Disclaimer: i don't own anything...seriously.

Well, I wrote this story to work on my writing so any constructive criticism will be taken with much gratitude!!

Chapter 1: You

Feeling the cool breeze chill her cheek, Tenten wrapped her arms around herself, releasing a tiny shiver. She mentally grimaced for deciding to not bring a jacket but instead deciding that a no sleeved shirt would be sufficient.

Turning her honey-colored eyes to her companions, who were ahead of her, she glared as they seemed to not have the same problem as her. But of course, one was covered to his nose with a heavy jacket and the other had a coat on with the hood up.

The brunette sighed again as she realized that even the dog that was traveling with them looked warmer than she did. Then again, that was a given.

"Tenten!" Her head shot up, her eye's alert to the sound of her teammates calling her name. The taller one just glanced at her for a short moment before commenting, "You look cold. Would you like my jacket?" That's Shino alright, dark and mysterious, yet polite to almost everyone.

"I'm fine," Tenten replied, a little too sharply then she intended but she quickly changed her tone and joked, "I mean, God forbid that you should show your face to anyone."

Their other teammate laughed at the comment, "You know, she's right, Shino." The small white dog that was nestled in the boy's jacket barked his two cents.

"Let's just get going," Shino ordered as he was the captain on this mission. Although his tone was monotone with no sign of annoyance, both Tenten and Kiba could tell that he was slightly pissed off about that comment. But they shook it off, as they always did, because they knew the mysterious boy would end up thinking about something else rather than the small insignificant quip that was just cracked.

As three began stalking their way through the thick shrubs and the tightly packed trees, they kept their guard up. Between Kiba and Akamaru's sense of smell that could detect almost anyone's chakra, Shino's bugs that were fully alert all the time anyways, and Tenten's sharp eyes, the three genin were positive that no enemy ninja could get passed them unannounced.

However, there mistake was here: because as they were chatting for a mere five minutes, a hooded figure had begun to follow them. He sneaked behind them, shrouding his sent with a genjutsu, before he launched a kunai at the leader of the group.

Hearing the faint wooshing sound penetrate the silence that had fallen upon the three genin, Shino whipped his head around only to make eye contact with a kunai that was moving dangerously fast towards his face. He flinched; ready to take the pain as he wasn't able to see a way to get out of the way before it made contact.

He had not been the only person to spot the dangerous weapon. Tenten's eyes widened before she moved towards the path of the weapon and managed to catch it mid-air just as it was about to make impact.

There was no time for thanks, as the figure jumped out into the clearing in clear view of the three genin. He was a wearing a cloak that hooded his head. But beneath the shadows that were casted over his eyes, a tiny smirk could be seen.

"Who are you?!" Kiba demanded, flashing his sharp, dog-like teeth, as he held a kunai to the ready.

"The question I believe you should be asking is what are you here for?" the figure replied cryptically, as he moved his hand towards his face and made an action of pushing glasses up to place. "Honestly, I think that the answer to that question would do you much more good."

"Okay," Tenten glanced at her teammates unsurely before continuing slowly, "Then…what are you here for?" Like Kiba, Tenten had reached into her pocket and grabbed a scroll just to ready for the worst case scenario.

"You'll have to find out yourself," the figure replied, the smirk giving off an evil vibe.

"Find out by ourselves?" Shino repeated calmly, taking a step forward. "Wouldn't it be easier for you to tell us yourself? Yes, it would be since you don't want all your chakra to be eaten away by my bugs." The Konoha genin all knew that this was absolute trash talk since they were well aware that Shino had not reached the level of experience needed to implant bugs in another in such little time.

Apparently, the enemy ninja saw right through the empty threat given by the bug user. "It's a shame that you three are so weak at this point," he commented lightly. "Otherwise, I would have liked to have a real fight. Nonetheless, I must get what I came for."

Kiba, being terribly rash, lost his temper. He began to charge at the figure, swiping his kunai at the enemy who put his guard up at the last minute. Although he was unable to avoid the stinging cut that now was created by the blade on his left cheek, he managed to kick Kiba back to the other side of the clearing.

Although his effort was in vain and only ended up in him bruising his shoulder, Kiba's attack had succeeded in making the man's hood fall down to reveal a man of twenty years of age. He had white hair that was pulled back into a pony-tail and had glasses that ornamented his eyes.

Kiba's eyes widened, wincing in pain at the same moment as he realized who the intruder was. Seeing her teammate in pain, Tenten rushed over to him, all the time not taking her eyes off of the white haired male. Gently placing her hand on the boy's good shoulder, she handed him a pain relieving pain which the boy gladly accepted. Nearby, Akamaru's ears drooped as he watched his master gasp in pain.

Watching his team out of the corner of his eyes, Shino carefully began to step forward towards the man, "Kabuto, we meet again."

"I'm flattered that you remember me," Kabuto smirked, then reached into his pocket. He took out a kunai which he began to twirl lazily around his finger. "I always did like you the most, always attentive, sharp."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kiba growled, his pain slowly vanishing due to the pill. "You only knew us for a week during chunin exams!" Feeling a sudden sharp pain in his shoulder, he cringed.

"Calm down, Kiba, the pill needs time to take effect," Tenten soothed in a low voice. Once the boy was calm, she turned to Kabuto, "I'm going to ask once and then you'll answer to my weapons. What are you here for?"

"Well, if you must know," Kabuto's face was sly: he looked like he had something in mind. Moments later, he vanished and appeared right behind Tenten and Kiba. "I'm here for you."

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