont know what you're talking about. And I won't answer any of your questions!" she yelled. "I knew it...you're acting strange...more like aggressive. I think the black blood is starting to take its effect. Hinata, we need to stop this before it takes over you. You're already becoming unstable." Hinata flew the covers off and stood up.

"She shouldnt even be able to stand with a wound that severe.." Tsunade took note. "You don't know anything! I can handle this myself! I'm fine!" Tsunade looked at her sadly. "Hinata...You yelled in Naruto's face the other day. He thinks you hate him. The black blood is consuming you Hinata. We need to stop it before it's too late."

Pain surged through Hinata's chest. "ugnngh!" She fell to her knees and clutches her head with her other hand. "Ts..Tsun-nade...sama...p-please...make it s-stop.." Hinata's byakugan automatically activated again and her eyes began to change between black and white just as they did before.

Tsunade kneeled down before her. "Hinata! Crap...this is a lot worse than I had imagined. Hang in there, please Hinata!" Tsunade slammed her fist on the button to call the nurses. "yes?" the nurse inquired. "Get everyones asses in here now! We need to stablize her immediately!" "Hai, Tsunade-sama! Right away!" Tsunade quickly held hinata down on the bed and waited for the nurses to come while Hinata struggled.

Soon as they arrived they prepared a syringe to put Hinata to sleep with. "inject her quickly." "Hai, Tsunade-sama!" Once the nurse pressed the syringe against Hinata's arm the needle bent. "N...No way! Tsunade-sama..." Tsunade bit her lip and tried to think of something quickly.

"Damnit...the black blood is just too strong. its like lead..We'll have to put her asleep using ninjutsu." Tsunade stood up and performed the required hand seals. "but Tsunade-sama! That sleeping jutsu is too strong! She'll never wake up!" one of the nurses exclaimed.

"No...because we have the right person to wake her...nemureru mori no bijyo no jutsu!"(sleeping beauty no jutsu) She placed her palm on Hinata's forehead. After Hinata's body was glowing green for a few seconds she lay still in a deep sleep. "Miyane-san." "Hai, Tsunade-sama?" "Tell Shizune to get me gai's team and the rookie 9 immediately."

"Tsunade-sama, what did you want to talk to us about?" Sakura questioned. "Does this have to do anything with Hinata's condition?" She added. Neji stepped in abruptly. "Hinata-sama's condition? What's the meaning of this?" "Calm down Neji."

Tsunade sighed. "A few nights ago Hinata was attacked in a nearby park. They had attacked her when her guard was at it's weakest. Luckily Naruto was nearby to help."

Tsunade glanced at Naruto and noticed how he cringed at the memory. "Hinata had lost a lot of blood but we were able to save her. They seemed to have attacked her with some sort of strange weapon. From what I understand so far, the weapon Takeshi used to attack Hinata with injected her with black blood, and some very strange chakra. We suspect that he may be slowly trying to turn her into a jinchuuriki...but that may just be a bonus to them.

The black blood is slowly taking over her body...If we don't figure out how to save her soon...we may lose the Hinata that we know and love. The more she struggles against it the more vicious it seems to become...Shes...trying not to give in, but...at this rate, if she keeps on trying to fight it, she'll die. Im pretty sure Takeshi had made it so that could happen.

Takeshi can be just as dangerous as Orochimaru, so be careful." Sakura looked to Naruto. "Naruto are you okay..? You've been quiet this entire time..it's not like you." Naruto's clenched fists began to tighten and he grinded his teeth. "This...This isnt fair."

Everyone turned their attention to Naruto now. "She doesn't deserve any of this! And it's all my fault...I was the one they were looking for.." Sakura sighed and walked over to him. She slapped him when he looked up at her. "What are you doing Sakura-chan?" "I should be asking you that!" she snapped back. Naruto's face softened.

"Hinata's doing her best to fight against this thing and all you're doing is moping around! If you really care for her, then turn back to the old usual Naruto and don't let her struggle be in vain!" Naruto began to chuckle and grinned. "You're right Sakura-chan! Hinata-chan wouldn't want to see me like this! We can't give up." Sakura smiled back at his newfound enthusiasm.

"Uh..sorry to break up the moment, but there's another problem we're facing. While trying to prevent the black blood from making her lose control, we tried to put her asleep...unfortunately, we had to result to ninjutsu. I had to place a powerful sleeping ninjutsu on her that was created by one of my comerades way back when. It's based on a fairytale she adored. The ninjutsu I used on Hinata was called nemureru mori no bijyo no jutsu."

Tenten pondered aloud. "I feel like ive heard of that somewhere before.." Kiba joined in. "nemureru mori no bijyo?...sounds weird." Suddenly, it all came back to Tenten. "Now I remember! I heard about that story when I was just a little kid!

Its about a girl who gets put into a deep sleep and the only one who can wake her is someone else's true love for her. It must be done with a kiss on the lips." everyone besides Tsunade looked at Tenten like she was crazy.

"Eh?" they all shouted. "You aren't serious!" Kiba exclaimed. "No. I'm dead serious. and I'm right, aren't I Tsunade-sama?" Tenten asked her.

"Yes. That is exactly correct." Neji sighed and sat in a chair. "Well if it absolutely has to be done, then fine. But Hiashi-sama nor Hinata-sama must ever find out about this. And it's not gonna be me. We're cousins." Tenten spoke up again. "Yeah..And it can't be any of the girls because I don't swing that way and I'm pretty sure neither does Hinata. How about you girls?"

Sakura waved her hand in front of her defensively and Ino looked at her like she had two heads. "Um, not me, sorry. I only like Sasuke-kun."

"And you can forget about me cause I'm straight as a board." Ino chimed in. "So then all thats left is Chouji, Naruto, Kiba, Sai, Shino and Lee." Chouji intervened. "The only thing im in love with is food. No thanks." Sakura looked to sai. "Sai? How about you?"she inquired.

"She is a beautiful Kunoichi but I don't have those sort of feelings." Shino stepped in and raised his hand up. "I see her as my onee-san." Lee raised his hand up as well. "I see her as my comerade also!" "So then...Naruto, Kiba? How about you two?" Tsunade questioned them.

"I...I.." Naruto stammered while blushing. "I'll do it." Kiba announced. Sakura looked at Naruto skeptically. "Naruto...Is that okay with you?" Naruto returned from staring into space and looked at her. "Oh? Ah, y-yeah...th..thats fine I guess." Sakura looked to Ino then to Tenten and they sighed. "Then Kiba will be the one to wake up Hinata with a kiss on the lips..." Tsunade paused.

"lets go."

Tsunade opened the door to where Hinata lay in her deep sleep. Tsunade glanced at Naruto for the third time hoping that he'd finally get the hint, but with no avail.

Sakura was starting to get pissed off. "(Naruto, You're such an idiot! Realize your own feelings quickly, baka! Before its too late!)" "Alright Kiba, go ahead." Tsunade said.

Kiba nodded his head and made his way towards Hinata's sleeping form. At this point Naruto was sweating beads and was at his breaking point.

"why do I feel so adgitated? I feel like I want to hit Kiba for some reason right now, but he's about to save her by waking her up...but wait, what if it doesn't wake her up? Then She'll have lose her first kiss for nothing...or at least I think its her first kiss...Sakura-chan said that Hinata believes in me...so...I have to...I have to do it! I want to show her that she can believe in me!" Naruto stepped forward from the group.

"Wait." He placed his hand on Kiba's shoulder right before his lips touched hers. "I...I want to try to wake up Hinata." No one expected him to change his mind so suddenly. "CHA! Go Naruto! Don't let him touch your girl!" Sakura smirked, which didnt go unnoticed by Ino and Tenten, who were just as content about the situation.

They secretly low fived eachother behind Sakura, so that no one could see it. Naruto looked at everyone with determination in his eyes.

"I-I'll...Kiss Hinata."

Chapter 3 - END

So...Yeah...I know its not that long of a chapter but I thought that this would be a good end point. I'll post the next chapter sometime soon! (: thank you all so much for reading these so far btw and sticking with me all the way despite my really long hiatuses. Anyways, please dont forget to review, alert and all that good stuff :) THANKS!1!11!1! :D